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O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman. Elegy is traditionally written in response to the death of a person or group a poem of mourning (usu. one person)

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Presentation on theme: "O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman. Elegy is traditionally written in response to the death of a person or group a poem of mourning (usu. one person)"— Presentation transcript:

1 O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman

2 Elegy is traditionally written in response to the death of a person or group a poem of mourning (usu. one person) three stages of loss. 1.a lament, where the speaker expresses grief and sorrow 2.praise and admiration of the idealized dead 3.inally consolation and solace

3 Rhyme Scheme aabb xcxc Note the progression:= Stanza 1 begins with two happy couplets Stanza 2 begins with two celebrating couplets, but something isn't quite right as demonstrated by the off rhyme of "bells“ Stanza 3 re-establishes the rhyming couplet pattern, but the message is as clear as the rhyme: the captain is dead.

4 Meter and Rhythm a pattern of four long lines followed by four short lines in each stanza The shortened lines emphasize the personal grief experienced by the persona against the backdrop of a broader victory.

5 Metaphor Who is the captain? Captain: Abraham Lincoln (his assassination) The fearful trip: the Civil War. The ship: USA The prize: the preservation of the union Why is “fallen cold and dead” repeated in each stanza? a tribute to the president Abraham Lincoln who died just before the end of the Civil War.

6 Word Choice words and phrases such as "grim and daring," "weathered every rack," "fearful trip," "flag is flung," "bugle trills," "ribboned wreaths," and "swaying mass" cast a shadow over the celebration, much in the same way the dead cast a shadow over any victory in war celebration.

7 Identify significant literary devices which define a writer's style and use those elements to interpret the work. Metaphor : an implied comparison in which a word or phrase is used in place of another, such as He was drowning in money. Symbolism the use of an object to represent something else; for example, a dove might symbolize peace. Dialect: the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation used by people in different regions. Irony the use of words to express the opposite of the literal meaning of the words, often to be humorous. (Core Standard)

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