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Lesson Title: What were the dangers of the Long Drive? Know what the dangers of the Long Drive were Understand how cowboys came into conflict on the Long.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Title: What were the dangers of the Long Drive? Know what the dangers of the Long Drive were Understand how cowboys came into conflict on the Long."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Title: What were the dangers of the Long Drive? Know what the dangers of the Long Drive were Understand how cowboys came into conflict on the Long Drive Skills: selecting and recalling information, group work Long Drive: name given to the movement of cattle north across the Plains along the various cattle trails

2 Starter Think back to our last lesson… In the back of your book, write down five things about cowboys and what their lives were like

3 Dangers of the Long Drive Harsh weather Stampedes caused by thunder and lightning Rattlesnakes Hostile Indians Rustlers trying to steal cattle from cowboys Conflict between the cowboys and homesteaders Drought Difficult river crossings

4 Activity Railroads and Lassos! Working in pairs, your task this lesson is to produce a board game about the dangers of the Long Drive The game should be like the board game snakes and ladders, but with an American West theme – railroads and lassos! Split your A3 paper into 32 squares to make a board for the game Players should go up the railroads and go down the lassos You must make sure that you board game contains the factual information on this topic It should include things which would benefit the cowboys on the Long Drive (the railroads) and also things that would hinder/delay the cowboys (the ladders)

5 Plenary Now that you have produced your own game about the dangers of the Long Drive, have a go at playing it! Collect a dice and two counters from me

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