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Tier 2 Targeted Interventions

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1 Tier 2 Targeted Interventions
Overview Compiled by S.Vitto for Targeted Training

2 School Improvement Academic Behavior Whole School Effective Classroom
Targeted Group Interventions Small group instruction Focused academic help sessions Intensive, Individual Interventions Tutoring Academic Remediation Plans Specially Designed Instruction Functional Behavior Assessment & Behavior Intervention Planning Social Skills instruction Reinforcement of specific skills Group Behavioral Strategies Classroom Coaching Universal Interventions School-wide rules and procedures Systematic reinforcement Social Skills Instruction Culturally responsive practices Data-based decision-making Parent & Community Partnerships Effective instructional practices Recognition of academic achievement Culturally responsive practices Academic Behavior Whole School Effective School Organization Positive School Climate Effective Staff Development Data Based Decision Making Culturally Responsive Practices Parent and Community Partnerships Instructional Classroom Positive Management Instruction Universal Design/ Differentiated Ongoing Screening and Assessment Classroom Coaching and Consultation Struggling Students Progress Monitoring Behavioral Group Strategies Mental Health Assistance Focused Research-based Academic Instruction Individuals FBA/BIP Mental Health Services Consider- ation for Eligibility EC Specially Designed Behavior Interventions Related Services We know that effective schools seek to provide support at multiple levels so that all students, no matter their individual needs, can be successful. So how do we accomplish this task? We have historically looked to specific practices, programs or people to meet the needs of our students. This means that we might need multiple things to meet the multiple needs of our students. Instead, we should be focusing on a process that can be used by any school, no matter what the needs of their individual students. By adopting a problem-solving approach, (CLICK) schools can effectively conduct needs assessments and build in the layers of support that meet their students’ academic and behavior needs. Here in NC, schools are using PBS as the problem-solving framework that allows them to construct the prevention and intervention needed to address behavior and social skill deficits. You can see some examples of the interventions here. Schools will also need a plan for creating a systematic approach to academic intervention (many schools in NC are implementing Responsiveness to Instruction for this purpose). Julie M. Weatherman, WNC PBS Coordinator

3 Completed Tiered Intervention Example:
ACADEMIC SYSTEMS Tier 3: Comprehensive and Intensive Interventions Individual Students or Small Group (2-3) Reading: Scholastic Program, Reading Mastery, ALL, Soar to Success, Leap Track, Foundations, etc. Tier 2: Strategic Interventions Students that don’t respond to the core curriculum Reading: Soar to Success, Leap Frog, CRISS strategies, etc. Math: Computer Assisted Programs, Tutoring, Extended Day, etc. Writing: Small Group, CRISS strategies, etc. Tier 1: Core Curriculum All students Reading: Houghton Mifflin, etc. Math: Harcourt, etc. Writing: Six Traits Of Writing, etc. BEHAVIORAL SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive Interventions Individual Counseling FBA/BIP Teach, Reinforce, and Prevent (TRP) Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Tier 2: Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) Small Group Counseling Parent Training (Behavior & Academic) Bullying Prevention Program Classroom Management Techniques Professional Development Small Group Parent Training Data Tier 1: Universal Interventions All settings, all students Committees Preventive, proactive strategies School Wide Rules/ Expectations Positive Reinforcement System (Points, Tickets, etc.) School Wide Consequence System School Wide Social Skills Program Data (Discipline, Surveys, etc.) Professional Development (behavior) Parent Training Tier 3 5% Tier 3 5% Tier 2 15% Tier 2 15% Tier 1 80% Tier 1 80% Students 3

4 This slide shows the seven steps of the problem solving model
This slide shows the seven steps of the problem solving model. PBS is a problem-solving model (PSM), just like many other initiatives (for example RtI). What they all have in common is this way of thinking about and addressing problems.

5 Examples of Tier 2: Secondary Behavioral Interventions
Social Skills Training ex. Role-Playing, Modeling, etc Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ex. Problem solving skills, Re-thinking, etc. Visualizations Self-Monitoring/Self-Evaluation Mentoring Self-Talk Teaching Desired Behaviors Differentiated Classroom Behavior Management Plans based on PBS for students who did not respond to the standard CBMP in Tier 1 Student/Teacher Inventories of Student Performance & Interests Behavioral Contracts Verbal Cueing Visual Cueing 5

6 Behavior Education Program (BEP) Or CICO
Morning check-in (Get BEP Form) Give BEP form to each teacher prior to each period. End of day check-out Points tallied Reward BEP form copy taken home and signed. Return signed copy next morning.

7 Check-in Focus is on academic & social compliance
AM / PM Teach strategies/objectives to accomplish All staff must prompt/reinforce student use

8 BEP/Check and Connect Cycle
Weekly BEP Meeting 9 Week Graph Sent Program Update EXIT BEP Plan Morning Check-In Afternoon Check-In Home Check-In Daily Teacher Evaluation



11 Mentoring Focus on “connections” at school Staff volunteer
Developing at least one positive relationship with an adult at school Not monitoring work Not to “nag” regarding behavior Staff volunteer Not in classroom No administrators Match student to volunteer 10 minutes min per week It is important to be ready to meet with a student on a regular, predictable, and consistent basis. Goal is not to become a “friend” but a positive adult role model who expresses sincere and genuine care for the student.

