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LAUSD BTSA Induction FACT Day 1 Training
Being a Support Provider is like…
TRAINING NOTES (5 minutes): Allow participants to brainstorm ideas about connections/metaphors for the idea of Disneyland and providing support to new teachers This strategy is called Visual Synectics: It is an approach to creative thinking that depends on understanding together that which is apparently different. Its main tool is analogy or metaphor. The approach, which is often used by groups, can help students develop creative responses to problem solving, to retain new information, to assist in generating writing, and to explore social and disciplinary problems. It helps users break existing mind sets and internalize abstract concepts. Synectics can be used with all ages and works well with those who withdraw from traditional methods. Teacher-facilitators can use synectics in the classroom by leading students to: (1) describe a topic by generating words or phrases; (2) generate a list of vivid mental images that are directly analogous to the first list created; (3) select one of the direct analogies and create a personal analogy by becoming the object they choose and describing what it feels like; (4) find word pairs that seem to be contradictory but actually yield creative insight; (5) choose one of the conflicting pairs and create a different direct analogy by generating examples of things that have the same compressed conflict; (6) reexamine the original topic to produce a product or description that uses the ideas generated in the process.
Yosemite Partners Make “appointments” with four people who are not sitting near you Find a partner for each of the following: Half Dome Partner Mirror Lake Partner Yosemite Falls Partner Vernal Falls Partner Exchange (and write down!) names for each appointment TRAINER NOTES: (5 minutes) Ask each participant to find the PTRA partner sheet in their packet. Each person should move around the room to locate 4 partners who ARE NOT AT THEIR TABLE. The should record each other’s name for the same appointment (Plan, Teach, Reflect, or Apply) and will meet with these partners later at various points during the training.
Plan Your Adventure! (3-2-1+1)
Write: 3 things you think teachers should know 2 things they should be able to do 1 biggest challenge teachers are facing Share at your table TRAINER’S NOTES (10 minutes) Have participants fill in the chart themselves. Allow 2-3 minutes and then have them discuss at tables. As they discuss, they can add the +1 for any ideas they gain as they talk to table-mates.
Teacher Preparation Teacher Induction
4/11/08 Teacher Preparation Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE) Teacher preparation standards Teacher Induction California Standards for the Teaching Profession BTSA Induction Standards TRAINER’S NOTES : This chart shows the connection between the Teacher Performance Expectations, teacher preparation standards, the CSTP, and the BTSA Induction Standards All the components of FACT are related to the BTSA Induction Standards and CSTP The activities participants complete will be connected to these standards and will be used as evidence for the State upon completion of the program and recommendation for a Clear Credential The FACT program replaces all the various assignments and work that participants completed for Induction in past years 5
Induction Standards “Say Something”
Locate the Induction Standards on pages 1.5 – 1.8 Read the Pedagogy Standard (1.5) Highlight important items and note any questions you have With your assigned partner, discuss your questions and notes Repeat TRAINER’S NOTES (30 minutes): ACTIVITY: “Say Something” Have participants locate the Induction Standards on pages 1.5 – 1.8 Starting with Pedagogy Standard (1.5) Ask participants to read the Pedagogy Standard (1.5) Have them highlight important items and note any questions they have With “Tomorrowland Partner”, ask them to discuss their questions and notes Repeat for other standards (pp ). They should relocate to a new partner for each standard: 1.6—Equity for All Students: Main Street USA Partner 1.7—Teaching English Learners: Frontierland Partner 1.8—Teaching Special Populations: Adventureland Partner As a whole group, ask: “How do the themes from these Induction Standards connect to the CSTP?
