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Slacklining Are you ready for a new challenge considering trend sport?

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Presentation on theme: "Slacklining Are you ready for a new challenge considering trend sport?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slacklining Are you ready for a new challenge considering trend sport?

2 General facts Trendy kind of sport Something in common with tightrope acts in a circus Slacklining= balance on slackline Sportler: composition of balance concentration coordination

3 Good training for other kinds of sport e.g.climbing,skiing,etc. Only balancing> try tricks or jumps General facts

4 History Relatively new kind of sport Before becoming a single kind of sport,climbers just used it for practising USA: start: 1980s in Yosemite Nationalpark Main idea: climbers also train during bad weather > another possibility: rope on a car park Europe: 70s and 80s climbers also balanced on a rope ( independent actions) Yosemite national park

5 Characteristics Line between two points Really moves> depends on the user‘s weight Slackline: very dynamic, have to pay attention > do not fall down Do not look like a tightroper> do not very elegant Even out the balance with legs

6 Comparison between and circusslackline Professional slackliners = artists,although a lot of things in common, differences, too

7 Circus For audience Very elegant Strict rope > easier to walk on it Slackliner On their own and for their own Trying tricks > result knowledge of the possibibilities during this sport Very dynamic > moving > very hard to have a good balance

8 Material Not very much > most important: slackline Width: 25 mm Biggest width: easiest > is not so flexible Materials: different traits > challenge = same tricks on ropes with different widths

9 Right material > put up right Two points > good distance, e.g. 2 trees Protection by using some stuff before putting line Not difficult > easy for everybody > sport for everybody

10 Kinds of slacklines Different difficulties Everybody: choose the right one for themselves

11 lowline For beginners Length: 10-12 m Height:30-70 cm Because of very low height > not dangerous Can balance during walking + standing > try little tricks Underground: very soft > reduce/avoid injuries

12 Longlines/highlines Length: 20 m (just for walking+ balancing) Length: 100 m > special challenge Slackliners: very calm and concentrated Reason: line start moving > cannot stop Highlines: breathtaking heights, e.g.between cliffs Very difficult for mind and body Special line for your safety

13 Waterlines Special underground (over water) Good in summer > new tricks: do not work out > just fall in water > before doing this: have to check water depth Also over rivers: weird > reason: move, are not at only one place

14 Darklines Without light > really big challenge Due to injuries, really good safety necessary Just for professionals

15 Criticism Some environmentalists: not good for trees which are needed Difficult topic Slackliners: really careful, protection > no damage Since a lot of people have done it > is forbidden in some public parks Opinion most people: not true Trees not endangered if good protection Good protection Result: be not concerned about the trees

16 The end Julie Rausche

17 Sources of information Text: wikipedia; Pictures:google (e.g.Köln Nachrichten;; wikipedia)

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