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Published byMary Foster Modified over 9 years ago
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 1 1 | Solution Consultant (e-platform and content) South East Asia Elise Shen ( USING SCOPUS AS A RESEARCH TOOL
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 2 2 | Agenda Scopus content coverage Thailand Research Performances How can Scopus assist you with your research? What content expansion programs are ongoing?
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 3 3 | What content does Scopus include? Scopus is ideal compared to other products because it has the broadest coverage of global, curated, relevant research, with smart, simple tools to help track, analyze and visualize research. 53.3M records from 21,912 serial titles and 30,000 books 21.3M pre 1996 records | 32.0M post 1995 records Content from > 5,000 publishers “Articles in Press” from > 3,750 titles Titles from 105 different countries in all geographical regions 40 “local” languages covered More than 2,800 Gold Open Access journals indexed
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 4 4 | What content does Scopus include? CONFERENCES 17k events 5.5M records (10%) Conf. expansion: 1,000 conferences 6,000 conf. events 400k conf. papers 5M citations Mainly Engineering and Physical Sciences BOOKS 421 book series - 28K Volumes - 925K items 29,917 books - 311K items Books expansion: 75K books by 2015 - Focus on Social Sciences and A&H PATENTS 24M patents from 5 major patent offices JOURNALS 20,874 peer-reviewed journals 367 trade journals - Full metadata, abstracts and cited references (pre-1996) - >2,800 fully Open Access titles - Going back to 1823 - Funding data from acknowledgements Physical Sciences 6,600 Health Sciences 6,300 Social Sciences 6,350 Life Sciences 4,050
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 5 5 | Agenda Scopus content coverage Thailand Research Performances How can Scopus assist you with your research? What content expansion programs are ongoing?
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 6 6 | Articles Published in Thailand 6 Articles published Citations and Self-Citations International Collaboration Cited and Un-cited Documents
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 7 7 | Research Performance Thailand 7
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 8 8 | Research Performance Mahidol University 8
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 9 9 | Agenda Scopus content coverage Thailand Research Performances How can Scopus assist you with your research? What content expansion programs are ongoing?
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 10 | 1) What’s the best journal for my research? 2) Related interdisciplinary, global, research? 3) Who is citing my work? 4) What’s the trend - is this a growing or declining field? 5) Who else is working on this in my country or elsewhere in the world? 5,000 publishers Global coverage All disciplines 360 book series 20,500 journals 69% agree that Scopus saves them time in the research process Scopus is designed to accelerate the literature research process
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 11 | How can Scopus assist you with your research? Facilitates major tasks researchers have Searching citations & indexes Browsing & searching sources Viewing & storing articles Search History Documents Download Stay up-to-date Alerts RSS
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 12 | Searching Citations & Indexes 6 1234 1 Document Search 2 Author Search 3 Affiliation Search 4 Browse Sources 5 Compare Journals 5 6 Add More Search Fields
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 13 | Reviewing Search Results 1 Search Results 2 Refine Results (Limit or Exclude) Make selection to activate the button 1 3 3 Sorting Options 4 4 Search Alert (Save & RSS Feed) 5 Batch Download of PDFs Make selection to activate the button 6 Export Citations Information Make selection to activate the button 7 Display Article Pages (Abstracts & References) 2 5 6 7
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 14 | Reviewing Documents 1 Author Information 1 2 2 Citation Information & Alert 3 3 Related Articles 4 4 Mendeley Readership Statistics
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 15 | Documents Download Batch Download and Automatic Naming Java Required
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 16 | View Documents Citation Overview & Documents h Index Overview Options (Sorting & Exclude Author Self Citation) 2 Documents Citation Overview 4 Export & Print Citation Overviews
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 17 | 3 1 Documents h Index 2 1 3 Documents Citation Overview Overview Options (Sorting & Exclude Author Self Citation) 2
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 18 | Browsing & Searching Sources Search Sources 2 2 1 Browse Sources (by Subject or Alphabetical) 1 3 SJR, IPP & SNIP 3
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 19 | Journal Homepage 2 1 1 Journal Information 2 Journal Metrics (SJR & SNIP) 3 3 Follow this source 4 Documents List by Publication Years 4
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 20 | Find Prolific Authors
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 21 | Find Prolific Authors Prolific authors
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 22 | Select journal to submit to for your research area Journals which publish most papers in “epidemic” published by authors from Thailand. Compare Journals’ Performance
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 23 | Compare Journals and View SJR, IPP and SNIP Data
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 24 | Compare Journals and View SJR, IPP and SNIP Data
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 25 | Compare Journals and View SJR, IPP and SNIP Data
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 26 | Compare Journals and View SJR, IPP and SNIP Data
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 27 | Compare Journals and View SJR, IPP and SNIP Data
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 28 | Compare Journals and View SJR, IPP and SNIP Data
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 29 | Compare Journals and View SJR, IPP and SNIP Data
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 30 | The Evolution of Journal Assessment Bibliometricians agree that no single metric can effectively capture the entire spectrum of research performance because no single metric can address all key variables Bibliometrics = quantitative measures used to assess research output e.g. in a subject field, country, or journal by researchers, their institutions and their publishers Basic Premise = Citation is a form of endorsement Measuring Metric Methodology