Plan Teach Apply Reflect TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 7-10, 5 minutes)
Share with participating teachers that the Assessment of Teaching Practice module incorporates the Plan-Teach-Reflect-Apply Cycle Participating teachers will REFLECT on their prior teaching experiences and APPLY them toward future learning. Participating teachers will have an opportunity to TEACH, so that the Support Provider will be able to observe and collect evidence to support their plan for future learning . Reflect 7
Combines ALL of the following: TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 7-10, 5 minutes) Shows how the new portfolio streamlines the existing program… CFASST EOGP Stds 16-20
OF TEACHING PRACTICE Teacher Preparation Information CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based Informal Classroom Observation CONTEXT FOR TEACHING Class, School, District, and Community Conversation Guides Year 1 Reflective Conversation INQUIRY #1--Pedagogy Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection I P Return to Context for Teaching and Assessment TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 7-10, 5 minutes) Refer to the FACT Chart that participants have in their Portfolios Remind participants of what they learned regarding the flowchart of the FACT system Explain that the system is designed in modules Each module is inter-connected The foundations of the program include : --The California Standards for the Teaching Profession --The Induction Standards --Teacher Performance Expectations --Formative Assessment The FACT system is designed to be completed during the first two years of a participating teacher’s career or after completion of an Intern program lead to a clear credential build productive habits of mind Reflective Conversation SUMMARY OF TEACHING PRACTICE Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth Future Considerations for Study
OF TEACHING PRACTICE CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based Year 2 CONTEXT FOR TEACHING Class, School, District, and Community Conversation Guide Reflective Conversation INQUIRY #3—Self-Selected Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Entry Level Assessment Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection I P INQUIRY #2—Self-Selected Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection I P Return to Context for Teaching and Assessment TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 7-10, 5 minutes) Refer to the FACT Chart that participants have in their Portfolios Remind participants of what they learned regarding the flowchart of the FACT system Explain that the system is designed in modules Each module is inter-connected The foundations of the program include : --The California Standards for the Teaching Profession --The Induction Standards --Teacher Performance Expectations --Formative Assessment The FACT system is designed to be completed during the first two years of a participating teacher’s career or after completion of an Intern program lead to a clear credential build productive habits of mind Reflective Conversation SUMMARY OF TEACHING PRACTICE Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth Future Considerations for Study
Induction Portfolio Tab 1: Advisement Tab 2: CFT/ATP—Year 1
Tab 3: Inquiry #1—Pedagogy Tab 4: Summary of Teaching Practice— Year 1 Tab 5: CFT/ATP—Year 2 Tab 6: Inquiry #2—Self Selected Tab 7: Inquiry #3—Self Selected Tab 8: Summary of Teaching Practice— Year 2 TRAINER’S NOTES (10 minutes): Review the Tabs in the Portfolio Allow participants to take 5 minutes to review the contents of the portfolio and familiarize themselves with the layout. Note: Checklist at the beginning of each Tab We will allow some time at the end of the day to review the contents of Tab 1, in context of the advisement offered to participating teachers throughout their program
Confidentiality All documents are public record
Conversations between PT and SP are confidential TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 12-14, 2 minutes)
Context for Teaching/Assessment of Teaching Practice
FACT Components Context for Teaching/Assessment of Teaching Practice Inquiry Summary of Teaching Practice TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 12-14, 2 minutes) Activity Two Reconnect back to the big picture of FACT by briefly walking them through the intent of the modules: Context for teaching: Gain a greater understanding of the context for their teaching by gathering and analyzing information related to their students, school, district and community. The information gained will influence how they will teach and be used as a basis for Inquiry. Assessment of Teaching Practice: Based on the knowledge and skills learned in their teacher preparation program, an understanding of the Context for Teaching, and observations and dialogue with their support provider, participating teachers identify strengths and areas for growth which will be used as the basis for subsequent inquiries. Inquiry: Using the data from Context for Teaching and the Assessment of Teaching Practice, participating teachers engage in Action Research. They gather information, develop and implement an Action Plan, reflect on the results of their lesson, and apply new learning to future practice. Summary of Teaching Practice: Bring closure to the year by reviewing the results of the Context for Teaching, the Assessment of Teaching Practice, the Self Assessment, and all completed Inquiries. Based on these results, teachers develop a plan for continued growth.
