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Sigmund Freud By: Alison, Philip, and Ted. Background Knowledge May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939 Started in Biology major then switched to Neurology after.

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Presentation on theme: "Sigmund Freud By: Alison, Philip, and Ted. Background Knowledge May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939 Started in Biology major then switched to Neurology after."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sigmund Freud By: Alison, Philip, and Ted

2 Background Knowledge May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939 Started in Biology major then switched to Neurology after working with Ernst Bruke Received Medical degree in 1881 and started a private practice.

3 Freud’s Key Published Works “Studies on Hysteria”- 1895 “Interpretation of Dreams”- 1900 “The Ego and the Id”- 1923 “Civilization and It’s Discontents”- 1930

4 Id, Ego, and Super-Ego Id: Primitive, constant and pleasure-seeking Ego: On the surface and knows consequences Super-ego: Conscience

5 Origins of Infantile Sexuality Theory Closely collaborated with Joseph Breuer Based Infantile Sexuality Theory off Breuer’s earlier theory of development Joseph Breuer


7 Oral Stage 0-18 Months Sucking and Biting Duration and frequency effect development Fixations on mouth can cause need for fulfillment later in life.

8 Anal Stage 18-24 months Using bladder and sphincter muscles for Toilet Training Two results- Under indulgence or over indulgence To poop, or not to poop, that is the question.

9 Phallic Stage 3.5 - 6 years Focus on genitalia and desires for opposite- sex parents Unresolved, it can lead to fear of relationships of promiscuity

10 Oedipus complex Oepidpus Youtube Video Young boys sexual desire for mother Father as a rival: castration anxiety Imitating father and assuming the male sexual role

11 Electra Complex Young girl’s discovery that women lack a penis Penis envy Never fully resolved Lives vicariously through mother to gain father’s attention

12 Latency Stage 5 yrs. - puberty Period of dormancy between Phallic and Genitalia Stages Time spent in academics, athletics, and same-sex friendships

13 Criticisms Of Freud

14 Questions and Comments?

15 Bibliography Dhanyasree, M. Psychosexual Analysis - Part I. Retrieved from analysis-parti.html analysis-parti.html Stevenson, David P. Brown University (1996). Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development. Retrieved from Thorton, Stephen P. (2005, July 8). Sigmund Freud (1856—1939). Retrieved from

16 Pictures Cited dit.jpg dit.jpg jpg jpg lesson-oedipus-complex/ lesson-oedipus-complex/ http://ecx.images- r.jpg r.jpg mages/0x0/0x0/0/2658064198706656397.jpeg___ 1_500_1_500_cb94de6a_.png mages/0x0/0x0/0/2658064198706656397.jpeg___ 1_500_1_500_cb94de6a_.png

17 Further Research 8QiY&feature=related 8QiY&feature=related G_0 G_0

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