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 31 | Impact Factor Total citations in 2011 from ALL items published in journal in 2009 and 2010 No. of ONLY articles published in 2009 and 2010 = Impact Factor
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 32 | Subject Field Differences Which journal is best? They are all the best – all the top of their subject categories
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 33 | Average Impact Factors differ by subject field Source: Elsevier analysis of Thomson Reuters’ data, showing average 2011 5-year Impact Factors
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 34 | Metrics for Journal Evaluation ( SCImago Journal Rank – SJR Developed by SCImago – Felix de Moya, SCImago research groupSCImago Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), University of Granada Main feature: prestige metric – similar to Google PageRank Citations are weighted depending on the status of the source they come from Secondary feature : different citation behaviour addressed Source-Normalized Impact per Paper – SNIP Developed by Henk Moed, CWTS, University of Leiden Main feature: contextual citation impact Part 1 – evens out differences in likelihood of citation (i.e. different behaviours) Part 2 – evens out differences in database coverage in subject fields
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 35 | Metrics for Journal Evaluation Normalize for differences in citation behaviour between subject fields
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 36 | More accuracy, More transparency, More options, More metrics!
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 37 | Prestige metric: Prestige transferred when a journal cites Citations are weighted depending on where they come from A journal’s prestige is shared equally between its citations Life Sciences journal High impact, lots of citations One citation = low value Arts & Humanities journal Low impact, few on citations One citation = high value SJR normalizes for differences in citation behaviour between subject fields SJR: SCImago Journal Rank
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 38 | SJR: SCImago Journal Rank Prestige metric: Prestige transferred when a journal cites Citations are weighted depending on where they come from A journal’s prestige is shared equally between its citations Life Sciences journal High impact, lots of citations One citation = low value Arts & Humanities journal Low impact, few on citations One citation = high value SJR normalizes for differences in citation behaviour between subject fields 1: Take into account the more prestigious nature of citations that come from within or closelyrelated fields 2: Overcome the tendency for prestige scores to diminish over time as the world-wide quantity of journals increases 3: Offer a more readily understandable scoring scale with an average score of one for easy comparison
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 39 | +++ A journal’s raw impact per paper Citation potential in its subject field Peer reviewed papers only A field’s frequency and immediacy of citation Database coverage Journal’s scope and focus Measured relative to database median SNIP: Source-normalized impact per paper
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 40 | SNIP: Source-normalized impact per paper +++ A journal’s raw impact per paper Citation potential in its subject field Peer reviewed papers only A field’s frequency and immediacy of citation Database coverage Journal’s scope and focus Measured relative to database median 1: A different averaging procedure is used in the calculation of the denominator reducing the impact of outliers 2: A correction factor is introduced to ensure that citations from journals with low numbers of references are weighted properly 3: The new calculation results in a SNIP average score for all journals in Scopus to approximately equal one, making comparison of Journal scores easier
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 41 | SNIP: Molecular Biology VS Mathematics JournalRIP Cit Pot SNIP (= RIP/Cit Pot) Inventiones mathematicae Molecular Cell13.03.24.0 SNIP for journals is available on the Scopus Journal Browse Page
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 42 | Transparency: freely and publicly accessible Metrics based on underlying database available for transparency Subject Field Normalization: allows for comparison independent of the journals’ subject classification. Reflects most current journal scopes, thereby taking ongoing changes into account 3-year citation window: demonstrably the fairest compromise Manipulation-resistant: Article type consistency. Only citations to and from articles, reviews, and conference papers are considered Breadth of coverage: Scopus has over 20,500 sources: 19,500 journals as well as trade publications, proceedings and book series. CONS: More complex methodology Do not take amount of review content into account Advantages of SNIP & SJR
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 43 | How can Scopus assist the researcher in tracking the citation? Scopus provides a unique Author Profile page for every author with more than 1 published paper on Scopus – increases awareness of your work See your citations grow with the Citation Tracker Tool
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 44 | Author Search Display Author’s Details
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 45 | Author Details 1 Visualize Author’s Research & Performance 3 2 Author’s h Index 3 Export all author’s publication (Mendeley & other Reference Manager) 4 Author’s Document Alert 5 Author’s Citation Alert 1 2 4 5 6 6 Add to ORCID
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 46 | The Challenge: Scholarly Name Ambiguity
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 47 | The Solution: The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) Registry
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 48 | Enter via Scopus2ORCID Wizard or from ORCID! More than 100,000 ORCID IDs to date Scopus2ORCID: Easy ORCID Set Up
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 49 | Types of Research Measures Existing metrics focus on short term citation value -Impact factor = 2 years -Immediacy Index = 1 year -Cited Half Life = stops at 10 years New developments focus on alternative value measurements - h -Index - g -Index -Matthew Value Measures Journals only Measures Journals Authors Research groups Subjects
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 50 | h-index in Scopus Developed in 2005 by Jorge Hirsch, a condensed-matter physicist (University of California in San Diego) and peace activist.
