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Advancing Communication Competencies: Using Technology for Core Instruction and Resources Trudy Bayer Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Karen Curto.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing Communication Competencies: Using Technology for Core Instruction and Resources Trudy Bayer Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Karen Curto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing Communication Competencies: Using Technology for Core Instruction and Resources Trudy Bayer Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Karen Curto University of Pittsburgh

2 The failure of research universities seems most serious in conferring degrees upon inarticulate students The Boyer Commission Report on Undergraduate Education, 1998

3 Every university graduate should understand that no idea is fully formed until it can be communicated, and that the organization required for writing and speaking is part of the thought process that enables one to understand material fully. The Boyer Commission Report on Undergraduate Education, 1998

4 Writing & Speaking in Biology Senior biology majors Demonstrate proficiency in writing and speaking like a biologist Multiple sections Taught by various instructors 12- 15 students per/section Required Two Credit

5 Requirements Selected a current controversy in the field of biology The Role of Autophagy in Inhibiting or Accelerating Cancerous Cell Growth The Potential of Adipose – Derived Stem Cells as a Likely Source for Neurons Conducted research on the primary scientific literature surrounding controversy Made a scientific recommendation to resolve the controversy Wrote a scientific report of their findings Developed an oral presentation presentation Two drafts of paper and the oral scientific presentation

6 Initial Survey

7 Initial Survey Results 2.8

8 Initial Survey Question #6 Results: What specific issues or questions about giving a talk would you like to see discussed in next week's workshop?

9 Discovering Main Points What are your own thoughts about your research analysis? Do not use the words of others. Answer the following questions using your own language. What conclusion have you reached about your scientific controversy? What are the primary REASONS that you have reached this conclusion? (Limit your reasons to no more than five)

10 Discovering Main Points Cont. Once you complete this exercise, answer the question another way. Given the problem and what you now know about its background and alternative solutions, what solution are you advancing? What are the reasons that you have reached this solution?

11 Discovering Main Points Cont. Do you have a substantial amount of information for each main reason or (main point) that you have identified? Outline each point in detail. If you dont have enough material, considering incorporating it as a sub-point elsewhere.

12 An Equation for Success in Oral Communication INSTRUCTION + PRACTICE + FEEDBACK = ABILITY

13 Follow-up Survey

14 Follow-up Survey Responses Initial Survey

15 What do you feel were the strengths of your FINAL presentation? Student Comments What were the strengths of your final presentation?

16 An Equation for Success in Oral Communication INSTRUCTION + PRACTICE + FEEDBACK = ABILITY

17 Grant Support Develop virtual instruction in oral communication Purchase technology to provide more precise feedback to students on their presentations

18 Communication Instruction via DVDs Focus on Organization Delivery Logical stopping points for discussion and exercises

19 Follow-up Survey Results Instructional recordings very helpful Similar to previous live instruction Highly self-rated final presentations Confidence in ability to develop future scientific presentations

20 Mediasite® Integrates audio, video and computer-driven applications, such as PowerPoint slides Formatted for uploading onto a server for distribution to a defined audience Access can be restricted to a single student or web browsers, learning management, course management or content management systems Closed captioning option - simple comments, links to references Closed captioning allowed for specific, precise, real-time feedback MAXIMIZE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT



23 Did it work? Student assessment 91% rate viewing their recording as somewhat to very important Over 50% rate it as important to very important

24 Was it used? 84% of students rated comments as somewhat to very important in revision of final presentation

25 Did Their Talks Improve? Students with problems in first presentation benefit most from this technology Comments This gave me an opportunity to Change, refine, clarify, act on feedback Scores improve on an average of 9% From 83% to 92%

26 How Did Assessment Improve Student Learning? Students self-perceived learning needs are important formative assessment measures. Assessing those needs provided the foundation for our instruction which students were able to effectively utilize. Formative assessment was matched to student-driven not teacher- driven concerns.

27 Real-time feedback provided more detailed and precise formative assessment to promote student learning. This approach also addressed diversity issues among students.

28 Multiple and varied formative feedback on the same assignment supports self- reflection, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the material. This approach also promoted students self- confidence in their abilities.

29 Multiple low-stakes formative assessment opportunities prepared students to succeed in the final summative assessment.

30 Every university graduate should understand that no idea is fully formed until it can be communicated, and that the organization required for writing and speaking is part of the thought process that enables one to understand material fully. The Boyer Commission Report on Undergraduate Education, 1998

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