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Homework: Finish dice game.
Programming games Dice game. Computer science big ideas! Work on dice game. Show alternative dice game. Homework: Finish dice game. 'My' cannonball has very basic graphics. You can improve them AFTER mastering the basic logic.
Now Review rules. Read the dice game tutorial.
Notice that it describes 3 programs, each built on the proceeding one. Read all the tutorial and then try to create each of the 3 programs in turn. It is okay to copy and paste code (this isn't a typing class) BUT don't just copy and paste everything that looks like code because what you end up with will not work!!!!
Staged implementation
Throw 1 die Throw 2 dice Throw 2 dice and get sum Show sum Do rules of craps NOTE: you will be adding code into the dthrow function (inside the brackets) 3
Do not [just] copy and paste code from the tutorials into your html document. The code needs to be in the right place!!! <html> <head> <title> </title> <script> global variables definition of function(s) </head> <body> image tags <form onSubmit="….." name=" " > <input…..> <input type="submit" value="…."> </form> <a href="javascript:….">…..</a> </body> </html> 4
HTML html elements have opening and closing tags
…except for singletons such as img <img src=" " /> The / at the end is considered proper, but can be omitted. Elements have attributes, depending on type. Elements can have names Need the name to reference or set any of the element attributes <img src="dice1.gif" name="dicea"> 5
Programming Requirements for names: exact for built-in features and consistent for those you (the programmer) make up. This holds for ALL programming languages Requirements on bracketing (things within things) holds for ALL programming languages The specific syntax (use of {},(),<>,[]) holds for JavaScript AND ActionScript And Java and C Some other languages use line breaks and other symbols 6
Declare variables The var statement is used to set up a variable: associate a name with a value. The var statement can initialize the value or be used just to let JavaScript 'know' that this will be used as a variable. Variables can change (vary….) Variables are named values Values can be numbers, strings, Booleans (true or false), other things… 7
Arrays …. Are sets (actually a sequence) of things.
The code gets to one of the things using an index. Index can be 0 to 1 less than the number in the array This relates to how the address is calculated. For example var list = [120, 45, 97]; list of 3 numbers list[0] is 120, list[1] is 45, list[2] is 97. Code can change one of the elements: list[1] = 80; OR if n is a variable holding the number 2: list[n] = 23; means after these 2 assignment statements: [120,80,23] 8
Faces examples First example, faces is a list of character strings representing names of image files. Second example, faces is a list of image elements. To get the name of the image file, the code needs to be document.dicea.src = faces[choice].src; TWO EXAMPLES IN TUTORIAL ARE DIFFERENT…. TO SHOW YOU DIFFERENT WAYS OF DOING THINGS…. 9
Work session Catch up and show us: sites, coin toss, biased coin, drawings, uploaded work Work on dice game If you have done it, add feature(s) Add (more) graphics Display different message depending on situation Keep score and show it using an alert statement or form variable (May take knowledge/research): add field for entering value of bet. 10
Use Firefox so you can use Tools/Error Console. This can help with syntax errors. Dice game tutorial: one game had faces hold the names of the image files. Another game had faces hold Image elements. This second approach does the downloading of images at the start for a smoother running game. You may not notice the difference. You may put your images in their own folder. This means you need to make all references include the folder name: “images/dice1.gif” Question: you do the application with my/simple images, then you want to change it, what do you do to the code? Answer: ???? Question: what files do you need to upload to get this application working on your site? Answer: ????? 11
Pop quiz Define the term function as used in JavaScript. Give an example. Define the term variable as used in JavaScript. Give an example of a variable declaration. Change this code that draws a blue rectangle close to the upper left corner of the screen to draw a smaller red rectangle close to the lower right corner, width 40, height 60. ctx.fillStyle = “blue”; ctx.fillRect(10,10,80,120); 12
Craps game choice = Math.floor(Math.random()*6);
Gives a number 0 to 5. Use this number to get the faces[choice].src Add 1 to choice to get the die value dievalue1 = choice +1 … dievalue2 = choice + 1 (choice has changed) sum =dievalue1 + dievalue2 The sum is what you do the switch tests on…. 13
Reflection on dice game
Logic: switch statements inside clauses of if/else statement Global variables holding state of the game first move or follow-up point value (only has significance if follow-up) Display using graphics and text Implement in stages!!!! Need to test all possibilities not test until you win…. 14
Big ideas Function Variable Object Event Arrays Application state
Function Function is definition of a sequence of statements CODE
And (generally) a name And (sometimes) one or more parameters A function once defined can be invoked Called Called to be executed
In HTML/Javascript Definition of function is in the <script> element function dthrow() { } Invocation of function in <body> <form onSubmit=“dthrow(); return false;” > <a href=“javascript:dthrow();”> </a> Invocation of function in <script> function travel( ) { move(dx,dy); } tid = setInterval(“change();”, 300);
HTML with Javascript (repeat)
One function can call another function Invoke function after reading in (loading in) body, using onload= in <body> Invoke function directly in the <script> section Invoke function by a submit button defined in a <form> element <form name="f" onsubmit="return total(this);" > <input type="submit" value="ADD"/> Invoke function using an <a> element <a href="javascript:start();">Start </a>
Variables Variable: associates a name with a value
Value can change (vary) Can use the variable name to get the value Variables can be global (outside of any function) or local to a function Javascript: Declare the variable using a var statement Doing this outside any function makes the variable global and available to any code inside functions or outside functions
Instructions Computer storage holds
Instructions (the code) Instructions may be translation (compilation) of higher level instructions Machine code: Load Register, Store Register, Add, Multiply, Check value and jump, etc. Information Can't look at the bits and say what it is the letter J or the number 74 or ...
