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Downloaded from U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Downloaded from U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Downloaded from U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

2 Downloaded from Jim Cooney Accident Prevention Specialist Accident Prevention Specialist Safety Program Manager Safety Program Manager Accident Prevention Specialist Accident Prevention Specialist Safety Program Manager Safety Program Manager

3 Downloaded from Nancy Trudell Manager Helena Flight Standards District Office Manager Helena Flight Standards District Office The Big Kahuna The Big Kahuna Manager Helena Flight Standards District Office Manager Helena Flight Standards District Office The Big Kahuna The Big Kahuna

4 Downloaded from Steve Robinson Billings Flight Service Billings Flight Service Flight Standards Flight Standards Billings Flight Service Billings Flight Service Flight Standards Flight Standards

5 Downloaded from FAA Federal Federal Acronym Acronym Association Association

6 Downloaded from FAA Friendly Friendly Aviation Aviation Agency Agency

7 Downloaded from

8 Orville Moore Moore Quality Flying Service Moore Quality Flying Service Safety Program Counselor Safety Program Counselor Moore Quality Flying Service Moore Quality Flying Service Safety Program Counselor Safety Program Counselor

9 Downloaded from Form 1040EZ Income Tax Return 1995 Name & Address L A Print your name above (first, initial, last) B E Home address (no and street) apt no L City, town or post office, state and ZIP code Report Your Income1. How much did you make last year?1. Figure your Tax 2. How much do you have left?2. 3. Send it to us!3. Sign your signaturedate your return X

10 Downloaded from 2 Essentials of Flight 2 Essentials of Flight Lift Lift Money Money

11 Downloaded from FAR PART 61 & 91 Federal Aviation Regulations A REVIEW OF

12 Downloaded from Airspace Reclassification n Positive Control Airspace Class A n Terminal Control Area Class B n Airport Radar Service Area Class C n Airport Traffic Area-Control ZoneClass D n Controlled Airspace Class E n Uncontrolled Airspace Class G

13 Downloaded from FAR 91.155 Basic VFR Weather Minimums AltitudeVisibilityCloud Clearance Class ANot Applicable Class B3 statute milesClear of Clouds Class C & D3 statute miles500 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal Class ESame below 10k 10k & above5 statute miles1000 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal

14 Downloaded from FAR 91.155 cont. AltitudeVisibilityCloud Clearance Class G Day 1200 ft. or less 1 statute mile Clear of clouds Night 1200 ft or less 3 statute miles 500 ft. below 1000 ft. above 2000 ft. horizontal Day 1200 ft. to 10,000 1 statute mile 500 ft. below 1000 ft above 2000 ft. horizontal Night 1200 to 10,000 3 statute miles 500 ft. below 1000 ft.above 2000 ft. horizontal More than 1200 and 5 statute miles 1000 ft. below and above 10,000 1000 ft. above 1 mile horizontal

15 Downloaded from FAR 61.3 Required Certificates è (a) Pilot certificate - in personal possession è (c) Appropriate and current medical certificate - in personal possession è (e) Instrument rating - when conditions are less than minimums for VFR flight è (h) Inspection of certificate - upon request

16 Downloaded from FAR 61.14 Drug or Alcohol Test 3 (b) Refusal, Grounds for Suspension or Revocation

17 Downloaded from 61.31 High Performance Aircraft o Cannot act as PIC High Performance AC u 200 Horsepower or retractable gear, flaps, & controllable propeller ¶ flight instruction from authorized CFI Ë logbook endorsement o PIC time before November 1, 1973 o PIC check by FAA, 121, 125, 135 PIC check, or a military PIC check o Cannot act as PIC High Performance AC u 200 Horsepower or retractable gear, flaps, & controllable propeller ¶ flight instruction from authorized CFI Ë logbook endorsement o PIC time before November 1, 1973 o PIC check by FAA, 121, 125, 135 PIC check, or a military PIC check

