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Presentation on theme: "HONORS VOCABULARY SET #3"— Presentation transcript:

By Sachin Jain Block 6 !!!Words!!!

2 Bluff (v.) Definition: To engage in a false display of strength or confidence, usually un order to deceive someone. S: bravado A: courageous Sentence: The captain’s bluff scared the pirates, and they left the boat and crew alone.

3 Brackish (adj.) Definition: Salty. S: salty A: fresh
The brackish meal was too much for the baby to handle, so it got a stomach ache.

4 Circumference (n.) Definition: The boundary of an area, an object, or geometric figure; especially a circle. S: perimeter A: area Sentence: The farmer needed to calculate the circumference of his circular plot in order to see how much fence was needed in order the keep his cattle inside.

5 Headway (n.) Definition: To progress towards a place or goal.
S: advance A: stop Sentence: The scientist made great headway in his research for finding the cure for cancer.

6 Ignite (v.) Definition: To cause something to start burning; to catch fire. S: burn A: distinguish Sentence: The pirates ignited the gunpowder in the cannon to shoot at the other ship.

7 Illuminated (v.) Definition: To cast light upon someone or something.
S: brighten A: darken Sentence: To illuminate the dark hull of the ship, the pirates used kerosene lamps.

8 Impending (adj.) Definition: About to occur. S: inevitable
A: avoidable Sentence: The pirates prepared for the impending attack.

9 Repugnant (adj.) Definition: Causing disgust; offensive or repulsive.
S: odiferous A: fragrance Sentence: The pirates cringed at the repugnant sight of the mutated clown fish with 3 heads, 7 fins, and 1 eye.

10 Restitution (n.) Definition: To pay money or make up for damage or injury that you have caused. S: compensate A: rob Sentence: It was only polite to pay the shop keeper restitution for the damaged mug.

11 Sabotage (n.) Definition: Deliberate act that causes damage or stops activities. S: purposely A: accidental Definition: There were many sabotages against the pirates for they were the ruthless crew that sailed the 7 seas.

12 Sabotage (v.) Definition: To commit sabotage against something.
S: damage A: help Sentence: The pirates sent a saboteur to sabotage their rival pirates.

13 Scarcity (n.) Definition: Insufficient supply; a shortage.
S: inadequate A: full Sentence: The scarcity of food made pirates starve and was then later named as the Hunger Years of 1745.

14 Zeal (n.) Definition: Great enthusiasm or devotion to a cause, idea or goal. S: gusto A: boredom Sentence: The pirates showed great zeal as they stepped up onto the stage, each shook the head pirate’s hand, and accepted their reward for “Best Pirates Evarrrrrr”.


16 Ambrosial (adj.) Definition: Delicious, fragrant, divine. S: pristine
A: disheveled Sentence: The pirates had just pillaged a rich boat, so they had an amazingly ambrosial meal.

17 Halcyon (adj.) Definition: calm, peaceful S: tranquil A: bedlam
Sentence: The halcyon view at the top of the tallest mountain in Yosemite Nation Park is so halcyon, that it’s unbelievable.

18 Metamorphosis (n.) Definition: A transformation, a marked alteration.
S: change A: regular Sentence: The villain had a mental metamorphosis after he began to do many good deeds.

19 Labyrinthine (adj.) Definition: Complicated, perplexing, mazelike
S: maze A: simple Sentence: Theseus rolled a ball of string inside the labyrinthine maze, so he wouldn’t get lost.

20 Titanic (adj.) Definition: Huge, powerful S: enormous A: miniscule
Sentence: The tank was a titanic monstrosity and could only be destroyed by a very powerful nuclear explosion.


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