Context for Teaching/ Assessment of Teaching Practice
TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 12-14, 2 minutes)
Context for Teaching/Assessment of Teaching Practice
Read and highlight key points on CFT/ATP (Tab 2) Cover of the Portfolio Share insights TRAINER NOTES (8 minutes): Participants read the ”Context for Teaching” purpose paragraph, underlining key points, and/or phrases or words. The “Purpose” paragraph is in the Portfolio Tab 2 page. Participants hold a table conversation to share insights about the module. Discussion might include: Teaching environment considerations Identifying resources Focusing on their classroom, school, district, and community. Guiding classroom decision-making Identifying areas for professional growth End in Mind: Information gathered during CFT will aid PT in crafting an Inquiry question. What: To make an Assessment of their current teaching practice, participating teachers will consider prior experiences in their teaching preparation program. Why: The Assessment will help guide the PT’s work in the first Inquiry and will serve to measure growth over time. How: PTs will gather information about their Context for Teaching and complete an Assessment of Teaching Practice. Both will be used as sources of information to determine focus areas for the first Inquiry.
Assessment of Teaching Practice Concepts
Participating Teachers bring documentation (TPA/Portfolio, etc.) from their teacher preparation to connect with their current practice Information gathered in this section will be the foundation of the Individual Induction Plan (IIP) in the Inquiries that will be completed during Tabs 3, 6, & 7 TRAINER NOTES: Bring closure to the introduction of the Assessment of Teaching Practice by discussing the concepts listed above. 16
Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison
Comparing Teacher Preparation to Induction Standards 17
Teacher Preparation & Induction Conversation
Read the directions (Yellow Section, p. 2.0, 1-2) Meeting Your Support Provider Teacher Preparation & Induction Alignment Chart Discussion Guide Table talk: Discuss the intent of these two sections (Participating Teachers will be introduced to this document at their Orientation) TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 18-20, 15 minutes): Stress that Support Providers should be meeting 2 hours weekly with their Participants. Most of the work Participants complete will be done in connection to the conversations they have with Support Providers 8 hours/month Set a regular weekly time to meet! This will be documented on 1.3 Confirmation Summary Page in Tab 1. Participants read and highlight the key ideas in the directions for the Teacher Preparation and Induction Conversation Share out key thoughts about the intent of the Alignment Chart, including: Discussing the TPEs and Induction Standards Examining how Induction becomes part of on-going standards-based classroom practice Comparing and contrasting standards, expectations, and processes of teacher preparation and induction Sharing artifacts from teacher preparation experience 18 18
TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 18-20, 15 minutes):
Ask participants to pull out the Alignment Chart (2.2 p.2) Take a few minutes to discuss the alignment between the Teacher Prep standards and the CSTP and Induction Standards Allow a few minutes for discussion/debrief Trace the pathway of one concept as it is moves across the chart
Observing a conversation about the Alignment Chart
Note the strategies used by the Support Provider as he guides the Participant through the discussion around the Alignment Chart TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 18-20, 15 minutes): Play the first 5 minutes of Module B Video—Support Provider is walking his new Participant through the Alignment Chart Ask for feedback on strategies used by this Support Provider to introduce the discussion around the Alignment Chart
Teaching Without Context
Round the Room and Back Again Jot down 1 item you need to know about your classroom, school, district, or community Set aside your materials Circulate the room, sharing your idea with each person you meet and listening to their idea Return to your seat and write down as many examples as you can remember Pool ideas at your table to make a list TRAINER NOTES (10 minutes): ACTIVITY: Round the Room and Back Again On the Brainstorm Form, have participants jot down 1 item teachers need to know about their classroom, school, district, or community to foster classroom success. Participants then set aside their writing materials and on your direction, move around the room sharing their example and listening to the examples of others. The challenge is to rely only on auditory memory. Call time after two minutes. Participants then return to their seats and write down as many examples as they can recall. Table groups then pool their examples and extend their lists. Context for Teaching: Discuss: What: Teachers will gain a greater understanding of the context for their teaching by analyzing their class, school, district, and community. How: Through information gathering, discussions, and reflections, the teacher will gain a greater understanding of his/her local context. Why: Context for Teaching connects to Induction Standards in various locations, providing the participating teachers with a greater understanding of how the Induction Standards are part of their everyday classroom practice.
