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CoreHVAC ElectricalPlumbing $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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3 CoreHVAC ElectricalPlumbing $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

4 Core Topic $100 BIM

5 Core Topic $200 CBECS

6 Core Topic $300 EIA

7 Core Topic $400 ECM

8 Core Topic $500 Energy Audit

9 Core $100-Answer What is Building Information Modeling?

10 Core $200-Answer What is Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey?

11 Core $300-Answer What is Energy Information Administration?

12 Core $400-Answer What is Energy Conservation Measure?

13 Core $500-Answer What is an in-depth study of a building and its energy consuming systems?

14 HVAC Topic $100 ASHRAE

15 HVAC Topic $200 AFUE

16 HVAC Topic $300 GreenChill

17 HVAC Topic $400 COP

18 HVAC Topic $500 Combustion Analysis

19 HVAC $100-Answer What is the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers?

20 HVAC $200-Answer What is rating of how efficiently a device consumes fuel over an entire heating season?

21 HVAC $300-Answer What is the alliance between the EPA and the supermarket industry?

22 HVAC $400-Answer What is the ratio of the energy used to the heat transfer of a heat pump?

23 HVAC $500-Answer What is a test used to assure a fossil fuel furnace is burning properly?

24 Electrical Topic $100 Nuclear Energy

25 Electrical Topic $200 Inverter

26 Electrical Topic $300 Lumen

27 Electrical Topic $e400 Ghost Loads

28 Electrical Topic $500 Heat & Water

29 Electrical $100-Answer What is a green alternative for producing massive amounts of electricity?

30 Electrical $200-Answer What is needed to convert DC to AC?

31 Electrical $300-Answer What is the amount of light on one square foot of surface created by a candle at a distance of one foot?

32 Electrical $400-Answer What is a transformer that is continually plugged in but is not powering anything?

33 Electrical $500-Answer What are the two bi-products of fuel cells?

34 Plumbing Topic $100 Aerator

35 Plumbing Topic $200 1.6 Gallons

36 Plumbing Topic $300 Gray Water

37 Plumbing Topic $400 Energy Star

38 Plumbing Topic $500 Tankless Water Heater

39 Plumbing $100-Answer What is a water flow restriction device which adds air to the volume of the water?

40 Plumbing $200-Answer What is the flush volume for a closet mandated by the EPA in 1992?

41 Plumbing $300-Answer What is waste water from bathtubs, showers, lavatories, wash basins, and clothes washers?

42 Plumbing $400-Answer What symbol represents the Department of Energy?

43 Plumbing $500- Answer What device heats the water only when it is needed (on demand)?

44 Final Jeopardy Vapor Compression System

45 Final Jeopardy Saturation Temperature

46 Final Jeopardy-Answer What is the temperature at which a liquid will change to a vapor or a vapor to a liquid?

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