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 51 | Why the h-Index Traditional methods of evaluating authors include : 1. No. of publications per year - “salami” publishing 2.Total citations from publications – may penalize productivity 3.Impact factor – meant for journals, not people These methods of evaluating authors were starting to get questioned by the authors themselves The h -Index combines quantity and quality, productivity and influence The h -Index also encourages consistency in citation numbers, favours continuous stream of papers with lasting and above-average impact
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 52 | Properties of the h-Index Easy to determine Age of Author not taken into account - Both junior and senior authors can have a high or low h -Index Ignores the highly & poorly cited papers – ‘one-hit wonders’ Dynamic, not a static number – can change as citations increase, real-time in Scopus Can be used to measure : Authors, Journals, Institutions, Departments, Faculties, Selection of Papers etc..etc..etc See Prof. Hirsch’s paper at :
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 53 | Definition of h-Index A scientist has index h if h of his papers have at least h citations each and the other papers have no more than h citations each. “The h-index is the highest number of papers a scientist has that have at least that number of citations.” Nature (2005) Eg.: Prof. Lee has index 15 if 15 of his papers have at least 15 citations each and the other papers have no more than 15 citations each.
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 54 | H-index accounts for a body of work cited 22 times or more 22 papers h-index is the highest number of a scholar’s papers, h, that have each received at least h citations H-Index - Jorge E. Hirsch (Physicist, 2005)
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 55 | Citations of Papers from 1996 only Sort papers from highest cited to lowest cited from 1996 onwards
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 56 | A scientist has index 14 if 14 of his 35 papers after 1995 have at least 14 citations each and the other 21 (35-14) papers have no more than 14 citations each. 35 documents written after 1995 Article Rank Number No. of Citations
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 57 | – Extensive self-citation (>20%) – Editorials with aim to cite own articles – Coercive citation – Citation cartels – Hacked reviews coerce-authors-to-self-cite/ Unethical impact factor manipulation editor-delivers-dutch-citation-treat/
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 58 | Summary Using Scopus as a Researcher you can: Author profiling – Total number of publications and citations Understand a research trends Which journal to publish my paper Who can I collaborate with Fast Route to full-text articles
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 59 | Agenda Scopus content coverage Thailand Research Performances How can Scopus assist you with your research? What content expansion programs are ongoing?
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 60 | Journal PolicyQuality of ContentJournal StandingRegularityOnline Availability Eligible titles are reviewed by the Content Selection & Advisory Board according to a combination of 14 quantitative and qualitative selection criteria: Convincing editorial concept/policy Type of peer- review Diversity geographic distribution of editors and authors Academic contribution to the field Clarity of abstracts Quality and conformity with stated aims & scope Readability Citedness of journal articles in Scopus Editor standing No delay in publication schedule Content available online English-language journal home page Quality of home page Questions regarding content selection : Minimum requirement to be indexed into Scopus: How does Scopus select journal content? More information on Elsevier content selection policy :
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 61 | How does Scopus select journal content? Titles are selected by the independent Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) The CSAB is chosen for their expertise in specific subject areas; many will have previously been (journal) Editors Focus on quality through content selection by the independent CSAB, because: Provide accurate and relevant search results for users No dilution of search results by irrelevant or low quality content Support that Scopus is recognized as authoritative Support confidence that Scopus “reflects the truth”
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 62 | Scopus title review results and resources Rejected Accepted Titles reviewed top 20 countries (2013): In total 3,914 titles reviewed (2011 –2013) of which 1,844 (47%) accepted for Scopus As a primary publisher and information aggregator, Elsevier understands the unique needs of Authors, Editors and Publishers and provides resources to support the research community: Advice from CSAB and FAQs available on Scopus info site Publication ethics resources via Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Translation, editing and publishing services Editors section (for ELS editors but applicable to all) Freely available journal metrics to compare & assess journal performance Trends in research via Research Trends newsletter
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 63 | Indexing funding data in Scopus WHAT FUNDING DATA: - Full name of the funding body, acronym and grant number captured from the acknowledgments section of the article. - Making use of the FundRef ontology - Forward flow only, started in July 2013 In Scopus funding data can be searched using the following fields in Advanced Search: FUND-SPONSOR | FUND-ACR | FUND-NO For example, the advanced search term “FUND-SPONSOR(National Science Foundation)” will result in all articles that mention the National Science Foundation as the funding body in the acknowledgements.FUND-SPONSOR(National Science Foundation) FUNDREF ONTOLOGY: - Only funding bodies included in the FundRef ontology are captured - Around 5,000 funding bodies originally included in FundRef - When processing content for Scopus new funding body terms are identified as candidate terms - As of January 2014 around 1,000 new candidate terms will be added to FundRef each month
