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La nascita della astronomia dei raggi cosmici? Indicazioni dall' Osservatorio P. Auger Aurelio F. Grillo Teramo 8/05/08.

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Presentation on theme: "La nascita della astronomia dei raggi cosmici? Indicazioni dall' Osservatorio P. Auger Aurelio F. Grillo Teramo 8/05/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 La nascita della astronomia dei raggi cosmici? Indicazioni dall' Osservatorio P. Auger Aurelio F. Grillo Teramo 8/05/08

2 Nuclear (p, He.... Fe) component

3 Knee Ankle ? Few/km sq per century

4 p p? Nuclei


6 for extragalactic protons On CMBR photons


8 The Auger hybrid concept



11 Almost completely operating, now 1 year full observatory !

12 Fluorescence light Fluorescence Detector FDSurface Detector SD

13 The Auger hybrid concept

14 The spectrum: most statistically significant from SD calibrated in energy by “hybrid” events - energy systematic error ~22 %, mostly from systematic of the FD detector (fluorescence yield, atmospheric transparency....) Surface Detector SD Fluorescence Detector FD

15 Ultra High Energy CR spectrum ICRC07


17 Evidence for GZK cutoff? Likely fit

18 Cosmic Ray astronomy? If UHECRs origin is astrophysical, astronomy may be possible above some x 10 19 eV if particles are protons (and IG magnetic fields small) ‏

19 If UHECRs origin is astrophysical, astronomy may be possible above some x 10 19 eV if particles are protons (and IG magnetic fields small) ‏ Around ~10 20 eV particles can only arrive from within ~ 100 Mpc (in case of GZK) Cosmic Ray astronomy?

20 If UHECRs origin is astrophysical, astronomy may be possible above some x 10 19 eV if particles are protons (and IG magnetic fields small) ‏ Around ~10 20 eV particles can only arrive from within ~ 100 Mpc (in case of GZK) A statistically significant correlation with sources in the GZK spere would unambiguously prove the reality of the cutoff (and give hints on the nature of sources) ‏ Cosmic Ray astronomy?

21 The “Telescope” - Angular resolution ~ 1 degree - Pointing Accuracy ~ 1 degree - Charged Messengers => deviation in mag. fields

22 Exposure of the experiment in Galactic coordinates

23 The (Aug. 2007) astronomy analyses ~9000 km 2 sr yr, trigger efficiency ~100%

24 Search for point sources: the motivation Small magnetic deflection Only nearby sources if GZK feature ok Nearby Universe anisotropic Regular Gal. B field

25 Search for point sources: the motivation Small magnetic deflection Only nearby sources if GZK feature ok Nearby Universe anisotropic Indication of GZK from spectrum Bounds on photons/neutrinos Acceleration favoured vs. top-down Regular Gal. B field

26 Search for point sources: the method Need to search correlations of a selected sample of events with astrophysical objects.... how and where? Large parameter space: -- events -> Energy, angular aperture Sources -> what sources: type, distance (z)........

27 Search for point sources: the method Need to search correlations of a selected sample of events with astrophysical objects.... how and where? Large parameter space: -- events -> Energy, angular aperture Sources -> what sources: type, distance (z)........ Method: perform a scan in the parameters space, after having chosen sources of a given type from a catalogue Chosen Veron-Cetty, Veron Catalogue of AGNs

28 Search for point sources: the method Some definitions: p -- exposure-weighted fraction of the sky accessible to observation, covered by windows of radius ψ centred on the selected sources. P -- probability that k or more out of a total of N events from isotropic flux are correlated by chance with the selected objects at the chosen angular scale this probability needs 'penalization' i.e. P fin = P/N t (from MC) ‏ z<0.018

29 Search for point sources: the strategy Performed an exploratory scan. E th > 4 10 19 eV z < 0.024 Of 15 events with E th > 5.7 10 19 eV, 12 correlated within with AGNs with z<0.019, while 3.2 expected with these parameters