Teaching Without Context
View video clip Discuss at your table what you noticed, related to the ideas about context TRAINER NOTES (10 minutes): Show a 5 minute video clip, such as “Kindergarten Cop” to illustrate the chaos that ensues when one has no context before entering their classroom. (Other clips may be used to illustrate the importance of knowing the context of your teaching experience). After viewing the clip, have tables discuss what they saw, related to the list they just generated.
Conversation Guide: Classroom Management
Read the discussion questions on the Conversation Guide: Classroom Management (2.3) Highlight the key words from each question Select a question that you believe will lead to a powerful conversation with participating teachers Identify the Induction Standard(s) connected to the questions Share your choice, and the reasoning behind your choice, with your table group TRAINER NOTES (10 minutes): Ask participants why student success is oftentimes dependent on understandingthe context for your teaching and applying it to your lesson planning. Explain that the purpose of the Conversation Guides is to identify that key information, then aid participating teachers in applying that knowledge to their classroom practice. This piece should be completed thoroughly as it is an important evidence piece to verify Participants’ knowledge around the concepts outlined in Induction Standards Introduce the Conversation Guide by asking participants to individually read the prompts on the Conversation Guide: Classroom Management (2.3), highlighting the key words on each prompt to help them synthesize the information into the main point. Partner Talk or Table Talk: Participants discuss one of the prompts that they believe will lead to a meaningful and powerful conversation with their participating teachers. Share some ideas with the whole group. EMPHASIZE THAT ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AND ANSWERED BY THE PARTITICIPATING TEACHER IN THE “KEY IDEAS AND REFLECTIONS” SECTION! The next activity will ask support providers to practice the skills needed to lead these conversations.
Using the Conversation Guides
Review the topics in the “Collecting” section—look over the documents that are referred to here (2.4 & 2.5) Refer to the questions that are provided for each topic In the “Key Ideas and Reflections” column, list what you would need to know and prepare for in advance in order to successfully guide your participant through these conversations TRAINER NOTES (15 minutes): Ask participants to review the topics in the “Collecting” section—review the documents that are referred to here (2.4 & 2.5) Have them refer to the questions that are provided for each topic In the “Key Ideas and Reflections” column, ask them to compile a list of what you would need to know and prepare for in advance in order to successfully guide a participant through these conversations Share responses as a group and discuss
K-W-O Review the K-W-O Chart (2.6)
What I already Know about my classroom practice What I Want to know about my classroom practice What I would like my support provider to Observe when (s)he visits my classroom TRAINER’S NOTES (Slides 25-26, 10 minutes) The K-W-O Chart (2.6) is designed to elicit PT’s input for the observation process. “What I Know About My Classroom Practice” is a brainstorm designed to determine PT’s current perceived strengths “What I Want to Know About My Classroom Practice” is a focused reflection on areas where PT believe they would like to become more effective “What I Would Like My Support Provider to Observe” is where the PT becomes an active participant in helping prepare their support provider to look for certain areas where they would like to have feedback. Note: This activity does not limit the SP’s observation, but helps them have an awareness of the areas where their PT have a desire for additional focus. 25
K-W-O Discuss with your “Tomorrowland Partner” the benefits of completing the K-W-O Chart for the Participating Teacher Support Provider TRAINER’S NOTES (Slides 25-26, 10 minutes) Have participants locate their “Tomorrowland Partner” and move to work together Ensure participants understand the importance of participating teachers having some ownership in the observation process. Dual ownership prevents them from feeling like an observation is being done to them it is now conducted in conjunction with them and providing information for them on areas they have requested feedback. 26
