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Take a couple of minutes to write down your answers. Review at the end
♠ KQ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ A109 ♣ AJ10 ♠ KQJ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ A10 ♣ AJ10 ♠ AKQ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ 1092 ♣ A3 ♠ 5 ♥ 73 ♦ AQJ109 ♣ AJ1098 ♠ 5 ♥ 7 ♦ AQJ109 ♣ AJ10986 ♠ KQ ♥ AQ1083 ♦ KQ10 ♣ K109 ♠ ♥ AQ ♦ A109 ♣ AJ103 ♠ K975 ♥ 7 ♦ A1098 ♣ AJ102 ♠ KQ75 ♥ 7 ♦ A1098 ♣ AJ102 ♠ KQ ♥ - ♦ Q109 ♣ J108 ♠ AKQ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ A9 ♣ AJ10 ♠ KQ ♥ 732♦ 109 ♣ A ♠ KQ1097 ♥ 73 ♦ A109 ♣ AJ10 ♠ J ♥ 732♦ - ♣ A BASIC CONCEPTS YOU CAN HAVE A VARITY OF HANDS YOU’D LIKE TO BID WHEN THE OPPONENTS PRE-EMPT. IN DIRECT SEAT, DO YOU PASS OR WHAT DO YOU BID WITH THE FOLLOWING HANDS OVER A 2♥ PREEMPT? TO BID OR NOT TO BID… THAT IS THE QUESTION Take a couple of minutes to write down your answers. Review at the end WHAT WILL PARTNER THINK YOU HAVE, IF YOU BID?
In Direct Seat, you need a lot to bid!
BASIC CONCEPTS In Direct Seat, you need a lot to bid! 15+ playing points to bid at the 2-level 16+ playing points to double or bid 2NT at the 2-level 17+ playing points to bid or double at the 3-level. More playing points, and a terrific suit to make a jump bid IN DIRECT SEAT YOU SHOULD HAVE A VERY GOOD HAND!
You’re in balancing seat if the bidding has gone BASIC CONCEPTS W N E S 2x P ? IN BALANCING SEAT YOU DON’T NEED A LOT! In balancing (passout) seat, you can bid or make a T/O double with as few as 8 HCP should
Exercises – Overcalling 2♥ (Direct)
No One Vulnerable You are South W N E S 2 ? ♠ Q1087 ♥ 76 ♦ AQ7 ♣ KQJ7 ♠ AQJ87 ♥ 94 ♦ A3 ♣ QJ76 ♠ J9 ♥ KQ7 ♦ A9753 ♣ KJ5 1 Double. You have the 15 points you need to make a takeout double at the two level. 2 Bid 2♠. These 15 playing points are the least you should have to make this overcall 3 Pass. You need more to bid directly at the 3-level. This is barely an opener, and bidding with this hand will have partner questioning (nicely, of course) your judgment
Exercises Overcalling 2♠
No One Vulnerable You are South W N E S 2♠ ? ♠ K1097 ♥ 73 ♦ AQ109 ♣ AQJ ♠ QJ4 ♥ AK8 ♦ AQJ ♣ A984 ♠ K7 ♥ 86 ♦ AQ ♣ AKJ10973 ♠ A9 ♥ KQ109854 ♦ A8 ♣ AJ 4. Double. Bidding 2NT without a heart stopper is suicide. You have at least 3-card support for the other suits, and want partner to bid. 5. Double. Then bid notrump. If you jump to 3NT, that shows a different kind of hand. See the next hand. 6. Bid 3NT. A bit of a gamble, but the opponents might double if they have all the hearts! You have a great source of tricks, a very good hand and a partner with a terrific sense of humor. 7. Bid 4♥. If they then bid 4♠, Double. Partner should know you have this hand and will not pull it , holding only one trick, or so.