12 Mentoring Regular contact in school (1:1 adult and student)-at least 10 minutes per week Monthly/quarterly out-of-school events (picnic, Reds Game, etc.) More intensive program including out-of-school activities will require leadership and coordination

13 Social Skills Instruction
Identify critical skills (deficit or performance problem) Develop social skill lessons “Tell, show, practice” Match language to school-wide expectations Generalization strategies Led by the classroom teacher Clear and specific activities for all staff to follow must be provided to promote generalization and make sure that staff use strategies.

14 Definition- Social Competence
“Social competence represents an evaluative term based on judgments (given certain criteria) that a person has performed a task adequately. These judgments may be based on opinions of significant others (e.g., parents, teachers), comparisons to explicit criteria (e.g., number of social tasks correctly performed in relation to some criterion), or comparisons to some normative sample.” (Gresham, 1986, p. 146)

15 Definition -Social Skills
Social skills are defined as "those behaviors which, within a given situation, predict important social outcomes" (Gresham, 1986, p. 5). a) social skills are simply one facet of an overall construct of social competence – if taught in isolation you will never reach the larger objective of improved social functioning, b) they are linked to the environment in which they occur, and c) targeted skills should reflect the larger school set of behavioral expectations Tim Lewis, 2001

16 Self-Management Teach self-monitoring & targeted social skills simultaneously Practice self-monitoring until students accurately self-monitor at 80% or better Periodic checks on accuracy It is not simply giving students a self-evaluation checklist. You must teach and practice the skills until they are fluent. You must reinforce both accurate self-evaluation and appropriate behavior.

17 Positive Peer Reporting
Train students with specific examples and modeling Tell students that they will earn points during a certain time period for reporting on the appropriate behavior of targeted peers Announce the start of the time period At the end of the time period, prompt students to report on the appropriate behavior of the target students Provide feedback and reinforcers to students for participating (making the positive comments)

18 Behavior Contracts With the student, collaboratively identify:
Behaviors to work on Attainable goals How appropriate behavior will be acknowledged Depending on the student, you may want to include a reactive, consequence plan also.


20 Academic Support Homework Is there a way to build support within the school day? Homework check, homework buddy, time to start on homework at school. Remediation Direct instruction in addition to the current curriculum Accommodation Within instruction Pre-teaching / Re-teaching

21 Academic Skills Groups
Led by IA, teachers, support staff, parent volunteer 2-3 times per week Small-group reading (PALS, Repeated Readings, 6-minute solution) Small-group math skill review Other

22 Homework Club Students remain after school (everyday 1/2 hour) or 1 day per week (1-2 hours) to complete work Students are paired up with “reminder” buddies who check in on work completion Provide monitoring of completion and incentives for meeting goals

23 Structured Peer Tutoring
Within the classroom Monitored by the teacher Use of specific, structured intervention such as repeated readings, previewing, flashcards, cover-copy-compare, etc. Initially, students will need close and on-going teacher supervision to ensure success

24 Peer Tutoring Tutors must be taught how to teach
Tutors must be taught what to do if tutee does not comply Tutors must be given the option to drop out at any time without penalty Monitoring to make sure that the intervention is being implemented as planned

25 Newcomer students Have a systematic plan to orient new students and teach expectations: Orientation packet Orientation program led by students and/or teachers Video that shows the expectations Peer or adult buddy

26 Newcomer Group Club for students who are new to the school or returning after an extended absence. Place to review expectations, monitor progress, connect with other students

27 Tier 2 Interventions Requiring Additional Resources

28 Support Groups Classwide or small group
Led by: school psychologist, counselor, social worker, teacher or administrator Social Skills Anger Management Organization Study Skills Skillstreaming, Second Steps

29 Data-based Decision Making
There is a menu of targeted interventions available. How do you choose the one that matches your data?

30 Data indicate Social-Behavior Concerns
If inappropriate behavior has potential to interfere with friendships and/or academics, you might want to try: --> Social Skills Training --> Self-Management --> Positive Peer Reporting --> BEP / Check-in

31 Data Indicate Emotional Concerns
If students have circumstances that may impact performance (death, frequent mobility) or “feel alone”, are shy, unhappy, isolated, you might want to try: --> Adult Mentoring --> Showcasing talents

32 Data Indicate Academic Concerns
If students have difficulty mastering academic material, difficulty with organization, or referrals occur in class when trying to “avoid” difficult work, you might want to try: --> Academic skill groups --> Peer tutoring --> Pre-teaching / Re-teaching concepts --> Organizational or homework group --> BEP / Check-in

33 Data Indicate New Student Concerns
If students who have recently enrolled or have been away for an extended period of time are having difficulty, you might want to try: --> Student orientation (student or adult - led) --> Student orientation materials (expectations, etc.) --> Newcomer club

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