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MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Household Questionnaire: Household Information Panel and Household.

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Presentation on theme: "MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Household Questionnaire: Household Information Panel and Household."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Household Questionnaire: Household Information Panel and Household Listing Form

2 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Overview – Household Questionnaire Household Information Panel Household Listing Form Education Water and Sanitation Household Characteristics Insecticide Treated Nets Indoor Residual Spraying Child Labour Child Discipline Handwashing Salt Iodization New modules, new topics, new questions Major change in the administration of the questionnaire – interview any adult member of the household

3 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Overview First contact with household Cover page has two sections: –Upper section to be completed before household is contacted –(Most of the) Lower section after household response is known –In between the two sections, introductory sentences and a question asking permission to start the interview

4 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop The combination of cluster and household numbers identifies a unique household in the sample Anonymous cluster and household numbers recommended (designated by the survey) Identifying interviewer and supervisor important to monitor and control fieldwork operation Date may be modified according to time of final response

5 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Customizing the cluster number can be problematic if real EA numbers are used Region will be customized/adapted in each country Other identification information may be included

6 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop To be completed after the household list is completed, with the exception of HH16 and HH17

7 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Household Listing Form - Purpose Identify eligible persons for administration of modules and questionnaires Obtain information on basic characteristics (e.g. Age, sex, household composition) of the survey population – essential for analyses Obtain information on orphanhood and living arrangements

8 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Answered by a knowledgeable adult Vertical: Start with head of household Head designated by the respondent No pre-determined listing of members by relationship structure List all usual household members, obtaining information on relationship of each member to the head, and sex Probe

9 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Horizontal: One household member at a time: Ask/code questions HL5 to HL14 for each household member Completed age is sought –Date of birth only in countries where it is known by the large majority of population HL7-HL7A to be completed by the interviewer Line numbers become part of the identification variable of an individual: Cluster - Household - Line Numbers

10 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop

11 MICS Indicators #9.17 - Childrens living arrangements –Proportion among children age 0-17 years not living with a biological parent #9.18 - Prevalence of orphans –Proportion among children age 0-17 years with at least one dead parent

12 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Significance and use of indicators Important especially in countries with high HIV prevalence, where orphanhood among children is not rare Assess whether orphaned children are more disadvantaged than non-orphans (attendance – indicators 9.19 and 9.20 both MDGs) Orphans: One or both parents dead Double orphans: Both parents dead Caution has to be exercised with numbers of observations)

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