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Introducing 1. 2 Leading Change Learning Objectives As a result of this session you will be able to: 4 Understand the value of change and develop skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing 1. 2 Leading Change Learning Objectives As a result of this session you will be able to: 4 Understand the value of change and develop skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing 1

2 2

3 Leading Change

4 Learning Objectives As a result of this session you will be able to: 4 Understand the value of change and develop skills to lead it successfully Learn steps for leading change with groups and individuals Appreciate the value of leading change through lifelong learning

5 What Changes Have You Experienced During Wood Badge? Cub Scout to Boy Scout Transition on Day 1 Team Development Location of the course Your Scouting responsibilities & relationships Life beyond Scouting 5

6 Change Is a Fact of Life! Change is a source of anxiety for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Change can be a valuable tool of leadership. 6

7 CHANGE HAPPENS IT IS INEVITABLE! What Choices do we have and how do we react to change? 1.Be fearful of change 2.Accept and make the best of it OR 3. Lead by taking responsibility 7

8 Objectives of Leading Change When change is needed, leading change can make it happen. When change is inevitable, leading change can make it positive. 8

9 How to Lead Change Step #1 – Recognize that change happens 9 Anticipate change Accept change Advantages of changing? Consequences of not changing? How to move on? Move along with change

10 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #2 – Empower others to help you lead change 10 Consider who needs to be involved; seek people who are willing to change can enact change can guide change

11 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #2 – Empower others to help you lead change (continued) 11 Build relationships through shared experiences sometimes, build a coalition other times, work with existing groups either way, base relationships on shared experiences

12 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #3 – Lead change based on Vision, Mission, and Values 12 Alice in Wonderland comes to a fork in the road and asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” the cat says. “I don’t much care where,” Alice replies. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” the cat says.

13 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #3 – Lead change based on Vision, Mission, and Values 13 Vision: is a picture of future success allows us to visualize the end result inspires us with the possibilities of what might be

14 Visions President John F. Kennedy’s challenge of going to the moon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of a more inclusive society Margaret Thatcher’s understanding of vision as a tool of leadership A Scout leader’s determination to develop a strong year-round outdoor program, or to conduct an effective membership drive, or to involve more parents in leadership positions 14

15 How to Lead Change ( continued ) Step #3 – Lead change based on Vision, Mission, and Values 15 Vision is a picture of future success Mission is made up of the steps that lead to the realization of a vision the nuts and bolts part of leading change translates vision into reality

16 How to Lead Change (continued) 16 Vision is a picture of future success Mission is made up of the steps that lead to the realization of a vision Step #3 – Lead change based on Vision, Mission, and Values Values are the core beliefs or desires that guide and motivate our attitudes and actions

17 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #4 – Establish urgency 17

18 Without urgency, great ideas lay fallow. TV was invented in the 1930s, but didn’t become widespread until 1950s Bar Codes were devised in 1950s, but only as a marketing idea until the 1980s Aircraft carriers during World War II made the battleship all but obsolete, yet it would be half a century before the world’s navies fully adjusted to that fact 18

19 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #4 – Establish urgency 19 Key techniques: Simplicity (low hanging fruits) Metaphor, analogy, and example Multiple forums Repetition Leadership by example Explanation of seeming inconsistencies Give and take

20 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #5 – Move ahead regardless 20 When people resist, encourage them anyway. Enthusiasm may be contagious They may not want to be left behind If all encouragement fails, re-form group without those unwilling to change

21 How to Lead Change (continued) Step #6 – Create a culture that embraces change 21 Key elements: Willingness Effectiveness Eagerness Anticipation

22 How to Lead Change (continued) Approach is same for large or small groups 22 Step #1 – Recognize that change happens Step #2 – Empower others to help you lead change Step #3 – Lead change based on Vision, Mission, and Values Step #4 – Establish urgency Step #5 – Move ahead regardless Step #6 – Create a culture that embraces change

23 Three Characteristics of a Good Incremental Goal It’s visible (people see for themselves it’s not just hype) It’s unambiguous (a real win – no doubt) It’s clearly related to the change effort 23

24 Small steps can lead change toward remarkable goals. 24

25 We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. 25

26 How to Lead Change (continued) The ultimate step – lead change through lifelong learning 26 Leaders are educators. They don’t just educate others, though. They are also responsible for seeing to their own continuing education.

27 Mental Habits That Support Lifelong Learning Risk taking Humble self-reflection Solicitation of opinions Careful listening Openness to new ideas 27

28 If we have a clear vision of what can be, then leading change can help make it so. 28

29 Summary Change is a fact of life. Change doesn’t have to cause anxiety. Small steps can lead change toward remarkable goals. We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. Lead change through lifelong learning. If we have a clear vision of what can be, then leading change can help make it so. 29

30 Review of Learning Objectives Did You…. 30 Understand the value of change and develop skills to lead it successfully? Learn steps for leading change with groups and individuals? Appreciate the value of leading change through lifelong learning?

31 31 Thank You!

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