18 Downloaded from 61.31 High Altitude Aircraft o Private or commercial pilot cannot act as PIC of pressurized AC with service ceiling or max operating altitude above 25,000 ’ unless that person has: u flight instruction from authorized CFI u logbook endorsement o PIC time before April 15, 1991 o PIC check by FAA, 121, 125, 135 PIC check, or a military PIC check

19 Downloaded from 61.31 Tailwheel Aircraft o Cannot act as PIC of tailwheel AC unless that pilot has: u flight instruction from authorized CFI including normal, crosswind, and wheel landings u logbook endorsement o Grandfather clause - PIC time before April 15, 1991 o Cannot act as PIC of tailwheel AC unless that pilot has: u flight instruction from authorized CFI including normal, crosswind, and wheel landings u logbook endorsement o Grandfather clause - PIC time before April 15, 1991

20 Downloaded from FAR 61.51 Logging of Pilot time (c) è 1. Solo - sole occupant è 2. Pilot in command - sole manipulator è 3. Second in command - aircraft requires more than one pilot. è 4. Instrument time - simulated or actual - CFI - instructing in actual conditions

21 Downloaded from 61.56 Flight Review r No person may act as PIC without a Flight Review and Logbook endorsement. u 1 Hr Flight Instruction u 1 Hour Ground Instruction r Complete “ approved ” proficiency check r Complete the “ Wings ” Program u Flight Instructors who have completed renewal need not complete ground instruction

22 Downloaded from 61.57 Recent Flight Experience o Daytime - cannot act as PIC carrying passengers unless u 3 Takeoffs & landings in same category & class during last 90 days F Full Stop in tailwheel aircraft o Night u 3 Takeoffs & landings in same category & class during last 90 days u 1 Hr after sunset to 1 Hr before sunrise

23 Downloaded from 61.57 Recent IFR Experience o Cannot act as PIC under IFR nor in WX below VFR unless within last 6 calendar months u 6 Hours of actual or simulated u 3 Hrs in flight in same category of aircraft u 6 Instrument approaches in same category o Instrument Competency Check u FAA, Military, FAA check pilot, certified CFII o Cannot act as PIC under IFR nor in WX below VFR unless within last 6 calendar months u 6 Hours of actual or simulated u 3 Hrs in flight in same category of aircraft u 6 Instrument approaches in same category o Instrument Competency Check u FAA, Military, FAA check pilot, certified CFII

24 Downloaded from FAR 61.189 Flight Instructor Records ë (a) Each Flight Instructor Shall Sign the Logbook Of each person he has given Flight or Ground Instruction

25 Downloaded from FAR 61.193 Flight Instructor Authorizations  A Flight Instructor is Authorized  (a) To give Flight and Ground Inst.  (b) To Endorse the Certificate for Solo or Solo Cross-country  (c) To Endorse the Logbook for single or repeated Solo Flights  (d) To Endorse the Logbook for prep. & preflight planning for XC

26 Downloaded from FAR 91.3 Responsibility & Authority of Pilot in Command q Final Authority as to the operation of that aircraft. q May deviate from any rule to the extent required to meet an emergency. q Shall upon request send a written report of that deviation to the Administrator.

27 Downloaded from 91.103 Preflight Action r Each Pilot in Command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. r weather, fuel requirements, alternatives, traffic delays, takeoff & landing distances. r any necessary information relating to aircraft performance.

28 Downloaded from FAR 91.111 Operating Near Other Aircraft o No person may operate an aircraft so close to another aircraft as to create a collision hazard. o No formation flight - except by pre- arrangement of PICs. o No formation flight with passengers for hire.

29 Downloaded from FAR 91.117 Aircraft Speed p Below 10,000’ MSL: 250 knots or less - 288 mph or less p Within 4 NM of an airport in class C or class D airspace at or below 2500 AGL : 200 knots or less - 230 mph or less p Below airspace underlying class B airspace 200 knots or less - 230 mph or less

30 Downloaded from FAR 91.119 Minimum Safe Altitudes q Anywhere - An altitude which will allow a safe emergency landing without hazard to people or property on the surface. q Congested Area - 1000 ’ above the highest obstacle within 2000 ’ or the aircraft. q Other than congested areas - 500 ’ q Over water & sparsely populated areas: no closer than 500 ’ to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure.

