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My Blastoff Nutrition Game [Insert Instructor’s Name] [Insert Date]

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Presentation on theme: "My Blastoff Nutrition Game [Insert Instructor’s Name] [Insert Date]"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Blastoff Nutrition Game [Insert Instructor’s Name] [Insert Date]

2 In this session we will, Test our nutrition knowledge Learn about our food choices and how they impact our health Discuss how to make healthy food decisions

3 Before we begin, let’s see what you already know……… Visit the following web site and play just the first part of My Blastoff game, Breakfast: ypyramid.html ypyramid.html When you finish breakfast, report back with your Blastoff results.

4 Game Results Who made healthy food choices? What were they? What were some unhealthy choices made?

5 How To Improve Your Game What choices can you make differently next time?

6 Reflection Now, return to the web site and play the lunch part of My Blastoff game: ypyramid.html ypyramid.html What did you learn this time? Did your score improve? Why?

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