Formulas Mathematical expressions are combinations of operators and terms examples of operators: +, -, *, /, ==, !=, &&, … examples of terms: variable name, constant Programming languages have features for expressing mathematical formulas distance = velocity x time Code, assume distance, velocity, time all variables distance = velocity * time; multiplication
Function expressing formula
function distance (velocity, time) { return velocity * time; } Give me velocity and time and I'll [the function] will return the distance. The function header indicates the [incoming] parameters (aka arguments). NOTE: in ActionScript and some other languages, the function header also indicates datatypes of the parameters and the returned value.
Temperature conversion
Tempfahrenheit = Tempcentigrade*(9/5)+32; Check by putting in points for boiling: 212 Fahrenheit and 100 Centigrade For freezing 32 Fahrenheit and 0 Centigrade What is formula for… the other direction?
Caution Recall: Programming systems store whole numbers (0, 1, 2, -10, etc.) differently than numbers with fractions (0.5, 10.23, , etc.) Need to make sure that none of the intermediate steps truncate to whole numbers! One approach: write 9.0 and 5.0 and 32.0 Note: problem occurs with the division, not multiplication or addition
Precedence Many programming courses start off with rules of precedence a*b+c Is evaluated as (a*b)+c and not a* (b+c). The multiplication is done first Recommendation: put in parentheses! MAYBE: avoid long statements—use multiple lines
Conditionals Suppose a formula (for ticket price or score or …) involves a conditional test: One Tuesdays, drinks are half price Logic: if it is Tuesday, dcost = .5*dcost; Implementation: use if statement Alternative: conditional operator. Show later. But how do we know if it is Tuesday? Implementation: use Date Remember from first HTML example!
Date code today = new Date(); dayofweek = today.getDay();
//encoding is 0 for Sunday, 1 for Mon., // 2 for Tuesday if (dayofweek==2) { dcost = .5 * dcost; }
Conditional operator Operator with 3 operands condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false … dcost = (dayofweek==2) ? (.5*dcost) : dcost; Comfortable_with_conditional ? Use_It : if_statement
Note: Scope Large (larger) applications worked on by many people require rules on scope of variable and function names What if two or more people working on different sections of a project used the same name? Answer: scoping rules. Avoid global variables. Share information different ways… Use objects
Objects Objects bring together code and data Code called methods
Data called properties or attributes Math object has random method document object has write method write method takes what is to be written as the parameter If an img element has the name 'coin', then the document object has an attribute by the name of coin that has an attribute by the name of src.
Events An event is something that can be detected by the system
Event definition involves setting up the event and specifying what is to be done when it occurs. Javascript (and other languages/systems) may treat events differently. Underlying common concepts are Event definition (setup) Specification of event handler
HTML with JavaScript events
Clicking on button (set up using <form> element) Clicking on link (set up using <a> element) addEventListener for event on an object, such as a canvas element. Coming next week: Passage of interval of time (set up using setInterval and turned off by clearInterval)
Application state State of the game
May or may not be visible on screen Example: dice game: first throw or follow-up throw slide show: which slide Minesweeper: where the mines are and which cells have been examined or revealed as result of other cells being examined. ?
Alternative dice game Remove the need for image files by drawing the die faces EACH TIME. examine code
Calling pattern throwdice function sets up dx and dy for each die and calls drawface(n) uses a switch statement to determine what to do, namely single or combination from a set of functions.
switch(n) { case 1: draw1();break; case 2: draw2();break; case 3: draw2();draw1();break; case 4: draw4();break; case 5: draw4();draw1();break; case 6: draw4();draw2mid();break; }
draw2 function draw2() { var dotx; var doty; ctx.beginPath();
dotx = dx + 3*dotrad; doty = dy + 3*dotrad; ctx.arc(dotx,doty,dotrad,0,Math.PI*2,true); dotx = dx+dicewidth-3*dotrad; doty = dy+diceheight-3*dotrad; ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill();}
Exercise Take one of the choices for the switch statement and be able to explain how it works. Choose different colors and make it do what you want!
Comparison? Using image files means…you can use fancy image files.
Not using image files means that this application is just the one html file. Speed? Downloading of image files versus drawing. The downloading time is not repeated. ?
Homework [catch up] Complete dice game.
You can do html5 drawing on canvas version for extra credit. You can add score keeping (or start off with bankroll and decrease for each game, increase more for each win.
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