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Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security and Public Safety Gang Reduction Program Los Angeles.

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Presentation on theme: "Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security and Public Safety Gang Reduction Program Los Angeles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security and Public Safety Gang Reduction Program Los Angeles

2 Overview n A cooperative agreement between the U.S. Dept of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and the City of L.A. Mayor’s Office. n $2.5 million grant n Incorporates a broad spectrum of proven research-based practices. n Addresses full range of individual, family, and community factors that contribute to high levels of youth gang crime and violence.

3 Overview… n Identifies existing resources, overall and gang crime trends, and economic data. n Integrates local, state, and federal resources to incorporate proven prevention, intervention, and suppression services. n Target communities are limited geographic areas ( 5 sq. miles) characterized by high levels of crime & gang activity, strong indicators of citizen involvement, and significant existing program investment.

4 Primary Goals 1 - Establish a one-stop service and resource center that facilitates effective distribution of coordinated gang prevention, intervention, and suppression services. 2 - Reduce youth gang crime and violence in targeted neighborhoods.


6 Who is our target population? SUPPRESSION: Gang Leaders - Serious & Chronic Offenders INTERVENTION / REENTRY: Active Gang Members, GMs returning to the community, and Associates SECONDARY PREVENTION: Children and Adolescents at High Risk for Gang Involvement PRIMARY PREVENTION: General Population of Youth and Families Living in High Risk Areas Share of Illegal Activity Relative Share of Population

7 GRP’s Five-Pronged Approach n Primary Prevention n Secondary Prevention n Gang Intervention n Reentry n Gang Suppression

8 Primary Prevention n Targets entire population in high-crime, high-risk areas. n Encompasses programs that effectively reduce risk factors and provide protective factors. n Key component is a one-stop service and resource center. n Activities may include prenatal and infancy support, after school & summer programs, and truancy and dropout prevention.

9 Secondary Prevention n Identifies high-risk children/youths and provides services to prevent delinquency and gang involvement. Window of opportunity: about 7 years (age 7 to 14½). n Programs provide age-appropriate services and monitoring. Some youth will require periodic monitoring while others will require ongoing case management. n Involves schools, community-based organizations, and faith-based groups.

10 Intervention n Targets active gang members, close associates at high risk of furthering delinquency, and gang members returning from confinement. n Requires aggressive outreach, ongoing recruitment, and careful planning and coordination. n GRP Lead Team and Multidisciplinary Intervention Team provide risk and needs assessment, service plan, monitoring for accountability, and case management. n Activities may include drug treatment, community service, job training, education.

11 Reentry n Targets serious and gang-involved offenders who face multiple challenges to reentering their communities. n Provides appropriate services and criminal/juvenile justice supervision. n Requires information sharing and coordination between confinement facilities, probation/parole, and community intervention service providers – Multidisciplinary Intervention Team.

12 Suppression n Targets gang leaders for aggressive suppression and less serious offenders for graduated sanctions. n Involves federal, state, and local law enforcement where appropriate. n Removes dangerous and influential gang members from the community by effective use of enhanced sentences, federal charges, and vertical prosecution. n Develops a system of graduated sanctions (including community-based measures) for less serious offenders.

13 GRP Core Elements One-Stop Service/ Resource Center Gen Population of Youth & Families Accountability & Suppression Team Less serious Offenders Serious Offenders Gang Leaders Graduated Sanctions Targeting & Enhanced Penalties Outreach Assessment Case Management Active GMs, Gang-Involved Youth, GMs returning to Community & Families Community Development & Primary Prevention Projects Community, High-Risk Youth & Families Primary and Secondary Prevention InterventionSuppression Multidisciplinary Intervention Team

14 Who is involved? n Dept of Justice, OJJDP n Mayor’s Office n National Youth Gang Center n Urban Institute n Community Partners: CD 14, Community Based Organizations, Law Enforcement, Faith-Based Institutions, Criminal Justice Agencies, Businesses, Educational Institutions, Child Protective Agencies, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, etc.

15 GRP Activities n Identified Local Leadership to participate in 2-day strategic planning for GRP. n Delegates identified specific goals, objectives, and activities for prevention, intervention, and suppression services. n Delegates provided with tools: baseline crime analysis, community resource inventory, economic data, census data, best practices programs.

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