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 64 | Scopus article growth over years Source: Scopus data 13 May 2014
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 65 | Ratio of journals per Publisher in Scopus Source: Scopus title list (May 2014)
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 66 | Conference Expansion Program A special project, designed to ensure Scopus customers have access to highly regarded conferences from specific respected / authoritative lists of conferences held worldwide. Coverage years Backfill from 2005 – 2012 (8 years) Number of conferences Around 1,000 new conference titles, 6,000 conference events, 400K conference papers and 5M references Which conferences Serial and one-off conferences from authoritative, respected lists. Focus on engineering and engineering-related subject fields Project started in 2011 Expected project end date: June 2014
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 67 | Books expansion program Coverage years Back to 2005 (2003 for A&H) Number of books 75,000 over three years; 10,000 each year thereafter Book types Monographs, edited volumes, major reference works, graduate level text books All chapter titles and links Book title Chapter title Abstract Citation count Already in Scopus: Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Brill, De Gruyter, Woodhead, Karger, Oxford University Press, Edward Elgar, Maney, Intellect, IOS Press, Pan Stanford, University of California Press, Princeton University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Delft University Press, Duke University Press, McGill Queens University Press, Project Muse (60+ UPs), OECD and more… Books target in Scopus Actual books in Scopus Metadata Author data (plus ~28K book Volumes from series) Cited references
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 68 | Why? - Improve the completeness and coverage of back files in Scopus - Enhance the relevancy and visibility of archival content in Scopus - Measure the impact of pre-1996 – for both individual assessment and (historical) trend analysis. - Increase the accuracy of Scopus Author Profiles for older researchers and decision makers. Pre-1996 cited references expansion program Coverage years Pre-1996, going back to 1970 Number of articles We estimate 8M+ articles will be (re-) processed to include cited references Which Archives Archives from all major publishers that have digital archives available All subject areas included What? Development of required systems and processes has already started The first content with pre-1996 cited references will be visible in Q4 2014 Completed by 2016 when >8M articles from all major publishers have been loaded When?
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 69 | Summary Scopus has broad coverage providing the most accurate view of the global research landscape. Scopus has a transparent content selection process executed by the independent Content Selection & Advisory Board. Scopus is flexible and we work with you and the research community to ensure that most relevant sources are covered. Scopus is working on content expansion programs to ensure that coverage, discoverability, profiles and impact measurement for research in all subject fields is accounted for in Scopus.
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 70 | Thank you Thank you & Questions Look out for more developments from Scopus @
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 71 | Author profile Corrections Split and or merges of profiles via the Author feedback wizard: Affiliation Profile Corrections Update information on your affiliation and add missing citation links : Other Technical Support & Access Issue: Scopus Data Corrections
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 72 | Transparent title evaluation process by an independent Content Selection & Advisory Board Publisher or Editor Suggest title Check Min. criteria “Enrich” titles Review titles CSAB External reviewer and make decision Continuous review process using an online Scopus Title Evaluation Platform (STEP) Online suggestion form:
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 73 | Importance of English language information in Scopus
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 74 | Capture English language information from the source
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 75 | How does Scopus select non-serial content?
TITLE OF PRESENTATION | 76 | Selection of non-serial Book and Conference content Books Book selection is via a publisher-based approach (no individual suggestions accepted). All books from selected publishers deemed “in scope” will be selected for coverage. Priority and selection of publisher’s book lists depends on: Reputation and impact of the publisher Size and subject area of the books list Availability and format of the book content Publication policy and editorial mission Quality of published book content Conferences Engineering related conferences 2005 going forward included on various vetted lists (no individual suggestions accepted). Australian Research Council: ARC-A, ARC-B “MIT” Conferences DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (orig. db logic program bibliography) Microsoft Academic Science – Computer Science, Engineering INSPIRES – high-energy physics (Stanford) OnePetro – Oil & Gas industries (society conferences from API, SPE, NACE, SEG, etc.) OneMine – mining and minerals (society conferences from SME, TMS, AIME, AusIMM,...)
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