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1 “Now That You Have It, What Are You Going To Do With It?” Wayne D. Cornelius, Ph.D. Physics, TAMU Class of 1979 Science Applications International Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 “Now That You Have It, What Are You Going To Do With It?” Wayne D. Cornelius, Ph.D. Physics, TAMU Class of 1979 Science Applications International Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 “Now That You Have It, What Are You Going To Do With It?” Wayne D. Cornelius, Ph.D. Physics, TAMU Class of 1979 Science Applications International Corporation & Scientific Solutions

2 2 Ph.D., Nuclear Physics, TAMU, 1979 –Summer Research Internship, Los Alamos (1973-1976). –TAMU Cyclotron (1975-1979) Postdoctoral Fellowship, LANL, Medium Energy Nuclear Physics (1979-1982) Staff member, LANL, accelerator technology (1982- 1989) Senior Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation (1989- ) Founder and CEO, Scientific Solutions (1994- ) Senior Scientist, MagneVu (1994-2007) Mentor to graduate students in physics. Member of APS, AVS, IEEE My Background

3 3 How does one work with and within industry? What will you do with it?

4 4 Opportunities abound if you know how to “sell” yourself and your skills. Who are the possible companies? The potential customers? The competition? Learn to recognize opportunities Determine the “value proposition” and the “business opportunity”. Why would someone want to fund you and your ideas? What is the value of the proposed product, service, etc.? What is the business of the proposed product, service, etc.? How do you get started?

5 5 Network: Each person you meet knows at least two other people you should speak with. How quickly does this approach build up your network of contacts? Do the math. Do your homework (read the journals) Learn to use the tools of the trade Don’t learn the formulas, learn the techniques. If you know the techniques you can derive formulas whenever needed. You can usually look up the formulas you need. How do you get started?

6 6 Example 1: Polarized ion source Business Problem: Available polarized current very low compared with un-polarized sources. Applications are in nuclear physics research and surface interaction physics. Are there newer technologies that can be applied to improve the performance? Polarized ion source

7 7 Enabling technologies: High power dye lasers (later titanium sapphire and tuneable diode lasers) Electron-cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source Polarized ion source

8 8 Optical Pumping Tests

9 9 Polarized ion source Demonstrated high polarization in optically pumped sodium vapor, but failed to provide a compelling case for what needed to happen next. Transferred technology to laboratories in Japan and Canada. Only after those sources operated successfully was funding made available for continuing the project at LANL.

10 10 FMIT Accelerator Example 2: High Power Proton Beam Diagnostic Instrumentation Business Problem: The cw beam of the 2 MeV Fusion Materials Irradiation Test (FMIT) accelerator would operate for only a few seconds before melting a beam tube or o-ring. How can we measure the properties of the beam during this short interval?

11 11 FMIT Accelerator 2 MeV, 100 mA, cw H2+ beam (200 kW)

12 12 FMIT Accelerator Beam Melt Contours:

13 13 FMIT Accelerator Tomographic Beam Emittance Reconstruction:

14 14 FMIT Accelerator Beam emittances different from predictions:

15 15 FMIT Accelerator This technique was used to demonstrate the power of a particle beam for the Strategic Defense Initiative. High- speed cameras captured the melting of a stack of 19 sheets of stainless steel (equivalent to 0.5” thick). The penetration rate could be calculated from the time required for the beam to penetrate one sheet and begin to melt the next. The value proposition was showing what an ion beam could do and convinced funding agencies that there was merit in supporting this research.

16 16 Circular Polarizer Example 3: Circular Polarizer Assembly Business Problem: The electrons in an electron- cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source rotate in a particular direction with respect to the magnetic field lines. Circularly polarized rf waves should be twice as efficient in driving the resonance. Previous tests with kludged equipment were inconclusive.

17 17 Circular Polarizer Approach: Designed a circular polarizer with cylindrical dielectric-loaded waveguide to test using the Los Alamos 100 mA cw 2.45 GHz ECR proton ion source. Result? Efficiency improved by the expected factor, but the smaller waveguide penetration was less efficient in coupling rf energy into the plasma.

18 18 Circular Polarizer Circular Polarizer Assembly

19 19 MiniECR Source Example 4: MiniECR Ion Source Business Problem: The circular polarizer concept pointed the way to miniaturizing an ECR source for industrial applications (ion implantation, space propulsion, materials modification, etc.)

20 20 MiniECR Source US Patent 6,812,647

21 21 Cargo Intrusion Detector Example 5: Intrusion Detector for Cargo Containers Business Problem: Develop techniques for ensuring the security of cargo containers used in international shipping.

