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Motivating Leaders Research Paper – Due December 16 Research Paper – Take the leader you were going to film about and write a paper on that person –Must.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivating Leaders Research Paper – Due December 16 Research Paper – Take the leader you were going to film about and write a paper on that person –Must."— Presentation transcript:


2 Motivating Leaders Research Paper – Due December 16 Research Paper – Take the leader you were going to film about and write a paper on that person –Must have a beginning paragraph, body, and closing paragraph –The paper has to have the following requirements: Typed NOT handwritten Times New Roman 12 point font – Double Spaced Correct grammar and spelling 4 pages total – no pictures

3 Personality Theorists

4 Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist who was a Freudian disciple, believed that we are one of two personality types: Introvert: Shy person whose attention is focused inward Extrovert: Bold, outgoing person whose attention is directed outward Jung’s Theory of Two Types

5 Raymond Cattell: from Devon, England, believed that there were two basic categories of traits: Surface Traits: Features that make up the visible areas of personality Source Traits: Underlying characteristics of a personality Cattell also constructed the 16PF, a personality test identifying 16 personality factors (source traits). Cattell: Source & Surface Traits

6 Sigmund Freud Stages of Development –Stage 1 – Oral Stage – 0-18 months Infant’s pleasure is focused on the mouth –Stage 2 – Anal Stage – 1.5-3 years Infant’s pleasure comes from functions of eliminations – think potty training –Stage 3 – Phallic Stage – 3-6 years Infant if focused on genitals –Stage 4 – Latency Stage – 6 years to puberty Sexual thoughts are repressed and child focuses on social and intellectual skills –Stage 5 – Genital Stage – puberty through adulthood Sexual Desires are renewed and individuals seek relationships with others

7 Conscious: Everything you are aware of at a given moment Preconscious: Material that can easily be brought into awareness Unconscious: Holds repressed memories and emotions and the id’s instinctual drives Levels of Awareness - Freud

8 Id: Innate biological instincts and urges; self-serving & irrational Totally unconscious Works on Pleasure Principle: Wishes to have its desires (pleasurable) satisfied NOW, without waiting and regardless of the consequences The Id, Ego, and Superego – Freud Ego: Executive; directs id energies Partially conscious and partially unconscious Works on Reality Principle: Delays action until it is practical and/or appropriate

9 Superego: Judge or censor for thoughts and actions of the ego Superego comes from our parents or caregivers; guilt comes from the superego Two parts - Conscience: Reflects actions for which a person has been punished (e.g., what we shouldn’t do or be) - Ego Ideal: Second part of the superego; reflects behavior one’s parents approved of or rewarded (e.g., what we should do or be) The Id, Ego, and Superego, Freud continued

10 Regression: Ego seeks the security of an earlier developmental period in the face of stress. Displacement: Ego shifts unacceptable feelings from one object to another, more acceptable object. Sublimation: Ego replaces an unacceptable impulse with a socially acceptable one Examples of Defense Mechanisms

11 Reaction Formation: Ego transforms an unacceptable motive or feeling into its opposite. Projection: Ego attributes personal shortcomings, problems, and faults to others. Rationalization: Ego justifies an unacceptable motive by giving a false acceptable (but false) reason for behavior

12 Carl Rogers: American psychologist; believed that personality formed as a result of our strivings to reach our full human potential. Fully Functioning Person: Lives in harmony with his/her deepest feelings and impulses Self-Image: Total subjective perception of your body and personality Conditions of Worth: behaviors and attitudes for which other people, starting with our parents, will give us positive regard. Unconditional Positive Regard: Unshakable love and approval Positive Self-Regard: Thinking of oneself as a good, lovable, worthwhile person Carl Roger’s Self Theory


14 Grinch Analysis Choose one of the following psychologists to analyze the Grinch’s behavior and transformation: Freud Maslow Rogers You may use your notes and the psychology textbook for helpful information An example of the assignment follows…

15 Example Karen Horney's Neopsychoanalytic Approach Applied to the Grinch Horneyan Concepts: –Basic Anxiety -- pervasive feeling of helplessness and loneliness. The Grinch most likely experienced a great deal of basic anxiety as a result of living alone (except for his dog Max) on Mount Crumpit for 50-some years. –Self-Protective Mechanism of Attaining Power -- this was the Grinch's way of ensuring that no one would hurt him: "If I have power, no one can hurt me." –Aggressive Personality -- characterized by dominating and controlling others. The Grinch demonstrates this personality trend by trying to control the Whos by taking away their Christmas. He also tries to control Max by making him into a reindeer. –Neurotic Needs for Power and Exploitation -- The Grinch's need to feel powerful and to exploit Max are efforts to lessen the discomfort of basic anxiety. –Need for a Dominant Partner -- neurotic need associated with the compliant personality. This need fits Max and explains why Max fit the Grinch like a hand in a glove. Possible Explanation for the Grinch's Personality Transformation: The Whos provided the Grinch with a feeling of safety and acceptance that he had never known. His feeling of basic anxiety was alleviated, and as a result his need to use the self-protective mechanisms to defend against the anxiety was eliminated. In the absence of this need to defend against basic anxiety, the Grinch was able to follow his intrinsic tendency toward self-realization.


17 Results of Our Class Personality Tests – out of 17 Introvert – 12Extrovert – 5 Sensation – 7Intuition – 10 Thinking – 11Feeling – 6 Judging – 8Perceiving - 9

18 Interpreting the Briggs-Myer Extroversion: sociability, energized by people, lonely when alone Sensation: practical, trusts facts; learns through experience; wants to deal with what’s real Thinking: prefers the objective, logical, analytical Judging: prefers closure, wants deadlines, feels more comfortable once a decision has been made. Introversion: territorial, enjoys being alone, private, drained by people Intuition: innovative, fantasizes; future more attractive than the present Feeling: prefers the subjective, personal, values Perceiving: resists closure, wants more & more data; values the open-ended; pressure to decide stressful

19 BIRTH ORDER GUESSES Were you right? Were you wrong?

20 Maranda Oldest – 7 Middle – 3 Youngest – 7 Only – 6

21 Courtney Oldest – 16 Middle – 2 Youngest – 2 Only - 3

22 Dashawn Oldest – 4 Middle – 3 Youngest – 4 Only - 12

23 Tanitra Oldest – 4 Middle – 6 Youngest – 6 Only - 7

24 Cynthia Oldest – 3 Middle – 3 Youngest – 16 Only - 1

25 Lola Oldest – 3 Middle – 11 Youngest – 5 Only - 4

26 Jordan Oldest – 8 Middle – 6 Youngest – 6 Only - 4

27 Harsheen Oldest – 7 Middle – 6 Youngest – 5 Only – 4




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