Filling in the Blanks… Filling in the Blanks Worksheet
Work with your “Adventureland Partner” Describe the purpose of each document Explain how each connects with the Participating Teacher’s classroom Be prepared to discuss! TRAINER’S NOTES (30 minutes) Allow participants about 15 minutes to work together to complete each of the squares on the “Filling in the Blanks” worksheet Provide time for sharing out and discussing 16
FACT K-W-L Think about what you KNOW so far about FACT
What do you WANT to know about FACT? Keep a list of what you have learned… TRAINER’S NOTES (15 minutes): Have three charts posted around the room: What do you KNOW so far about FACT? What do you WANT to know about FACT? What have you LEARNED about FACT? Have participants circulate the room, jotting down their responses on each chart Review the responses as a group 28
Disneyland Partners Make “appointments” with four people who are not sitting near you Find a partner for each of the following: Main Street USA Partner Frontierland Partner Adventureland Partner Tomorrowland Partner Exchange (and write down!) names for each appointment TRAINER NOTES: (5 minutes) Ask each participant to find the PTRA partner sheet in their packet. Each person should move around the room to locate 4 partners who ARE NOT AT THEIR TABLE. The should record each other’s name for the same appointment (Plan, Teach, Reflect, or Apply) and will meet with these partners later at various points during the training. 29 29
Informal Classroom Observation
TRAINER’S NOTES: Make a connection to K-W-O. Remind participants that the informal classroom observation is an opportunity for them to do an observation on what the new teacher has asked to have feedback on. If this is part B of Day 1 (and enough time has lapsed since the last training), ask participants, “What are some of the things your PT asked to be observed on?” 30 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 30 30
Informal Classroom Observation
Pre-Observation Conversation Work with your “Adventureland Partner” to list the items a Support Provider might discuss with a Participating Teacher during the pre-observation conference. TRAINER’S NOTES (10 minutes): Participants will use: Pre-Observation Conference Reminder Sheet Remind participants that the pre-observation conversation sets the stage for a successful experience for both the participating teacher and support provider. It is important for support providers to work toward building a trusting relationship with participating teachers. After 2-3 minutes have participants share out answers from their list. Possible answers might be: Schedule a time for the observation Arrange a time to meet to debrief the observation What is done with the observation information. What is collected on the observation form. Ask for a seating chart. Review Context for Teaching to be reminded of academic and language levels of students. Find out where to sit during the observation. How or if you will be introduced to the students. Etc… 31 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 31 31
Informal Classroom Observation
Observation Tools Continue with your “Adventureland Partner” Compare Informal Classroom Observation Tools 2.7 and 2.8 Identify the types of information documented on each tool. TRAINER’S NOTES (5 minutes): At this time, they are looking at Informal Classroom Observation Tools 2.7 and 2.8 at a more in-depth level and determining their purpose in the scope and sequence of the work. Remind participants, Not ALL CSTP elements are observable Remind participants that there is a choice point here based on whether to use the format of 2.7 or 2.8 (This is a Support Provider’s decision.) 32 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 32
Informal Classroom Observation #1
Observation Practice Using Informal Classroom Observation Tool 2.7 or 2.8, prepare to observe a lesson Remember to record all “evidence” observed during the lesson using the CSTPs TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 33-35, 30 minutes): VIDEO: Keith Grade 7 Using Informal Classroom Observation Tools A or B and CSTP “placemat” if needed, support providers prepare for the practice observation. Explain to participants that they are going to watch a DVD (FACT DVDs Lesson 7, 7th grade Language Arts—Check for Understanding). Inform participants that Keith is a 7th grade Language Arts Teacher. Remind support providers they will be observing ONLY CSTP on this video. We will give them an opportunity later to collect evidence around the Induction Standards Remind support providers of the importance of capturing evidence during the viewing of the lesson. Explain that evidence may fit for multiple areas of the standards. Support providers might find it helpful to highlight the key words in the CSTP before observing. Watch 8—10 minutes of video Once the observation is over, give participants a few minutes to make adjustments to their notes. 33 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 33 33