Exercises – Overcalling 2♦
No One Vulnerable You are South W N E S 2♦ ? ♠ KJ754 ♥ KJ7 ♦ A82 ♣ 94 ♠ AQJ73 ♥ K4 ♦ 87 ♣ AQ83 ♠ A7 ♥ AQJ1087 ♦ 6 ♣ A98 8. Pass. This is a good one-level overcall. Partner will expect much more if you bid. 9. Bid 2♠. A great hand, and you won’t be embarrassed by bidding here. It is almost enough to double and then bid your spade suit (but not quite!) 10. Bid 3♥. A jump overcall in direct seat is always a strong jump overcall. You can’t be sure of game but your partner should raise with seven useful points. He should know your suit is almost self-sufficient Note: Because overcalling 2♦ is so easy at the 2-level, its value as a pre-emptive bid is questionable. Many bidding systems use the bid to show something other than a ‘weak-two’ (eg. Flannery or mini-Roman)
Exercises – Overcalling 3♥
You Are Vulnerable You are South W N E S 3♥ ? ♠ 76 ♥ AQ ♦ AJ3 ♣ KJ10974 ♠ 4 ♥ 97 ♦ AQJ43 ♣ AK654 ♠ K109 ♥ KJ7 ♦ AJ103 ♣ KQ6 11. Bid 3NT. A 3NT bid over a preempt shows a huge range of hands. Some have points ; this one has a source of tricks. 12. Pass. Your minor suits are great, but if you should be in this auction, partner will take action. 13. Bid 3NT. This is a high-risk bid, but you need very little from partner to make it. You have no sure tricks so you need some help from partner. NOTE If you end up playing the hand, you should have the information you need to place the missing cards.
Exercises – Overcalling 3♠
You Are Vulnerable You are South W N E S 3♠ ? ♠ QJ7 ♥ Q3 ♦ KJ ♣ AKQJ32 ♠ KJ9 ♥ 63 ♦ AKJ6 ♣ AQJ4 14. Bid 3NT. Once again, you have a great source of tricks, even though the hand needs a lot of help 15. Bid 3NT. This hand has points and needs very little from partner, (who won’t have very many spades)
Exercises – Overcalling 3♠
You Are Vulnerable You are South W N E S 3♠ ? ♠ - ♥ AJ10 ♦ KQJ10752 ♣ KJ5 ♠ 8 ♥ 2 ♦ KQ1098 ♣ AKJ876 16. Bid 4♦. 3NT isn’t reasonable, so bid where you live. Partner may expect an even better hand when you bid at the 4-level. 17. Bid 4NT if and only if partner will take it as Unusual and not as ace-asking. Otherwise, Pass, and hope partner balances.
Exercises – Overcalling 3♠
You Are Vulnerable You are South W N E S 3♠ ? ♠ -- ♥ KQJ9 ♦ AKJ5 ♣ AKJ104 ♠ J7 ♥ KJ8742 ♦ K1093 ♣ AK ♠ 9 ♥ AK9 ♦ AQJ108762 ♣ Q 18. DBL This is a standard takeout double. Plan to bid again after any response from partner 19. Pass. Too dangerous to bid. Game may be on – but only of partner balances.. 20. Bid 5♦. You need so little to make a game here. If you bid 4♦, your partner won’t believe you are this strong.
Exercises Bidding over 4♣
No OneVulnerable You are South W N E S 4♣ ? ♠ QJ9876 ♥ KJ8 ♦ AQ ♣ 107 ♠ KJ98 ♥ AKQ ♦ AK1063 ♣ 6 ♠ AQ ♥ QJ76 ♦ KQJ98 ♣ 32 21. Pass and hope that partner balances. Too much risk to act unilaterally, here. 22. DBL Once again, a classic takeout double 23. An excellent hand that is not worth a bid. What do you expect partner to likely bid if you double?