30 Search for point sources: the strategy Performed an exploratory scan. E th > 4 10 19 eV z < 0.024 Of 15 events with E th > 5.7 10 19 eV, 12 correlated within with AGNs with z<0.018, while 3.2 expected with these parameters Further search performed with these a priori fixed parameters, ending when the probability to incorrectly reject hisotropy hypotesis < 1% Search started May 2006, ended May 2007 when 6/8 events found correlating. In sample May 2006 – Aug 2007 8/13 correlating P= 1.7 10 -3

31 Search for point sources: the strategy Rescan whole dataset with improved reconstr. algorithm to fix parameters. 20 out of 27 events correlated (a posteriori) P fin (iso)~10 -5









40 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Equatorial coordinates South pole SuperGalactic plane Galactic plane

41 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map PAO events

42 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map AGNs from VC-V catalogue (z<0.018)‏ PAO events

43 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map CenA Virgo AGNs from VC-V catalogue PAO events

44 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map CenA Virgo AGNs from VC-V catalogue PAO events

45 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map CenA Virgo AGNs from VC-V catalogue If region of Galactic plane excluded, 19 out of 21 events do correlate PAO events

46 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map CenA Virgo AGNs from VC-V catalogue Leiden – Argentine – Bonn Hydrogen Survey PAO events

47 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map

48 Both for real events and simulated sets of same size, either isotropic or source

49 CenA Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map

50 AGNs: sources or tracers??

51 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map AGNs: sources or tracers??

52 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map AGNs: sources or tracers?? No significant correlation (yet) with Abell,REFLEX, NORAS catalogues of clusters of galaxies, nor starburst radio galaxies

53 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map AGNs: sources or tracers?? No significant correlation (yet) with Abell,REFLEX, NORAS catalogues of clusters of galaxies, nor starburst radio galaxies

54 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map AGNs: sources or tracers?? No significant correlation (yet) with Abell,REFLEX, NORAS catalogues of clusters of galaxies, nor starburst radio galaxies

55 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map CenA

56 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map The GZK “horizon”

57 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map The GZK “horizon” Indication of the need of energy shift? Too early, exclude other selection effects (foreground, bias of method..) ‏

58 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Magnetic fields Extragalactic (irregular) ‏

59 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Magnetic fields Extragalactic (irregular) ‏

60 Possibly Some open issues: -- Statistic: 27 events E> 5.7 10 19 eV. One more year of data will double N. Birth of (nuclear) Cosmic Ray Astronomy?

61 Possibly Some open issues: -- Statistic: 27 events E> 5.7 10 19 eV. One more year of data will double N. -- Energy: at 5.7 10 19 eV GZK Horizon ~ 200 Mp > 75 upward shift of energy calibration consistent with sistematic error can reconcile Birth of (nuclear) Cosmic Ray Astronomy?

62 Possibly Some open issues: -- Statistic: 27 events E> 5.7 10 19 eV. One more year of data will double N. -- Energy: at 5.7 10 19 eV GZK Horizon ~ 200 Mp > 75 but... upward shift of energy calibration consistent with sistematic error can reconcile -- Type of particles: some hint of heavy nuclei, larger deviation in GMF Birth of (nuclear) Cosmic Ray Astronomy?

63 HiRes does not confirm

64 We are probably at a turning date for Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Sources of Cosmic Rays may have been detected, although their real identity still unclear The Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin feature has been probably detected Conclusions?

65 We are probably at a turning date for Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Sources of Cosmic Rays may have been detected, although their real identity still unclear The Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin feature has been probably detected Conclusions?

66 We are probably at a turning date for Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Sources of Cosmic Rays may have been detected, although their real identity still unclear The Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin feature has been probably detected Conclusions?

67 We are probably at a turning date for Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Sources of Cosmic Rays may have been detected, although their real identity still unclear The Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin feature has been probably detected A very interesting future is approaching!! Conclusions?

68 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Magnetic fields Difficult – impossible if nuclei

69 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Magnetic fields

70 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Magnetic fields

71 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Magnetic fields

72 Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Magnetic fields Problem not serious (yet!) also: non correlating events chance correlating events Preliminary!!


74 HiRes HiRes energy x 0.83


76 CenA Search for point sources: the PAO Sky Map Preliminary!! No distinctive feature of correlated AGNs identified. AGNs: sources or tracers?


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