Informal Classroom Observation #1
Practice Observation Debrief Find your “Main Street USA Partner”. Share samples of evidence collected for the CSTP Did you have anything written that might be an opinion? If so, how could it be written as evidence? What if there is no evidence for a standard? TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 33-35, 30 minutes): Partner Activity: Share samples of evidence collected for the CSTP.. Remind them they can add to their notes anything they missed. Participants share out examples to the whole group of evidence collected for some of the CSTP elements. Were there any standards that did not have evidence? Remind participants that no evidence might be evidence of the need to focus on that element of the CSTP. Make sure that all documentation is based on evidence. Remind them that they will have an opportunity to meet with the participating teacher to share the evidence and add anything that may have been missed during the reflective conversation. As a group, discuss the question “What if there is no evidence for a standard?” May indicate that there simply wasn’t an opportunity to see this during the observation May indicate that there is a problem in that area 34 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 34 34
Post-Observation Reflection (2.9)
The Post Observation Reflection (2.9) guides support providers to: Help PT make connections to the needs they identified on the K-W-O Discuss evidence and insights related to student learning Identify participants’ areas of strength and growth related to the CSTP and Induction Standards in preparation for completing the Description of Practice (DOP) TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 33-35, 30 minutes): Remind participants that the reflection and responses on this Post Observation Reflection (2.14), will inform the development of the Individual Induction Plan that PTs will complete during the next module (Inquiry.) The Post Observation Reflection (2.14) is a living document and will be revisited after each inquiry. 35 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 35 35
Informal Classroom Observation #1
Post-Observation Model Continue with your “Main Street USA Partner” Decide who will be “A” and who will be “B” “A” will listen for how the SP uses evidence to move the conversation “B” will listen for how the SP uses language (paraphrasing, pausing, etc.) to guide the PT’s thinking Jot down notes while you observe and discuss TRAINER’S NOTES (10 minutes): Handout: Post-Observation Model You will now model a Post-Observation conversation between Keith and his Support Provider. This conversation will be scripted for you. If you are training alone, ask a participant to play the role of Keith. You may want to give them the script a short time in advance to prepare. 36
Induction T-Chart Each group will be assigned a different Induction Standard Create a T-Chart to show: Gallery Walk What should Teachers say/do to demonstrate how they meet this standard? What should students say/do to demonstrate that the instruction is meeting the standard? TRAINER’S NOTES: Remind participants that in the last activity evidence was collected for the CSTP. In the next observation, evidence will be collected for both the CSTP and the Induction Standards. The Induction Standards were introduced in part A of the training, but they will be looked at in more depth in this activity, as participants think about how the standards would look in classroom practice. Assign each group a different standard. Depending the size of the group, you may need two charts for each standard. Groups record answers on chart paper and post them around the room to prepare for a gallery walk. Have groups walk around to look at all charts. Group Debrief: What themes did you notice among the four induction standards? Which standard is more challenging to collect evidence for? What are some other ways to collect evidence for this standard besides observation of a lesson?