31 Downloaded from FAR 91.411 Altimeter System Checks No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR unless No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR unless q Within the previous 24 calendar months u the system has been checked and found to comply to part 43 q Following installation of an encoder or any system maintenance u the system has been checked and found to comply to part 43

32 Downloaded from FAR 91.411 Transponder Tests & Inspections No person may use an ATC transponder unless: No person may use an ATC transponder unless: q within the previous 24 calendar months u the system has been checked and found to comply to part 43 q following installation or maintenance on a transponder u the system has been checked and found to comply to part 43

33 Downloaded from Secret to Taking a Check Ride Allow a check pilot to establish his (or her superiority.. Allow a check pilot to establish his (or her superiority.. When he thinks you think that he ’ s the greatest thing since Lindberg, the ride will go better!!! When he thinks you think that he ’ s the greatest thing since Lindberg, the ride will go better!!!

34 Downloaded from Emergency Landings r Airspeed - level or slightly low nose attitude - Fly the Airplane. r Airfield - landing site within 45 degrees. r Fuel - Carb Heat - Ignition. r Fly the Airplane - maintain control. r Pilot should know emergency procedures specific to the airplane he/she is flying. r Final Phase - Fly the Airplane - No steep turns close to the ground - flaps.

35 Downloaded from It ’ s a physiological fact that your can only do one thing at a time. It ’ s a physiological fact that your can only do one thing at a time. If you spend too much time doing one thing in an airplane, If you spend too much time doing one thing in an airplane, know that something else is probably going to hell. know that something else is probably going to hell.

36 Downloaded from NTSB U.S. Transportation Fatalities ( Highway21,36621,494 ( Aviation 994 800 ( Marine 972 861 19921993

37 Downloaded from Learn from the Mistakes of Others.... Learn from the Mistakes of Others.... You will not live long enough to make them all yourself! You will not live long enough to make them all yourself! Learn from the Mistakes of Others.... Learn from the Mistakes of Others.... You will not live long enough to make them all yourself! You will not live long enough to make them all yourself!

38 Downloaded from Aircraft Accidents by Year State of Montana

39 Downloaded from Good Judgment comes from experience... Good Judgment comes from experience... Experience is often the result of bad judgment! Experience is often the result of bad judgment!

40 Downloaded from Aircraft Fatalities by Year State of Montana

41 Downloaded from Military Training Routes n 3 Mid Air Collisions since 1986 n 51 known near mid air incidents n 46 NASA Reports Filed Need to determine activity in MTR for flight planning purposes. Need to determine activity in MTR for flight planning purposes. AC-210-5B “ Military Flying Activities ” AC-210-5B “ Military Flying Activities ” AC 90-48C “ AC 90-48C “

42 Downloaded from Military Training Routes n Airman ’ s Information Manual Chapter 3, Section 5, Para 3-41 n Sectional Aeronautical Charts n IFR Enroute Low Altitude Charts

43 Downloaded from Stall - Spin Accidents o 3rd Leading cause of fatalities. o Need to stress recurrent training. o High level vs low level stalls. o Need to teach approach to stall awareness. o Need to develop immediate reactions to approach to low level stall situations. o 3rd Leading cause of fatalities. o Need to stress recurrent training. o High level vs low level stalls. o Need to teach approach to stall awareness. o Need to develop immediate reactions to approach to low level stall situations.

44 Downloaded from Don ’ t put yourself in a situation Don ’ t put yourself in a situation where you are committed where you are committed to just one course of action! to just one course of action!

45 Downloaded from VMC into IMC o 2rd Leading cause of fatalities o Need to stress the importance of not pressing the weather o Legal minimums not necessarily safe minimums o 178 Seconds o The 180 degree turn can be a life saving maneuver o 2rd Leading cause of fatalities o Need to stress the importance of not pressing the weather o Legal minimums not necessarily safe minimums o 178 Seconds o The 180 degree turn can be a life saving maneuver

46 Downloaded from Vertigo The inability of a person to perceive his/her position relative to the earth. The inability of a person to perceive his/her position relative to the earth. In other words.... he/she cannot tell which way is UP!!! In other words.... he/she cannot tell which way is UP!!!

