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Chapter 6.  “Totality of a person’s thoughts, emotions, intentions, and behaviors that a person consistently exhibits”  Characteristics of Personality.

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1 Chapter 6

2  “Totality of a person’s thoughts, emotions, intentions, and behaviors that a person consistently exhibits”  Characteristics of Personality  Unique  Combo of traits  Stable across situations  May not always affect behavior

3  Psychoanalytic Approach  Freud  Three components  Id  Pleasure principle  Superego  Ego  Reality principle  Motivational Research Personality IDEgoSuperego

4  Trait Approach  What is a trait?  Multiple approaches  Nomothetic  Variable-centric  Idiographic  Get to know the individual  Single-trait  Multiple-trait

5  Value consciousness  Materialism  Three dimensions  Innovativeness  Complaint prone  Competitiveness  Conspicuous consumption

6 ExtrovertedAgreeablenessOpennessStabilityConscientiousness

7  What is it?  Quality of r-ship  Love and passion  Self-connection  Commitment  Interdependence  Intimacy  Brand Partner Quality Source: www.

8  Lifestyle  Relationship to personality  Influence over purchasing  Psychographics  AIO Statements  Example: Baby Boomers  Upbeat enjoyers  Insecure  Threatened Actives  Financial positives Source:

9  Based on  Resources  Motivations  What does this tell us? Source: www.

10  Geodemographic technique  Looks at  Expenditures  Socioeconomic variables  Geographic info 

11  Self-Concept  Symbolic interactionism  Semiotics  Types of Self  Actual self  Ideal self  Social self  Ideal social self  Possible self Self InterestsValuesFamilyFriendsBeliefsActivitiesPossessions

12  Self-Concept & Body Presentation  Self-esteem  Cosmetic surgery  Body piercing  Self-congruency Theory Source:

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