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1 LEFIS – Legal Framework for the Information Society Work Group 1, Undergraduate Studies --- Undergraduate Degree Courses and series of lessons in IT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LEFIS – Legal Framework for the Information Society Work Group 1, Undergraduate Studies --- Undergraduate Degree Courses and series of lessons in IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 LEFIS – Legal Framework for the Information Society Work Group 1, Undergraduate Studies --- Undergraduate Degree Courses and series of lessons in IT Law and Legal Informatics at the University of Bologna Cesare Maioli CIRSFID and University of Bologna Oslo, May 19, 2006

2 2 Evolution of the law degrees in Italy - I From 1970, and before, to 2000:  four years degree in Jurisprudence ----------------------------------------------------------- Since 2000-2001  two level degrees: -three years Degree in Law Science -two years Degree in Jurisprudence (second level) Since 1997 Law Service Degrees in  Consultant in Labour law (2001), on a previuos 2 years school (1991)  Law Operator in the enterprise (1997), in Ravenna  Operator in IT and law (2003), Since 2003 Legislation Degree in  E-Governance (second level), in Ravenna  three years Degree in Law Science, in Ravenna

3 3 Evolution of the law degrees in Italy - II University degree structure modifications by Government at the begging of 2006  redefinition of the class of the Science of Law services  redefinition of the class of the Legislation  the 3 + 2 model was cancelled; students already enrolled may finish their track  the new 1 + 4 model was introduced (named Laurea magistralis ) starting from 2006 for the classes of Law sciences and Legislation  new 1+2 model for the class of Science of Law services, starting from 2007

4 4 Origin and environment The oldest University in the world (1088) CIRSFID Center for Computers and Law, since 1986 Strong economic environment Market needs (lawyers and enterprises) About 1200 enrolments each year for Law studies + about 200 for Ravenna and Law services

5 Name of the Degree CourseLevelClass# of IT courses (CFUs) approx. 1 Operator in IT and law Degree Basic Level Science of Law services 10 (70/180) 2 Law Operator in the enterprise Degree Basic Level Science of Law services 2 (12/180) 3 Consultant in Labour law Degree Basic Level Science of Law services 1 (8/180) 4 Law sciences Degree Basic Level Law sciences2 (12/180) 5 Jurisprudence Degree Advanced L. Law sciences1 (6/120) 6 E-governance Degree Advanced L. Legislation4 (45/120) 7 Seminars creditsany n.a. (3) IT Law and legal informatics in the Faculty of Law

6 Name of the Degree CourseLevelClass# of IT courses (CFUs) approx. 1 Science of InternetDegree Advanced L. Tools and methods for the Information society 2 (12/180) 2 Science of InternetDegree Basic Level Computer Science1 (6/180) IT Law and legal informatics in other Faculties Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Engineering Name of the CourseLevelClass# of IT courses (CFUs) approx. Telecommunication LawDegree Basic Level Telecommunication Engineering 1 (9/180) Management EngineeringDegree Basic Level Management Engineering 1 (8/180)

7 7 Offers by the Faculty of Law Three years degree in Operatore Informatico Giuridico (Operator in Law and Information technology) –known as Degree in legal informatics –first level degree –since the academic year 2003-2004 –based on a previous two-year short degree course –class of the Science of law services Two years degree in Teoria e tecnica della normazione in e-governance (Theory and techniques of legislation in e- governance) –known as Degree in e-governance –since the academic year 2004-2005 –based on a previous school of specialization –class of the Legislation –located in Ravenna

8 8 IT Law and legal informatics in the new Laurea magistralis in Law Starting 2006-2007 1+4 model New curriculum model with less exams and deeper contents Legal Informatics mandatory in the third year IT for law professions elective in the last year Availability of a few elective courses with ICT contents such as: Computer forensics, Legimatics, AI and law, Basic skills and other

9 9 Degree in legal informatics - Objectives To provide the market with a law operator who is able to integrate legal knowledge with ICT capabilities and insight to manage the penetration of ICT in any sector of law studies and practices, e.g.: −software houses −law firms −public administration −law enforcement agencies To give the student an interdisciplinary preparation in computer law and legal informatics To give the students an international vision and foreign languages skills

