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{ Friend or Foe Infectious diseases. Head Lice Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Friend or Foe Infectious diseases. Head Lice Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Friend or Foe Infectious diseases

2 Head Lice Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

3 {  Causes: caused by tiny wingless parasitic insect that lives among human hairs and feeds on tiny amounts of blood drawn from the scalp  Symptoms: The lice tend to bite the scalp which leads to scratching, itching and small red bumps. Excessive scratching can lead to bacterial infections  Transmission: Lice are considered contagious and can spread quickly from person to person  Treatments: Medicated shampoos, cream rinse or lotion. Sometimes oral medications are used too  Preventive measure: Refrain from sharing clothing, bed linens, combs, brushes and hats. Children tend be more susceptible CORRECT Head Lice Classification: Parasite

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5 RINGWORM Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

6 {  Symptoms: scaly, crusted rash that appears round and results in red patches on the skin  Transmission: Can be spread by humans, animals and soil. Contagious  Treatments: Antifungal medications  Risk factors: Communal showers, locker rooms. Warm moist areas. Sharing personal care items. Pets with ringworm symptoms CORRECTRINGWORM Classification: Fungus

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8 Intestinal Microflora Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

9 {  Prevents infection by interfering with pathogens in the stomach. These bacteria help with metabolic processes in the digestive tract. CORRECT Intestinal Microflora Classification: Bacteria

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11 STREP THROAT Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

12 {  Symptoms: headache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, general discomfort, loss of appetite, small punctuate red spots on the soft or hard palate (the roof of the mouth), skin rash(scarlet fever)  Transmission: Contagious  Treatments:  Treatments: antibiotics  Preventive measure:  Preventive measure: minimize the spread of the illness to others. CORRECT Strep Throat Classification: Bacteria Streptococcus Pyogenes

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14 Staph Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

15 {  Symptoms:  Symptoms: collection of pus in the form of a boil, abscess or furuncle. This area is tender or painful and can be reddened and swollen  Spread by: contagious until the disease disappears  Treatments: oral or antibiotic ointment, abscesses are drained  Preventive measure: careful attention to food preparation, changing tampons every four to eight hours and proper hygiene when aiding for skin wounds CORRECTStaph Classification: Bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus

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17 STREPTOCOCCUS THERMOPHILUS Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

18 {  This is a probiotic that can be found in the colon. Can improve digestion, enhance immunity, decrease chance of kidney stones and increase HDL (good cholesterol) CORRECT Streptococcus Thermophilus Classification: Bacteria

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20 ANTHRAX Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

21 {  Causes:  Causes: people get infected when the spores get into the body and become activated  Symptoms: depends on the type of infection, fever and chills, cough sore throat, body aches and hoarseness. Sweats, diarrhea swelling around the sore, nausea  Transmission: not contagious  Treatments: antibiotics and antitoxin  Preventive measure: refrain from eating raw or undercooked meat, injecting heroin CORRECTAnthrax Classification: Bacteria Bacillus Anthracis

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23 PLAGUE Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

24 {  Causes:  Causes: Rodents carrying fleas that have the disease  Symptoms:  Bubonic- fever, headache, chills and swollen lymph nodes(buboes)  Septicemic- fever, chills, extreme weakness, shock, bleeding in skin and tissues become black and die  Pneumonic- fever, headache and rapid pneumonia development  Transmission: Rodent fleas, contaminated fluid or tissue and infectious droplets  Treatments: antibiotics CORRECTPlague Classification: Bacteria Yersinia Pestis

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26 STAPHYLOCOCCUS Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

27 {  Some versions of staph are actually beneficial to the human body by helping keep in check inflammation triggered by injury and unwanted bacteria. CORRECT Staphylococcus Classification: Bacteria

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29 PINK EYE Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

30 {  Classification: Virus and Bacteria depending on the type  Symptoms:  Symptoms: Pink or red color in the white of the eye, crusting of eyelids or lashes, discharge of pus, especially yellow-green and sensitivity to bright light  Treatments: viral infections don’t require treatment. Bacterial infections require antibiotics  Preventive measures: wash hands often and avoid touching or rubbing your eyes CORRECT Pink Eye Classification: Virus or Bacteria depending on the type of infection

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32 COMMON COLD Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

33 {  Causes: Over 200 viruses can cause the common cold  Symptoms:  Symptoms: Sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, coughing, watery eyes, mild headache and mild body aches  Treatments: generally cured on its own  Preventive measures: p  Preventive measures: practice good hand hygiene, avoid close contact with people who have colds or other upper respiratory infections CORRECT Common Cold Classification: Virus

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35 Molluscum Contagiosum Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

36 {  Caused  Caused by: a virus of the same name that is part of the small pox virus family.  Symptoms: papules that are itchy and painless. The papules contain a hard white center and are flesh colored  Transmission: contagious, sexual contact, direct contact and scratching and rubbing  Treatments: surgical removal, wart medications, scraping, freezing or no treatment at all  Preventive measures: avoid direct contact with anyone you think may have the condition, treat underlying eczema and practice safe sexual contact. CORRECT Molluscum Contagiosum Classification: Virus

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38 INFLUENZA Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

39 {  Causes: various strands of influenza viruses  Symptoms:  Symptoms: Fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue (tiredness), some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.  Transmission: person to person and contagious  Treatments: antiviral drugs  Preventive measures: Getting the vaccine CORRECTInfluenza Classification: Virus

40 { Study its features, habitat or general location, actions Not Quite, Try Again Try Again Try Again

41 PROBIOTICS Virus, Bacteria, Fungi or Parasite Friend Foe OR

42 {  Living bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health. CORRECTProbiotics Classification: Bacteria/Fungi

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44  MedicinceNet  CDC Resources

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