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All Together Now: The central importance of developing cultural competency Dr Ursula King Graduate School of Medicine, University of Wollongong, NSW.

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Presentation on theme: "All Together Now: The central importance of developing cultural competency Dr Ursula King Graduate School of Medicine, University of Wollongong, NSW."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Together Now: The central importance of developing cultural competency Dr Ursula King Graduate School of Medicine, University of Wollongong, NSW

2 What we did… Compulsory half day workshop (for academic and general staff within the GSM) addressing: Safe and supported reflection on issues of culture and identity Historical context for indigenous health in Australia Key contemporary issues in indigenous health Key GSM curriculum integration opportunities for indigenous health content

3 Why… Importance of recognising the attitudinal climate in which indigenous issues are perceived in order to achieve meaningful change –Intellectual recognition of the issues juxtaposed against emotional response –Shared responsibility –Everyone on same page (‘facts’)

4 Because… Reject Accept Tolerate Respect

5 How… Acknowledging Western biomedicine has its own culture and this influences its ‘world view’ –mechanistic, Cartesian view i.e. body as machine (Descartes, Enlightenment) –‘universal’ body i.e. all bodies are essentially the same –‘objective’ lens of the scientific method i.e. value free, beyond cultural critique, unbiased This has implications for engaging and working meaningfully with the diversity within the community, where ’world views’ re health/illness vary widely

6 Indigenous diversity…

7 What we learnt… Big guns –need ongoing and embedded executive level understanding and commitment plus dedicated funding Be realistic re your starting point –commit to working with attitudinal change over the long term, and lead by example - must start by working from where people are Don’t fly solo –importance of forging strong partnerships with indigenous individuals and organisations internal and external to the university Marathon not a sprint –challenge of building an integrated presence in the school and across the curriculum over time

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