10 10 Degree in legal informatics – Job opportunities Support to computer law professions, e.g.: copyright, e-commerce, privacy, contracts dealing with ICT objects, digital signatures, digital document, e-government Digitally supported co-operation in the drafting of rules and regulations (legislative offices, administrative innovation, law court offices) Design and evaluation of information system for the judiciary sector, the enterprises, the public administration Design and implementation of software systems for law firms and law professionals and practitioners Support to computer forensics activities Management of the legal side of ICT projects, including security systems

11 11 Degree in legal informatics – Courses First year (63 credits) Legal informatics General theory of law Private law Constitutional law Introduction to informatics Political and enterprise economy Computer lab Foreign languages Second year (60 credits) Advanced legal informatics Advanced general theory of law Commercial law Administrative law Algorithms and programming Data bases and information systems Computer lab Foreign languages Optional courses Third year (57 credits) Computer law Advanced computer law Civil law or Judiciary organization Computer lab Foreign languages Optional courses Focused seminars Internship Final thesis

12 12 Degree in legal informatics – Courses First year (63 credits) Legal informatics General theory of law Private law Constitutional law Introduction to informatics Political and enterprise economy Computer lab Foreign languages Second year (60 credits) Advanced legal informatics Advanced general theory of law Commercial law Administrative law Algorithms and programming Data bases and information systems Computer lab Foreign languages Optional courses Third year (57 credits) IT law Advanced legal informatics Civil law or Judiciary organization Computer lab Foreign languages Optional courses Focused seminars Internship Final thesis

13 13 Degree in Law Sciences and in Jurisprudence Advanced legal informatics Applications for the law profession Query and retrieval from legal data bases Internet for the legal operator HTML and XML drafting Information system in the law firm Digital signature and certified email Artificial Intelligence to legal knowledge Expert systems, neural networks, frames to represent legal reasoning Data and application security Automation of the Civil lawsuit Systems, rules and roles ICT implementation Data protection law Degree in legal informatics – lead course

14 14 Degree in legal informatics – Highlights Electronic Civil Proceedings, in co-operation with the Law Court of Bologna in the framework of a national project Computer assisted legal drafting, i. e. legimatics, in co-operation with nation and local public administration authorities Agents and contracts, negotiation between intelligent agents, in co- operation with international research centres Expert systems in law, rule based systems in the tax domain, in co- operation with administrative and fiscal international bodies Support to computer forensics activities, in co-operation with national investigation, law enforcement representatives and defense lawyers

15 15 National Service Card, Digital Identity Card National networks, RUPA, RUPAR System of application co-operation Key elements Digital recognition Access channels Supply Organizations Interoperability Telecommunication infrastructure Citizens Enterprises Nazional Local Health Web (Portals P.A.) Call center One-stop- shop Cellulars, palm pc ISP (Post offices, Banks, …) …… Munici- palities Regions PAC Communication metaphorCommunication metaphor Levels of users authenticationLevels of users authentication Priority servicesPriority services Measures of the service levelsMeasures of the service levels Process re- engineeringProcess re- engineering Privacy issuesPrivacy issues International issuesInternational issues Commercial issuesCommercial issues From As is to To beFrom As is to To be Application Integration Back office Reference view for e-society services (emphasis on Law)

16 16 Degree in e-governance - Objectives To provide the public administration at large with innovation actors in the legislative, organizational and technological fields in a European context To put on the market professionals in e-governance solutions (i.e. providers of legislative and ICT solutions in a well defined political framework) To give the students a deep understanding of the links between different branches of law (administrative, constitutional, private) and organizations and ICT solutions To reinforce the international vision and the foreign languages skills of the students

17 17 Degree in e-governance – Job opportunities support to the definition and implementation of e-government plans by the public administration bodies at different level according to national and European indications design and management of e-government projects launched by different levels of authorities support to the process of subsidiary responsibilities and federalism dealing mainly with their ICT components such as digital signatures, electronic contracts, e-procurement, digital documents, network capabilities design and help to the definition of the legislation and the implementation of activities such as digital identity card, digital card of services, fiscal issues in the Internet, software protection, software reuse, distance work, international co-operative work and commerce

