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A disproportionate number of minority youth in NY in juvenile prisons.

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Presentation on theme: "A disproportionate number of minority youth in NY in juvenile prisons."— Presentation transcript:

1 A disproportionate number of minority youth in NY in juvenile prisons.

2  Step 1: Define the Problem  Step 2: Gather the Evidence  Step 3: Identify the Causes  Step 4: Examine an Existing Policy  Step 5: Develop Solutions  Step 6: Select the Best Solution

3 By Jamal Denman Step 1: Define the Problem

4  12,558 = number of juveniles who entered the New York City Juvenile Justice System in 2008 [CWW]CWW  49.4% = percentage of youths released from detention facilities who are readmitted [MMR09]MMR09  80% = percentage of youths released from placement who return within three years [OCFS]OCFS Step 2: Gather the Evidence

5  83% = percentage of youths in detention who require mental health services [MMR08]MMR08  74% = percentage of youths in placement who require substance abuse treatment [OASAS]OASAS  40% = percentage of youths admitted to detention who came from only 15 of New York City's 59 community districts [DJJ]DJJ Step 2: Gather the Evidence

6  68% = percentage of youths from those 15 community districts who came from areas where poverty rates are between 32% and 46% [DHMH]DHMH  $251+ million = total New York City budget for the juvenile justice system in FY2008 [IBO]IBO Step 2: Gather the Evidence

7  95% = percentage of youths entering detention who are of African-American or Latino decent [CA]CA Step 2: Gather the Evidence

8  What are the social repercussions of having a disproportionate amount of young minorities in juvenile prisons? 1. First condition 2. Second condition 3. Third condition

9  Children in New York with a parent in prison: 80,000 [CA]CA Step 3: Identify the Causes

10  What are some of the reasons that there is such a disparity in the percentages of young minorities in the juvenile prison system in NY? Step 3: Identify the Causes

11  First underlying factor  Second underlying factor  Third underlying factor Step 3: Identify the Causes

12 Step 4: Examine an Existing Policy

13  STOP AND FRISK  Has STOP and FRISK decreased crime in high crime areas?  Are certain ethnic groups targeted in STOP and FRISK?  DOES STOP AND FRISK WORK TO PREVENT CRIME?  DOES STOP AND FRISK MAINTAIN HIGH LEVELS OF CONTACT BETWEEN NYPD AND MINORITIES? Step 4: Examine an Existing Policy

14  BLOOMBERG’S Young Men's Initiative  Job-recruitment centers in public-housing complexes  Retrain probation officers in an effort to reduce recidivism  Establish new fatherhood classes  Assess schools on the academic progress of male black and Latino students Step 4: Examine an Existing Policy

15  In groups of 3-4, work together to develop alternative public policy solutions that can help alleviate the disparity of young minorities remain free from the juvenile prison system.  rksheet5.html rksheet5.html Step 5: Develop New Solutions

16  1. List the three public policy alternatives from Worksheet 5. Create a short word or abbreviation to summarize each policy and write it at the end of each policy (see example).  1.  2.  3. Step 6: Select the Best Solution


18  Discuss the reasons for your decisions in the matrix.  Discuss why your group prefers one alternative over the other two alternatives. Step 6: Select the Best Solution


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