47 Downloaded from If the weather briefing makes you nervous... If the weather briefing makes you nervous... What makes you think the flight will calm your nerves? What makes you think the flight will calm your nerves?

48 Downloaded from It ’ s better to be on the ground, wishing you were in the air, than it is It ’ s better to be on the ground, wishing you were in the air, than it is to be in the air, wishing you were on the ground! to be in the air, wishing you were on the ground!

49 Downloaded from Unwarranted Low Level Flying o The Leading Cause of Fatalities in Montana o Low level sight-seeing o Looking for Elk or Game o Just Plain Buzzing o Life Threatening Situation o 43 Fatalities over 10 year period o The Leading Cause of Fatalities in Montana o Low level sight-seeing o Looking for Elk or Game o Just Plain Buzzing o Life Threatening Situation o 43 Fatalities over 10 year period

50 Downloaded from Minimum Safe Altitude A. One where you don ’ t hit anything. A. One where you don ’ t hit anything. B. One where you don ’ t have to worry about hitting anything. B. One where you don ’ t have to worry about hitting anything. C. One where neither you, nor your passengers nor the FAA have to worry about you hitting anything! C. One where neither you, nor your passengers nor the FAA have to worry about you hitting anything! A. One where you don ’ t hit anything. A. One where you don ’ t hit anything. B. One where you don ’ t have to worry about hitting anything. B. One where you don ’ t have to worry about hitting anything. C. One where neither you, nor your passengers nor the FAA have to worry about you hitting anything! C. One where neither you, nor your passengers nor the FAA have to worry about you hitting anything!

51 Downloaded from Caution is not Cowardice... Caution is not Cowardice... Nor is carelessness... Nor is carelessness... COURAGE!! COURAGE!!

52 Downloaded from Farm for Sale Quiet Surroundings Quiet Surroundings Wood Structure Included Wood Structure Included Flowers blooming annually Flowers blooming annually Area 3 ’ x 6 ’ x 6 ’ Area 3 ’ x 6 ’ x 6 ’ For More Information For More Information Ignore Safety Ignore Safety

53 Downloaded from Pilot Proficiency Award Program “ Wings ” “ Wings ” o Attend Safety Meeting o 1 Hr Dual - Instruments o 1 Hr. Dual - Basic Air Maneuvers o 1 Hr. Dual - Landings

54 Downloaded from Set of Wings Set of Wings Wall Certificate Suitable for Framing Wall Certificate Suitable for Framing

55 Downloaded from Flight Instructor - Wings r Put 3 Students through the Wings Program - Receive your wings! r Good for the first three phases r No waiting period r Remaining phases - Proficiency Flight & 12 month waiting period

56 Downloaded from è 1995 Maintenance Technician of the Year Award è 1995 General Aviation Flight Instructor of the Year Award Cash Prizes Cash Prizes Free Trip to the EAA Fly-In Convention Free Trip to the EAA Fly-In Convention

57 Downloaded from 9th Annual Family Fly-In and Flight Safety Expo July 20-23, 1995 July 20-23, 1995 Helena, Montana Helena, Montana

58 Downloaded from Thanks for Having Us!

59 Downloaded from “A Superior pilot is one “A Superior pilot is one who stays out of trouble who stays out of trouble by using Superior Judgment by using Superior Judgment to avoid situations to avoid situations which might require which might require the use of Superior skill.” the use of Superior skill.”

60 Downloaded from Sig Ugrin Miles City Aero Service Miles City Aero Service Safety Program Counselor Safety Program Counselor Miles City Aero Service Miles City Aero Service Safety Program Counselor Safety Program Counselor

61 Downloaded from Ted Mason Manager Manager Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Control Manager Manager Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Control

62 Downloaded from Irene Gross Billings Flight Service Billings Flight Service Great Falls Flight Service Great Falls Flight Service Billings Flight Service Billings Flight Service Great Falls Flight Service Great Falls Flight Service

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