18 18 Degree in e-governance – Courses First year (58 credits) Informatics for e-government Theory of e-governance Theory and techniques of legislation Administrative law in the Information society Models of e-governance Economy of the enterprise and of innovation Legislative language History of modern codification Free courses Second year (62 credits) Digital processing of legal information Information system for e-government Sociology of law and e-governance Theory of e-governance Digital contract law Comparative public law Free courses Internship Thesis Admittance for students who already received 180 credit from the classes of Law studies

19 19 Degree in e-governance – Courses First year (58 credits) Informatics for e-government Legal informatics Theory of e-governance Theory and techniques of legislation Administrative law in the Information society Models of e-governance Economy of the enterprise and of innovation Legislative language History of modern codification Second year (62 credits) Digital processing of legal information Information system for e-government Sociology of law and e-governance Theory of e-governance Digital contract law Comparative public law Free courses Internship Thesis Admittance for students who already received 180 credit from the classes of Law studies

20 20 Laurea magistralis in Law – Courses (also for Degree in Law Sciences and in Jurisprudence) Legal informatics Information systems and organization Hardware systems architecture Software systems architecture Network systems architecture Expert systems and AI Legal knowledge bases Trade secrets and proprietary information Intellectual property Software contracts and software reuse E-commerce and e-governance Information privacy and computer security Electronic document Computer forensics IT for the law professions IT for the lawyer Basic ICT resources Software and communication tools Documents, archives and data bases Privacy and security Web support to transactions and decisions Access to registries and data banks Internet supported legal services Computer forensics IT for the judiciary Legal informatics Information systems for the judiciary Decisions and management of lawsuits E-government and public administration Privacy issues Web information services IT supported investigation (elective, recommended)

21 21 Main elective courses - I Legal drafting Legistics Law drafting and editing Mark-up languages HTML XML Semantic Web Information systems for documentation Web based services for the retrieval and management of norms Law ontologies and OWL Topic maps Security issues Software engineering issues Knowledge based systems for law Legal knowledge representation First order logic Logical representation tools Formalization techniques Obligation, rules, power Law dynamic Deontic logic Legal knowledge based systems Structure and functionalities of expert systems in law Development methods Software tools Rule based systems Case studies

22 22 Main elective courses - II Computer forensics Computer security risks and remedies Incident responses: tools, cases, methods Preservation of computer evidence Time line analysis of computer files based on file creation, file modification and file access Differences between operating systems and file systems from a forensics standpoint Computer and network forensics processing methods and procedures Case studies and laboratory tested and certified forensic search tools experiences Penal code and Civil code issues Defensive investigations The documentation of computer and network forensics findings for use in trial and for management review European laws and legal framework

23 23 Basic ICT skill acquisition courses ECDL like Certification Basic introduction to hardware, software and network concepts Use of facilities and tools Word processing Spreadsheet Elementary data base Data and information presentation Essentials of Internet Web structure and services Elementary programming Computer literacy for law ICT architectures Archives and file management Law data banks Documentation and retrieval systems Retrieval strategies and tools Mark-up languages HTML and XML Semantic Web Point-in-time norms Web portals and information server for law

24 24 Elective seminars Typically a time concentrated 24 hours lectures-exam-3 credits learning entity Limited number of admissions for students from any degree in the Faculty of Law Topics of 2005-2006: –Technical architectures and legal issues in the production and distribution of digital goods and services –The Semantic Web –Dynamics of the norm in the time –Computer forensics –Digital document and electronic signatures –E-government –Open source software

25 25 Conclusions The need to provide each and every student with general knowledge and skills in ICT and law is cautiously accepted by the Faculty members Work placement of legal informatics more oriented graduates not yet experienced, but for the period of internship: more and more requests of thesis work Good interest and acceptance of the initiatives by the institutions, the judiciary, the lawyer associations Focusing of traditional law discipline into information society issues somehow is hard to reach

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