Exercises – Overcalling 4♥
You Are Vulnerable You are South W N E S 4♥ ? ♠ AQ54 ♥ - ♦ AKJ72 ♣ AQ98 ♠ 83 ♥ AQ5 ♦ KQ104 ♣ AK85 ♠ K3 ♥ -- ♦ AQJ974 ♣ KJ1086 ♠ KQJ74 ♥ 2 ♦ A7 ♣ AJ1082 24. Double. All doubles of a suit at up to 4♥ is always takeout. 25. Pass. You’re setting this, but a double is take-out. No other bid is possible 26. 4NT is ‘Unusual’. All you want is for partner to bid one of your suits. With 2 tricks outside of hearts, he should bid 6. 27. Say a Hail Mary and bid 4♠.
Exercises – Overcalling 4♠
W N E S 4♠ ? No One Vulnerable You are South ♠ AQ9 ♥ 54 ♦ AK103 ♣ AQ95 ♠ -- ♥ AQ87 ♦ KQ432 ♣ KQJ6 ♠ 2 ♥ AQ854 ♦ A ♣ AQ8765 ♠ A ♥ KJ95432 ♦ AQ6 ♣ K4 Bidding against a 4S opening bid is generally tougher, since you’re forcing partner to the 5 level. In most partnerships, a double is penalty and 4NT is takeout. 28. Double – you have this hand set. You’re not asking partner to do anything! 29. Bid 4NT for takeout. 30. Pass. You may have 3 tricks on defense, but maybe not. Let partner act. 31. This is a really tough call – even tougher if the vulnerability is against you. Expect a lot of different results on this board! I said at the start of this slide that taking action over 4♠ pre-empts isn’t easy.
Exercises – Responding to a DBL
No One Vulnerable You are South W N E S 2♠ DBL P ? ♠ 106 ♥ A10983 ♦ AQJ ♣ KQ10 ♠ J104 ♥ Q98 ♦ 732 ♣ J532 ♠ K2 ♥ Q2 ♦ 654 ♣ KJ10854 ♠ 98 ♥ KQ1032 ♦ A10 ♣ J1054 1. Partner shows a great hand with spades. Bid 4NT (Asking for the number of Aces.) 2. Bid 3♣– and you’ll only bid again if partner makes a Q-bid 3. Bid 3NT. You are bidding good hand. Hopefully, she has the club Ace Bid 4♥. You have to be in game. A bid of 3♥ can be made with no points at all. She should not expect you to have a better hand than this
Exercises – Responding over a Suit
No One Vulnerable You are South W N E S 2♠ 3♥ P ? ♠ K10975 ♥ 73 ♦ AQ10 ♣ AQJ ♠ Q9 ♥ 10984 ♦ 76 ♣ J9854 ♠ Q43 ♥ 32 ♦ J10 ♣ KJ10765 ♠ 54 ♥ KQ104 ♦ A87 ♣ J1093 5. Bid 4NT (Roman Key Card for hearts.) This will right-side the 6NT contract you may end up playing. 6. Pass. You have no tricks for partner, and she has not asked you to bid with values like these. 7. Bid 3NT. You are bidding partner’s very good hand. Hopefully, she has the ♣A 8. Bid 3♠. You don’t want partner to stop short of game. If she bids 3NT, bid 4♥. This is stronger than bidding 4H directly
Exercises – Responding over 2NT
No One Vulnerable You are South W N E S 2♥ 2NT P ? ♠ K10975 ♥ 73 ♦ A109 ♣ AQJ ♠ 109 ♥ 10984 ♦ 764 ♣ J985 ♠ Q43 ♥ 3 ♦ J10 ♣ KJ107653 ♠ KQ54 ♥ 104 ♦ Q87 ♣ J1093 5. Bid 3♥ This will right-side the slam contract (6♠/6NT) your side will be playing. 6. Pass. Once again, you have no tricks for partner, 7. Bid 4♣ (Gerber) If partner shows 2 Aces, bid 4NT; If partner shows 3 or 4 Aces, bid 6♣. Partner will know if 6NT should be bid. 8. Bid 3♣ (Stayman). If partner has 4 Spades, you should be playing in a spade game. Otherwise, bid 3NT
Exercises – Responding over 3NT
No One Vulnerable You are South W N E S 2♠ 3NT P ? ♠ 73 ♥ K10975 ♦ A109 ♣ AQJ ♠ 1043 ♥ Q3 ♦ Q943 ♣ J985 ♠ Q43 ♥ 3 ♦ J10 ♣ KJ107653 ♠ 54 ♥ KQ104 ♦ Q87 ♣ J1093 9. Bid 4♦ (transfer) This will right-side the slam contract (7♥/6NT/7NT your side will be playing. 10. Pass. You have no tricks for partner 11. Bid 4♣ (Gerber) If partner shows 3 Aces, bid 6♣; if 4, ask for Kings on the way to 6NT or 7♣ (if she has two) 12. Pass. There’s little fear of this contract not making on power.
