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Computer Basics & Computer Evolution 1642 Blaise Pascal – mechanical adding machine.

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2 Computer Basics &

3 Computer Evolution 1642 Blaise Pascal – mechanical adding machine

4 The Punch Card 1890 Herman Hollerith – invents a machine using punch card to tabulate info for the Census. He starts the company that would later be IBM.

5 ENIAC Computer 1946 – ENIAC could do in one day what a human could do in 4 days Miles of wiring Miles of wiring 18,000 vacuum tubes 18,000 vacuum tubes Thousands of resistors and switches Thousands of resistors and switches No monitor No monitor 3,000 blinking lights 3,000 blinking lights Cost $486,000 Cost $486,000 100,000 additions per second 100,000 additions per second Weighed 30 tons Weighed 30 tons Filled a 30x50 foot room Filled a 30x50 foot room Lights of Philadelphia would dim when it booted up Lights of Philadelphia would dim when it booted up

6 1950’s The first computer chip was invented 1960’s The first mouse was invented The first computer game was invented Beginning of the internet called “Arpanet” was created

7 1970’s First floppy disk drive “C” programming language was invented Apple II was the first useful computer created

8 1980’s Bill Gates develops the first personal computer Personal Laser jet printers invented First color computer 1990’s The WWW was invented Virtual Reality was invented


10 INPUT DEVICES (Hardware) Keyboard Mouse Microphone Trackball Image scanner Touch tone telephone Touch screens Bar code scanner Voice recognition Auxiliary Storage Device INPUT

11 Central Processing Unit: CPU The Brains or Intelligence of the computer. Controls input and output interprets instructions executes instructions. Hertz: the speed of the CPU PROCESSING PROCESSING HARDWARE

12 Processors Come in Many Sizes Mainframe Mainframe: large, powerful, serving many connected terminals. Super Computers Minicomputer Minicomputer: mid-sized, serves more than one user at a time Microcomputer Microcomputer: PC, individual workstation Laptop:portable, small Laptop:portable, small Handheld Handheld: Palm Pilots

13 What two numbers are used in Binary Code? 0 and 1 They are each called a BIT 8 BITS make a BYTE 1 BYTE makes a letter or number KILOBYTE = 1,024 bytes MEGABYTE = 1,048,576 bytes GIGABYTE = 1,024 megabytes TERABYTE = 1,024 gigabytes

14 MEMORY PROCESSING HARDWARE MEMORY PROCESSING HARDWARE ROM R EAD O NLY M EMORY Small Instructions are installed permanently at the factory Cannot be changed These instructions check the computer’s resources and looks for Operating SystemRAM ANDOM CCESS EMORY R ANDOM A CCESS M EMORY Main Memory Temporary—it is erased when turned off. It is where programs and data is stored while being processed MEMORY

15 OUTPUT DEVICES ( HARDWARE) Useful information that leaves the system Output Hardware includes: Monitor: soft copy Printers: hard copy Flat Panel displays Voice and music - speakers Synthesizers OUTPUT

16 AUXILIARY STORAGE DEVICES Network Drive ( H: drive) Hard Disk Drive ( C:drive) Floppy Disk Drive with 3 ½” Floppy Disk ( A:drive) Jump (Flash) Drive CD Read/Write Drive Zip Drive AUXILIARYSTORAGE

17 SOFTWARE Operating System Software Windows 98: GUI (Graphical User Interface) Windows XP: GUI (Graphical User Interface) Unix Linux Application Software Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Front Page, Publisher WordPerfect Pagemaker, Photoshop, Dreamweaver Programs that Make the Computer Work

18 What is the Boot Process? The process of starting up a computer from a halted or powered-down condition. Commands in ROM memory are followed The process of loading the Operating System software into Main Memory Windows XP Unix MacIntosh What boots up must come down


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