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Sierra Club “Sierra Club” established in 1892 in San Francisco Founded by naturalist John Muir 182 charter members.

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1 Sierra Club “Sierra Club” established in 1892 in San Francisco Founded by naturalist John Muir 182 charter members

2 Preservation vs Conservation Preservationists, like John Muir, believed that the wilderness should be protected from all commercial interests. Conservationists believed in using resources for economic interests and then replenishing them

3 Conservation Movement 1900 President Theodore Roosevelt “the conservation president” When he took office about 45 million acres were reserved by the US government When he left office more than 150 million acres had been set aside

4 President Roosevelt and John Muir

5 Roosevelt Conservation Policy Chief Forester under Roosevelt was Gifford Pinchot He preached the efficient use of natural resources, and permitted grazing, lumbering, and the development of hydroelectric power. He fought development only when he thought business interests acted irresponsibly

6 San Francisco Earthquake 1906 1906 earthquake precipitated a conflict between preservationists and conservationists Most bitter example was the Hetch-Hetchy dam in Yosemite

7 Hetch Hetchy To fill a natural valley in Yosemite with water to supply San Francisco? The name “Hetch Hetchy” comes from a grass with edible seeds that grows in the valley, from the native Miwok language

8 Sierra Club lost its attempt to save the valley at Hetch Hetchy Conflict within the Sierra Club, but the membership voted by a large majority to oppose a dam and reservoir at Hetch Hetchy.

9 Hetch Hetchy circa 1913

10 Hetch Hetchy circa 1920

11 Hetch Hetchy reservoir today Do you think the dam should be removed and the valley restored to its natural state?

12 Today, the Sierra Club has 1.3 million members

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