Informal Classroom Observation #2
Observation Practice Using Informal Classroom Observation Tool 2.7 or 2.8, prepare to observe a lesson Remember to record all “evidence” observed during the lesson using: Induction Standards TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 38-39, 25 minutes): VIDEO: Michael—Grade 11 Using Informal Classroom Observation Tools 2.7 or 2.8, support providers prepare for the practice observation. Inform participants that Michael is an 11th grade Science teacher. Explain to participants that they are going to watch a DVD. Remind support providers they will be observing ONLY the induction standards as they collect evidence for this observation Remind support providers of the importance of capturing evidence during the viewing of the lesson. Explain that evidence may fit for multiple areas of the standards. Support providers might find it helpful to highlight the key words in the Induction standards before observing. Once the observation is over, give participants a few minutes to make adjustments to their notes. 38 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 38 38
Informal Classroom Observation #2
Post-Observation Role Play Prep Individually, review your notes from your observation of Michael’s lesson Generate some questions and prompts that would help Michael think more deeply about his practice, student learning, and/or next steps in his classroom. TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 38-39, 25 minutes): Prepare them for the role play by allowing participants to generate some questions or discussion prompts that will help them to guide the conversation with the Participating Teacher (Michael) 39 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 39 39
Informal Classroom Observation #2
Post-Observation Role Play Find your “Frontierland Partner” Role play a conversation where one partner is the Support Provider and the other partner is Michael Share the evidence collected for the Induction Standards Use the questions/prompts you generated to guide the role play conversation TRAINER’S NOTES (15 minutes): Participants will now role-play a conversation between Michael and his SP. Allow about 7 minutes for the conversation, then ask them to switch roles and allow another 7 minutes for the second conversation. DIRECTIONS: One person will be the support provider with the observation notes and the other will be the teacher from the DVD. They will have about 7 minutes for the conversation, then will switch roles. Point out that during the role play, it is not the role of the participating teacher to make it difficult for the support provider. Make sure they are reminded that it is much easier when the person has actually taught the lesson. Remind the support provider that when we document evidence, it is neither positive or negative, it is just a snapshot of what is happening at that moment in time. New teachers are so focused and sometimes nervous when you are in the room that they miss some of the things they say or do. The evidence gathered by the support provider will assist them in painting a picture of what their practice looks like. The evidence creates an opportunity to demonstrate the things that are going well and the areas for growth. Once they have completed the role play, debrief the importance of this information in the next step of Self-Assessment (DOP). This observation as well as the work done in pre-service will form the basis for marking themselves on the Description of Practice--DOP (2.11). 40 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 40 40
Informal Classroom Observation #2
DEBRIEF: How will you prepare for the Post-Observation conversation? How would preparation for this conversation help to make it a richer conversation that will result in learning? What types of questions promoted thinking as you role played this discussion? TRAINER’S NOTES (5 minutes) : Have a whole group discussion of these questions: How will you prepare for the Post-Observation conversation? Review CSTP and Induction Standards Review observation notes Prepare some possible questions (see CSTP “placemat” for possible question stems) How would preparation for this conversation help to make it a richer conversation that will result in learning? The knowledge level of SP will directly determine the depth of the conversation and therefore the learning. What types of questions promoted thinking as you role played this discussion? Open-ended Questions that helped PT think of alternatives, other perspectives Questions that challenged PT to think of how their observed lesson fits into a broader context 41 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B 41
Marking the DOP Review the Description of Practice (2.10—DOP)
Review the wording in each of the categories How are they different from one column to the next? Highlight key descriptors in each column that define the level of practice TRAINER’S NOTES (10 minutes) This will be the first look at the Description of Practice (DOP) This assessment tool forms the basis for measuring current practice against the CSTP. This tool will be used as a guide to assess the teacher’s practice at this moment in time. It is important to have participants note the organization of the DOP. Describes three levels of teaching performance Is revisited throughout the program All notations on the DOP should be supported by evidence that is identified on the DOP It is essential that the DOP be done with the assistance of the Support Provider! The DOP may be completed all at once or in several sessions. Review the wording in each of the categories and note the differences from one column to the next. Highlighting key words during this activity helps the SP to further understand how the DOP is designed. Remind participants that they will use the DOP to determine their own areas of strengths and challenges. 42 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B