Other Possible Bids over Preempts
THE NOTRUMP GAMBLE – from Mike Lawrence “If you are thinking of bidding four of a minor over an opening three level preempt, consider bidding 3NT – even without a stopper. It is very seldom that opener has a running suit. Maybe partner has the right cards. Three notrump, if you make it, is worth a game. Four of the minor, if you make it, is only a part score.”
A simple jump overcall, 3♠ over 2♥ or 4♥ over 3♣, is a very strong bid.
Do not make a preemptive bid over their preemptive bid. Not Ever! If you make a strong jump overcall such as 3♥ over 2♦, you are telling your partner that if he has six or seven points, he may go on to game. Note the difference from when you make a simple overcall and he has seven points. When he has seven points after an overcall, he should recognize that you have bid his points already, and should Pass. THE JUMP OVERCALL
Partner is bidding with the expectation that you hold around eight points. Therefore, if your partner makes a simple overcall, if you hold less than 8 points you should Pass If you have a ‘good’ nine or more, you can invite a game or can bid a game if you have enough useful values. If you have, say, four points, you actually 'owe' your partner some points. So, if your partner goes down , it is not his fault – it’s yours!
OTHER BIDS W N E S 2♥ 3♥ WHAT SHOULD THE SOUTH BIDS MEAN? NO ONE VULNERABLE. This is ‘normally’ used to ask for a heart stopper (A, Kx, or QJx, or better - not just a partial stopper) for notrump (a Western Que Bid) A possible hand: ♠ AK ♥ 74 ♦ KJ4 ♣ AKQJ87
Leaping Michaels OTHER BIDS ♠ AQ654 ♥ 3 ♦ AQ873 ♣ K7
W N E S 2♥ 4♦ Can be used to show a good hand with the bid minor and the unbid major/ A possible hand: Leaping Michaels ♠ AQ654 ♥ 3 ♦ AQ873 ♣ K7
REVIEW – BIDDING OVER 2♥ If you got any of these ‘wrong’, don’t worry.
Even experts will disagree on what to bid, when, even when playing the same systems. If your bid is reasonable, and you know why you bid it, you’ve learned the lesson material REVIEW – BIDDING OVER 2♥ ♠ KQ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ A109 ♣ AJ10 ♠ KQJ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ A10 ♣ AJ10 ♠ AKQ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ 1092 ♣ A3 ♠ 5 ♥ 73 ♦ AQJ109 ♣ AJ1098 ♠ 5 ♥ 7 ♦ AQJ109 ♣ AJ10986 ♠ KQ ♥ AQ1083 ♦ KQ10 ♣ K109 ♠ ♥ AQ ♦ A109 ♣ AJ103 ♠ K975 ♥ 7 ♦ A1098 ♣ AJ102 ♠ KQ75 ♥ 7 ♦ A1098 ♣ AJ102 ♠ KQ ♥ - ♦ Q109 ♣ J108 ♠ AKQ10975 ♥ 7 ♦ A9 ♣ AJ10 ♠ KQ ♥ 732♦ 109 ♣ A ♠ KQ1097 ♥ 73 ♦ A109 ♣ AJ10 ♠ J ♥ 732♦ - ♣ A 2♠ 3♠ Pass 4NT 2NT DBL DBL+
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