22 22 Cargo Intrusion Detector Thinking outside the box: Treat a cargo container as a six-sided rectangular box. The radiofrequency resonances of a “loaded” box are unique to each container and its cargo, therefore, measuring the resonance spectrum provides a means of uniquely characterizing each loaded container.

23 23 Cargo Intrusion Detector produces an RF Spectral Response (rf signature) RF energy radiated into metal container Current systems look for changes in rf signature RF Spectrum rf modes RID mounted inside container

24 24 Cargo Intrusion Detector Resonant Intrusion Detector (RID) US Patent 7,095,326

25 25 Cargo Intrusion Detector The US State Department is currently testing 30 container security devices (CSDs) and 30 advanced container security devices (ACSDs) to see how well they perform in domestic and international shipping.

26 26 Low Energy Proton Storage Ring Example 6: Low Energy Proton Storage Ring Business Problem: Develop techniques for detecting explosives and other contraband in shipping containers.

27 27 Low Energy Proton Storage Ring Nearly all explosive compounds contain significant amounts of nitrogen. Nitrogen can be detected using resonant absorption of a 9.17 MeV gamma ray. The resonant gamma rays are produced via the 13 C(p,  ) 14 N resonance at 1.75 MeV proton energy. These high energy gamma rays are also useful in producing radiographs (x-ray images) of container contents.

28 28 Low Energy Proton Storage Ring Thinking outside the box: Instead of dumping the proton beam, bring it back around and hit the target again. Protons that don’t interact with 13C atoms are recirculated and reaccelerated to interact the target again. Compact Electron-cooled Storage Ring (CESR)

29 29 Low Energy Proton Storage Ring 4-cooler CESR configuration. US Patent 5,854,531 Circumference = 6.675 meters

30 30 Low Energy Proton Storage Ring Challenges: Design high-current, low-energy electron beam. Design “stable” storage ring particle dynamics. Minimize power requirements for mobile operation. Minimize cost and maximize reliability.

31 31 Broadband rf Source Example 8: Broadband RF source for ECR sources Business Problem: Develop and test a broadband rf source for ECR ion sources. Potentially impacts operation of existing ECR sources being used worldwide.

32 32 Broadband rf Source Which is more efficient: 1.Higher spectral power density, narrow bandwidth leading to a very narrow ECR zone. or 2.Lower spectral power density, wider bandwidth leading to larger volume of ECR zone?

33 33 Broadband rf Source Modified one of the rf intrusion detectors (RIDs) to act as a software defined radio transmitter. The rf spectrum can be modified by the user via Ethernet.

34 34 Broadband rf Source Photo of prototype programmable frequency source

35 35 Broadband rf Source Mode spectra for the phase-hopping algorithm with Rpt len = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64. The blue curve is a linear plot (left-hand axis) and the red curve is a semi-log plot (right-hand axis).

36 36 Broadband rf Source Results encouraging, but inconclusive. More testing is needed.

37 37 Charge-Breeder Ion Source Example 7: Charge-Breeder Ion Source Business Problem: Develop and fabricate ECR charge-breeder ion source for TAMU. Funded by Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant by the US Department of Energy

38 38 Charge-Breeder Ion Source Developed diagnostic instrumentation.

39 39 Charge-Breeder Ion Source Halbach array hexapole magnet.

40 40 Charge-Breeder Ion Source Assembled solenoid magnets

41 41 Charge-Breeder Ion Source Overhead view of charge-breeder before shipping to TAMU.

42 42 Charge-Breeder Ion Source Current Status: Charge-Breeder Ion Source delivered to TAMU Cyclotron late in 2007. Is currently being readied for initial operation.

43 43 What will you do with it? How will you succeed ?

44 44 What will you do with it? Keep your eyes and mind open Do your homework (read the journals)

45 45 What will you do with it? Learn to use the tools of the trade (many are available for free from ) SuperFish: radiofrequency field solver Poisson: electromagnetic and electrostatic field solver Pandira: permanent magnet field solver Trace3D: ion beam transport solver (visual, interactive) Parmila: ion beam transport (particle tracking)

46 46 What will you do with it? Opportunities abound if you know how to “sell” yourself and your skills. Who are the possible companies? Potential customers? Learn to recognize opportunities. Determine the “value proposition” and the “business opportunity” in the science. Why would someone want to fund you and your ideas? What is the value of the proposed product, service, etc.? What is the business of the proposed product, service, etc.?

47 47 What will you do with it? Once you understand the value of what you want to do and can make a clear case for how a business could be structured around that value, getting your research project funded will not be a problem.

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