Marking the DOP Look at CSTP #1
Underline the words on each element that you believe describe Michael’s level of practice in that area, based on your observation notes Note that for this example, your evidence is based solely on the Observation (CO), however in “real life”, you might cite several sources of evidence Refer to the bottom of the DOP for abbreviations of various sources of evidence Find your “Tomorrowland Partner” and compare your markings on the DOP TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 43-44, 15 minutes): Have participants locate their “Tomorrowland Partner” The DOP is not complete unless evidence is cited: Classroom Observation (CO) Lesson Plan (LP) Context for Teaching/Assessment of Teaching Practice (CFT/ATP) Analysis of Student Work (ASW) Instruction Plan/Reflection (P/R) Evidence of Student Learning (SL) Insufficient Evidence (IE) 43 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B
Marking the DOP How do you work with your PT to identify their level of practice? What is the value of citing that evidence? TRAINER’S NOTES (slides 43-44, 15 minutes): Discuss the questions on this slide as a group: How do you work with your PT to identify their level of practice? What do you do if the PT marks him or herself higher or lower than you believe is indicated by the evidence? Remind them that the markings on the DOP are based on evidence—review the forms of evidence noted at the bottom of each page of the DOP Look back at: Observation notes Student work CFT documents Post-Observation Reflection Conversation Guides Use notes from these documents to guide your thinking before marking the DOP What is the value of citing that evidence? Concrete basis for the evaluation Keeps conversation grounded in reality vs. perception Keeps the Support Provider from feeling like an evaluator Helps PT to develop a sense of their own practice—strengths and areas for growth Teaches autonomy Removes ego from the conversation Marking the DOP brings closure to the Assessment of Teaching Practice. 44 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Assessment of Teaching Practice Module B
Conversation Guide: CSDC and Pedagogy
Read the discussion prompts on the Conversation Guide: CSDC & Pedagogy (2.11) Highlight the key words from each prompt Discuss one prompt that you believe will lead to a powerful conversation with participating teachers TRAINER NOTES (10 minutes): The knowledge gained in the Context for Teaching (Classroom Management Conversation Guide, K-W-O, observation) is building the foundation for a meaningful inquiry on pedagogy. The CSDC and Pedagogy Conversation Guide helps PT and SP identify a focus for the pedagogy inquiry. • Introduce the Conversation Guide: CSDC and Pedagogy (2.11), by having participants individually read the prompts and highlighting key words to aid them in synthesizing the information into the main point. Standing Partner Conversation: Have participants stand and partner with someone in the room with whom they have not previously worked. Partners discuss one of the prompts that they believe will lead to a meaningful & powerful conversation with their participating teachers. Participants return to their seats and share a few ideas with the whole group. 45 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Module A Context for Teaching 45
Using the Conversation Guides
Review assigned document School and District Information/Resources (2.12) Home/School Communication (2.13) Site Orientation Checklist (2.14) Community Map (2.15) Discuss and record what to do in advance Share out responses TRAINER NOTES (25 minutes): Divide participants into 4 groups Assign each group a document on the Conversation Guide: School and District Information/Resources (2.12) Home/School Communication (2.13) Site Orientation Checklist (2.14) Community Map (2.15) Steps: Each group should first look at the questions for their document on the Conversation Guide. Review the document Discuss and record in the right-hand column all the things they could do in advance of their meeting with their PT to prepare to: Complete the conversation guide Successfully guide their PT through the document itself Each group will share out their portion of the guide As each group shares out, be sure that all important ideas surrounding the various documents are included Encourage participants to record thoughts and ideas shared by the other groups on their own Conversation Guide If time permits, as a group, discuss the remaining topics on the Conversation Guide 46 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Module A Context for Teaching 46
Steps to Completion As a group, help your colleagues to plan the steps to completing the CFT/ATP TRAINER’S NOTES: Directions: Print out the pages with the steps to completing the CFT/ATP. Ask participants to close their portfolios Distribute the pages to the participants and ask them to come to the front and line up in the correct order Alignment Chart Discussion Guide Classroom Management Conversation Guide K-W-O Informal Observation Post-Observation Discussion Marking the DOP CSDC/Pedagogy Conversation Guide Put these components in order on your “Steps to Completing CFT/ATP handout.
What’s Next? FACT Day 2 Training, which will cover: Pedagogy Inquiry
Self-Selected Inquiries Summary of Teaching Practice You should have all components covered in the Day 1 training completed by the end of Fall semester! TRAINER’S NOTES 48 48
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