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Housing Stock Condition Survey, Study of Private Rented Sector and Sheltered Housing Feasibility Study Adult Strategic Partnership Board 20 th October.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Stock Condition Survey, Study of Private Rented Sector and Sheltered Housing Feasibility Study Adult Strategic Partnership Board 20 th October."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Stock Condition Survey, Study of Private Rented Sector and Sheltered Housing Feasibility Study Adult Strategic Partnership Board 20 th October 2010 Genevieve Macklin Head of Strategic Housing & Regulatory Services

2 Stock Condition Survey Private rented stock in Lewisham 29% v national average 12%, Owner occupied sector is 42% v 70% nationally 13,410 HMOs - 7,880 are poorly converted buildings into self contained flats, 4,830 are houses with multiple households of which 700 are the larger licensable HMOs. There are 3,190 vacant dwellings with 520 being long term vacants 29,950 homes or 36.7% of the private stock is non decent 40.8% of vulnerable households are living in non decent dwellings in Lewisham 7,850 owner occupiers are in fuel poverty (11%) 15,920 homes have Category 1 health hazards (19.5%) v 23.5% nationally SAP rating is 51 better than the national average of 48

3 Housing Health and Safety Rating System Class 1 Harms – death, permanent paralysis below the neck, malignant lung tumour, regular severe pneumonia, permanent loss of consciousness, 80% burn injuries The main Category 1 Hazards identified in Lewisham’s survey are: Excess cold at 52% of all Category 1 Hazards found. Falls on the level 25%, Falls on Stairs 23% Total cost of addressing all the Category 1 Hazards is £109.7m £6,890 per dwelling

4 BRE/CIEH model HHSRS cost calculator Cost to NHS to remedy excess cold = £4.38 m (x4) Cost to LBL to remedy excess cold = £1.28m Falls on the level NHS = £1.162m (x6) Falls on the level LBL = £174k Falls on the stairs NHS = £640k (x7) Falls on the stairs LBL = £86k The overall cost to the NHS of incidents involving the three hazards was £6.2 million, set against costs of £2.3 million, a clear saving of almost £4 million Damp costs to NHS £78k v LBL = £1.7m (x 21)

5 Study of Private Rented Sector Market in Lewisham is segmented Filling many different needs (young professionals, migrant workers, LHA tenants, students etc) Lots of smaller v larger landlords LHA market at saturation point - 9600 Tenants don’t see PRS as a long-term solution PRS is meeting their short-term needs, but want to move to other tenures.

6 LHA Tenants Government’s proposed changes in June 2010 budget not understood by 50% of Letting agents/landlords letting to LHA tenants Government changes assume rents will fall. Survey respondents don’t see this happening – only 13% likely to reduce rents Two main means to increase supply of properties for LHA:- Pay rent directly to landlord, not via tenant but Gov not inclined to do this Guarantee income on property for longer period of time

7 Impact of Changes in Lewisham Setting the LHA levels at the 30th percentile i.e. the 30th cheapest rental value out of 100 properties from Oct 2011 - 9600 affected, £17pw, £8.6m p.a. 10% reduction in JSA after 12 months from April 2013 – 4,600 affected, up to £15 pw, £2.8 m Capping the Local Housing Allowance in the private rented sector at a maximum of £400 per week from April 2011– 80 affected, £240k p.a. Increasing the non dependent deductions from April 2011 – 530 affected, up to £7pw, £103k p.a. Restricting the benefit of social tenants of working age who are under occupying their properties i.e. their properties are larger than they need from April 2013. – over 1000 in LH, £490m saving to Gov by 2014/15, largest saving Allowances to increase by Consumer Price Index rather than the Retail Price Index from April 2013 – within 2 years no properties will be fully paid by LHA Restricting a household’s total weekly benefit to £500 pw??? Cumulative affect – 35% in social rented property £30 pw, 50% in private rented £240pw

8 Impact of Changes in Lewisham Increased homelessness Increased financial hardship Deterioration of health and well being Migration – loss of family/neighbour support networks Concentrated areas of poverty Less willingness to care for elderly parents Increased burdens on schools, social care and health

9 Sheltered & Extra Care Housing Study Timetable Briefing 27 th October 2010 Final report 1 st /2 nd November 2010 M&C December 2010

10 Preliminary Findings Kenton Court, Adamsrill Road, SE26 - Extra Care – 30 units Not fit for purpose - in development terms already at maximum use. remodelling being explored for specialist client groups such as individuals with LD Siddons Road, SE23 – Sheltered – 18 Units the potential for a 38 unit fully functional Extra Care development is being explored Somerville, SE14 - Extra Care – 25 Units Location, quantum and current design not suitable for EC also not suited for conversion into lower level older peoples housing. Feasibility options on this site are centred around redevelopment for general needs housing. Hollowcombe, Taylors Lane, SE26 – Sheltered – 36 Units Not fit for purpose – location, not close to transport, general needs development being explored Lanain Court, Newstead Road, SE12 – Sheltered – 17 Units Potential redevelopment for EC to deliver circa 28 units, this becomes an issue for the more traditional EC model and thus any development on this site would likely have to be some form of more specialised EMI model. Hence also looking at redevelopment for market sale housing to maximise a potential capital receipt that could be utilised for reinvestment in other sites. Lewis Silkin House, SE15 – Sheltered – 35 Units Two options: light touch remodelling to reuse the building as ongoing sheltered type accommodation or the community centre gives potentially the best economies of scale for a redevelopment for new-build EC, giving on first estimates 45 units. John Penn House, Amersham Vale, SE14 – Sheltered – 18 Units Good location, option for redevelopment with the site taking up to 30 units

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