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ESOL Harbour Project. What is ESOL Why we made a film.

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Presentation on theme: "ESOL Harbour Project. What is ESOL Why we made a film."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESOL Harbour Project

2 What is ESOL

3 Why we made a film

4 How it feels to move to a new country

5 Our idea for an ESOL Harbour

6 Survey results What level was your English when you first arrived? Beginner (no English/a few words) 25.00% Access 2-3 (understand & communicate a little or ok) 41.67% In Total 66.67% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Intermediate 1 or above26.39% I don’t know/I can’t remember 6.94%

7 Survey results How much tuition from ESOL/EAL did you have in your first 3 months? None 44.29% 1-2 hours p.w.28.57% 3-4 hours p.w.15.71% 1-2 days p.w. 4.29% 3 days or more p.w.4.29% I have just arrived/don’t know2.86%

8 Survey results How much ESOL support for young people is needed in the first year in Edinburgh? There is enough now20.29% A little more47.83% A lot more31.84%

9 Survey Results During the first 3-6 months what would have been helpful as an introduction to life in Edinburgh? – Meeting other ESOL young people69.12% – Information about college/education66.18% – Meeting Scottish people52.94% – ESOL/English Tuition51.47% – Fun/Social activities48.53% – Visiting places in Edinburgh44.12% – Information about Jobs30.88% – Safe space/place26.47%

10 Why is this so important?

11 BICS & CALP Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills & Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency It takes 2 years to develop fluency in conversational English, 5-7 years to develop academic proficiency in English if you are literate in your first language and 7-10 years if not literate in your first language Professor Jim Cummings

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