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The Receiver  The Receiver is about an explorer and former NIPLE (National Intelligence for People Living Everywhere) agent captain Kevin. His family.

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Presentation on theme: "The Receiver  The Receiver is about an explorer and former NIPLE (National Intelligence for People Living Everywhere) agent captain Kevin. His family."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Receiver  The Receiver is about an explorer and former NIPLE (National Intelligence for People Living Everywhere) agent captain Kevin. His family has been captured by the evil wanted Alien space pirate known as Blubum. He must get his family back  The game mechanics include basic combat (light and heavy attacks and blocking), power jumping. Also a choice of difficulty.

2 What is a platformer? A platformer is a video game in which the game-play revolves around players running and jumping onto platforms, floors, ledges, stairs or other objects on a 2d, platformers are one of the earliest genre of video games. While it's debated which game actually started the platformer genre, it's clear that early classics such as Donkey Kong, Space Panic, and Mario Bros were very influential and all had a hand in making this genre popular.

3 Facebook  Facebook helped us because we needed to advertise our game and Facebook is the most widely used social media in the world. Facebook is also free to one  use Games/675903022468328

4 Characters  The hero (Captain Kevin)  Sidekick (Private Peter)  Villain (BluBum) BluBums right hand man (Bruce the man)  BluBums goons (lardens) they are a slave race and come in all different shapes and sizes

5 The setting  It is set on a planet called planet G. The game is set in the sector Cyrugon. Cyrugon is an abandoned sector of the planet which is home to scum and villainy.  Blubums star ship has taken significant damage from an engagement with a NIPLE BattleCruiser

6 What makes a good plat former  Keep the user interface simple  Make important information easy to see and read so any age range can understand it  Mind your collision boundaries  Make it easy to jump over gaps  Make it possible to change animation states anytime, anywhere  Provide plenty of power-ups and collectibles  Write generic, but versatile AI  Have a good level up system

7 Webs  To make our website we used webs it’s a free website creation centre.

8 Market Research  We decided to do our market research through a small survey containing 8 questions, each question was directed so we could develop the best possible game and media production. We aimed our survey at people who are interested in video games even slightly.

9 Do you like Video Games?  This question is asking the audience if they are passionate about video game and if they enjoy playing them. We asked this question because if they didn’t like video games then we wouldn’t worry about the rest of there questions.

10 Are you interested in plat former games?  We asked this because we wanted to know if the audience was interested in this specific genre.

11 What is your favourite art style?  As developers we needed to make a game that was fun but also aesthetically pleasing. Therefore we needed to make the visuals detailed Also we are going to make the game 32-bit

12 What is your favourite part of a game?  We asked this because we wanted to see what the audience wanted in a game. Plus we could add this into certain parts in our game to create a great gaming experience.

13 What do you feel is the most important function to have on our website?  We asked this question because we wanted to know what we could add to our website at the moment we have a home screen a forum page a way for our customers to contact us if they are experiencing any problems.

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