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Pneumonia MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing.

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1 Pneumonia MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing

2 Background Pneumonia kills more children than any other illness – more than HIV/AIDS, malaria and measles combined. More than 2 million children die from pneumonia each year, accounting for 19% of under five deaths worldwide Pneumonia accounts for a significant proportion of the disease burden attributed to acute respiratory infections Pneumonia is a severe form of acute lower respiratory infection that specifically affects the lungs

3 International Goals & Targets Reducing by one-third the deaths due to acute respiratory infections

4 List of Indicators Prevalence of suspected pneumonia Careseeking for suspected pneumonia Antibiotic treatment for suspected pneumonia Knowledge of danger signs

5 Definition of Indicator % children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia Numerator: Number of children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia in the 2 weeks prior to the survey (cough and fast or difficult breathing, excluding blocked nose) Denominator: Total number of children aged 0-59 months surveyed Prevalence of Suspected Pneumonia

6 Definition of Indicator % children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia taken to an appropriate health care provider Numerator: Number of children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia in the 2 weeks prior to the survey who were taken to an appropriate health care provider Denominator: Total number of children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia in the 2 weeks prior to the survey Careseeking for Suspected Pneumonia

7 Methodological Issues Suspected pneumonia is identified by its clinical symptoms, and include children that had a cough and fast or difficult breathing in the 2 weeks prior to the survey Excludes cases where symptoms are due to a blocked nose Reliability of prevalence estimates as measured through household surveys is limited

8 Methodological Issues Appropriate health care provider includes: – government hospital, health center or health post – village health worker – public or private mobile outreach clinic – private hospital/clinic or private physician Pharmacists, traditional practitioners and shopkeepers are not considered to be an appropriate health care provider The percentage taken to an appropriate health care provider will not add to 100 since some children may have been taken to more than one provider

9 Methodological Issues For trend analysis of careseeking behavior care should be taken regarding comparability of categories included as appropriate health care providers

10 Tabulation Plan (Careseeking)

11 Regional Data Careseeking for Pneumonia

12 Careseeking Data (CEE/CIS) Careseeking for Pneumonia

13 Careseeking Data (ROSA) Careseeking for Pneumonia

14 Careseeking Data (TACRO) Careseeking for Pneumonia

15 Careseeking Data (MENA) Careseeking for Pneumonia

16 Careseeking Data (EAPRO) Careseeking for Pneumonia

17 Careseeking Data (ESARO) Careseeking for Pneumonia

18 Careseeking Data (WCARO) Careseeking for Pneumonia

19 Definition of Indicator % children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia receiving antibiotics Numerator: Number of children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia in the 2 weeks prior to the survey receiving antibiotics Denominator: Total number of children aged 0-59 months with suspected pneumonia in the 2 weeks prior to the survey Antibiotic Treatment for Pneumonia

20 Methodological Issues Antibiotic use for suspected pneumonia does not include the following information: – type of antibiotic used – proper dosage – timing of treatment

21 Tabulation Plan (Antibiotics)

22 Antibiotics Data Data based on 27 DHS and MICS surveys, early 1990s

23 Definition of Indicator % caregivers who know that fast or difficult breathing is a sign to seek care immediately Numerator: Number of caregivers who know that difficult or fast breathing in a child aged 0-59 months is a sign to seek care immediately Denominator: Total number of caregivers surveyed Knowledge of Danger Signs

24 Tabulation Plan (Danger Signs)

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