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Overview Success will be measured by… Looking at Data…in a nutshell.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview Success will be measured by… Looking at Data…in a nutshell."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview



5 Success will be measured by…

6 Looking at Data…in a nutshell


8 Goal 1 Data: SCHOOL STAFF/STUDENT SUPPORT 2012 Left/Green is favorable2014 Left/Blue is favorable

9 Goal 2 Data: Bullying 2012 Left/Green is favorable2014 Left/Blue is favorable

10 Looking at Data…in a nutshell

11 ELEMENTARY (K-6): Mostly Integrated or Supports provided by Classroom Teachers Intervention Teams through PLC work Reading and Math Interventions and Supplementary Instruction WIN time at Prairie Creek Small Learning Communities—Personal Connections SECONDARY: Mostly supplemental programming Learning Resource Center—Point and Success Center (HS) Learning Strategies—integrates reading--Point HS 540 and HS 360 Credit Recovery (HS and Point) Supported Math in HS and Point Alternative HS Kirkwood HS Completion ELEMENTARY (K-6): Mostly Integrated or Supports provided by Classroom Teachers Intervention Teams through PLC work Reading and Math Interventions and Supplementary Instruction WIN time at Prairie Creek Small Learning Communities—Personal Connections SECONDARY: Mostly supplemental programming Learning Resource Center—Point and Success Center (HS) Learning Strategies—integrates reading--Point HS 540 and HS 360 Credit Recovery (HS and Point) Supported Math in HS and Point Alternative HS Kirkwood HS Completion


13 New at-risk data pull that can be done daily through Infinite Campus—the indicators align will the new component of our student information system. PROCESS to support data driven decision making Integrated supports for students—designing differently: Group Supports at elementary level, MTSS (WIN time, intervention time, classroom structures with Literacy Norms) Seminar Supports in grades 7-9: targeted social-emotional and executive functioning curriculum in small groups and in LRC aligned with academic supports Check and Connect Philosophy in grades 10-12—a system of support for the most at-risk students—designing processes for individualized supports New at-risk data pull that can be done daily through Infinite Campus—the indicators align will the new component of our student information system. PROCESS to support data driven decision making Integrated supports for students—designing differently: Group Supports at elementary level, MTSS (WIN time, intervention time, classroom structures with Literacy Norms) Seminar Supports in grades 7-9: targeted social-emotional and executive functioning curriculum in small groups and in LRC aligned with academic supports Check and Connect Philosophy in grades 10-12—a system of support for the most at-risk students—designing processes for individualized supports

14 All programs will continue; we will continue data collection and measure effectiveness aligned with Focus 1 on the Strategic Plan Mental Health Training and Awareness through Professional Learning: Point and HS are training all staff in Mandt Chapters 1-3—including understanding Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and how to respond to behavior Targeting services for specific supports: SRO, LRC, Success Center, and AHS All programs will continue; we will continue data collection and measure effectiveness aligned with Focus 1 on the Strategic Plan Mental Health Training and Awareness through Professional Learning: Point and HS are training all staff in Mandt Chapters 1-3—including understanding Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and how to respond to behavior Targeting services for specific supports: SRO, LRC, Success Center, and AHS



17 Future State Constant Collaboration and PLC work Focus on social emotional learning and core instruction—TIER I is the most important part of MTSS—WE BELIEVE ALL CHILDREN CAN LEARN AT HIGH LEVELS Questions—Reflections? Constant Collaboration and PLC work Focus on social emotional learning and core instruction—TIER I is the most important part of MTSS—WE BELIEVE ALL CHILDREN CAN LEARN AT HIGH LEVELS Questions—Reflections?

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