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CEO Leadership Put to the test of journalist, reporters and editors surveyed use search engines to do their jobs. *top rank Fuente: Forbes Magazine- On.

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Presentation on theme: "CEO Leadership Put to the test of journalist, reporters and editors surveyed use search engines to do their jobs. *top rank Fuente: Forbes Magazine- On."— Presentation transcript:


2 CEO Leadership Put to the test of journalist, reporters and editors surveyed use search engines to do their jobs. *top rank Fuente: Forbes Magazine- On CEO Online Reputation, 2009 If we compare the basic numbers into a value process and an example financial scenario We can quickly see that any sizable business organization has a tremendous amount of value in just a handful of executives. “91%

3 Reputational Capital 2.0 ¿Who is succeeding? Fuente: Top 20 Online CEO-CMO Fortune 100 study

4 “I have or read micro feeds via twitter or similar media” Younger than 40 40-49 years oldOlder than 50 Use of Social Media By CEOs +Daily +Weekly-Weekly+Once a MonthMonthlyNever CEO Fortune 500

5 “I use a mobile device to search and read work related content” CEO Fortune 500 +Daily +Weekly-Weekly+Once a MonthMonthly Never Younger than 40 40-49 years oldOlder than 50 Use of Social Media By CEOs

6 Nuria Vilanova My Story 2.0


8 Estudio del CEO A Horizontal and Comprehensive Approach |Nuria Vilanova| Stakeholder Relationship Management: Key to today’s Business Landscape Clients Friends and Colleagues Media Institutions Other Executives Community Groups Sector Agencies E-influencers Industry Leaders Partners Suppliers Potential employees Directors Staff Social Business Team Nuria Vilanova EXTERNAL AUDIENCES RELATED PUBLIC INTERNAL AUDIENCES

9 Who am I? Nuria Vilanova : Personal Brand, Identity and Image in the Digital Community My Personal Brand Positioning: Values Experiences Knowledge Public Recognition from Friends and Network Avoiding Political Issues Personal Matters My Goals: 1. Share Knowledge 2. Position ourselves as Leaders 3. Identify Opportunities 4. Identify Trends 5. Raise awareness on relevant issues Nuria Vilanova

10          On Target Nuria Vilanova: Key Messages  Vision & Innovation  Values-Social Engagement  Performance-Energy  Product/Service (Content of Value-Expertise)  Leadership & Direction

11 ¿Where & When? The Content Ecosystem My 2.0 Ecosystem Is alive, it feeds, grows and reproduces.

12 Estudio del CEO ¿Where & When? The Content Ecosystem Epicenter Twitter Facebook YoutubeLinkedin Intranet Website Relationships & Ties Others INFORPRESS Personal Profile “Trends in Communication” Group Personal Profile @nuriavilanova Positioning SEO My 2.0 Ecosystem Is alive, it feeds, grows and reproduces.

13 Facts and Figures We are the largest Communications Consultancy in Spain. We are number 14 in Europe We have over 200 consultants on our team We have 13 offices in 5 countries In a one year period we will be opening offices in 3 new countries

14 ¿What do we Achieve? Obtain Ideas and Collaborations

15 Talent Search Refrences that generate opportunities ¿What do we Achieve?

16 Satisfaction and Strengthening of Customer relationships …and with Politicians Support for new products and new offices ¿What do we Achieve?

17 I think the new frontiers of communication on the internet are languages and not countries. Large companies will define their communication and marketing strategies by languages not countries Our goal is to be the leading Communications Consultancy in Spanish in the world

18 Building a Global Image

19 The Blog Leader in the industry, leader in Google positioning Verifying Results Measure & Monitor Datos correspondientes a mayo de 2012

20 Leader in the industry, leader in Google positioning Verifying Results Measure & Monitor

21 In Twitter Segmented quality contacts, with great influence within their circle Verifying Results Measure & Monitor

22 Verifying Results Measure & Monitor In Twitter Segmented quality contacts, with great influence within their circle

23 KLOUT Says “Nuria Vilanova is a powerful voice on Twitter in a wide variety of topics” Verifying Results Measure & Monitor In Twitter Segmented quality contacts, with great influence within their circle

24 In LinkedIn: More than 2.500 segmented quality contacts, powerful and willing to engage in conversation “Trends in Communication” Group : Leader in the Sector Verifying Results Measure & Monitor

25 I am the founder of Inforpress 5 years ago, I was 42 years old. Too old for the internet? – I was apprehensive (afraid) But…could we lead in online communication without setting an example? Can we be the leading Communications Consultancy in Spanish in the world without a strong “online” department?

26 Public Recognition in the sector Chosen: “Top most influential people on Twitter in Marketing and Communication” The third most influential in Communication. Ranking Top in Communication. Verifying Results Measure & Monitor

27 Caso de éxito: Cuento de Luz

28 Ana de Eulate


30 Myth Busters Myth: The Internet is only for the younger generation… Truth: You can start at any age You find yourself being “followed” by leading influencers, your top clients, newspaper directors, politicians…. Myth: The internet is a source of crisis Truth: The internet is a source of opportunities

31 Thanks to the internet you can… Learn a lot!! Understand the world. Find new clients: Make your small business grow and GO GLOBAL! Recruit only the best and reinforce your Employer Branding image. Enhance your reputation.


33 About us INFORPRESS GROUP is the largest communications consultancy in Spain, with offices in Portugal, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Our goal is to lead the communication in Spanish and Portuguese and grow through knowledge and innovation. We have 200 professionals on staff and 24 years of experience. We have established research centers in internal communication and financial communications, in collaboration with the best business schools, IE and IESE respectively. We also have a department of innovation for the areas of communication online and reputation. Through consulting specialist teams develop external communication, internal, CSR, Brand and Reputation, Public Affairs and e-communications ® and audiovisual projects, creativity, research, platforms, and publications, events and training in communication and leadership (Audentia) Our keyword, the commitment, with our clients and our team.

34 Global

35 CONSULTING SERVICESTRANSVERSAL SERVICES External Communication Financial and Corporate Consumer Market Technology Health Crisis and Issues Reputation and Branding Internationalization Support Internal Communication Corporate Social Responsability Communication Tools Inforpress group is the biggest Spanish consultancy devoted to communication, PR and relations with stakeholders. Services

36 Thank you | Madrid | Barcelona | Valencia | Bilbao | Santiago de Compostela | Sevilla | Málaga | | Lisboa | Oporto | Río de Janeiro | Sãu Paulo| Bogotá | Medellín |

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