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Helsinki 19 May 2006 Fine Protection of Data-Paths in Multi-Layer Networks Based on the GMPLS paradigm G.Oriolo, Università Tor Vergata, Roma joint work.

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Presentation on theme: "Helsinki 19 May 2006 Fine Protection of Data-Paths in Multi-Layer Networks Based on the GMPLS paradigm G.Oriolo, Università Tor Vergata, Roma joint work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helsinki 19 May 2006 Fine Protection of Data-Paths in Multi-Layer Networks Based on the GMPLS paradigm G.Oriolo, Università Tor Vergata, Roma joint work with P.Iovanna, Coritel & Ericsson Lab, Roma R.Sabella, Coritel & Ericsson Lab, Roma L.Sanità, Università Tor Vergata, Roma CoRiTeL Università Tor Vergata

2 Outline CoRiTeL New Generation Optical Networks Protection Strategy Optimization Problem Heuristic Combinatorial Algorithm Simulations and Results

3 New Generation Optical Networks Key Issues:  Rapid growth of Internet traffic  Several types of traffic with different QoS Objectives:  Flexibility and Efficiency  Handling different QoS and different levels of protection against failures CoRiTeL

4 Multi-Layer Network Scenario MPLS Logical Layer WDM Physical Layer LSR OXC Traffic Requests (lsp-s) Optical fiber GMPLS Control Plane CoRiTeL Ligthpath

5 The Protection Problem  Given a multilayer network and a set of traffic requests Set up a set of lightpaths and assign to each HP traffic request a logical path, i.e. a sequence of lightpaths, for the working scenario… Working Path Source Destination Back-up Path CoRiTeL  … and a logical path for each failure scenario (back-up paths)

6 End to End Protection  Assign to each traffic request one working path and one back-up path that are disjoint CoRiTeL  Wei Wei, Qingji Zeng, Yun Wang, “Multi-layer Differentiated Integrated Survivability for Optical Internet” Photonic Network Communications, vol 8, number 3, pp 267-284, 2004  Qin Zheng, G.Mohan “Protection Approaches for Dynamic Traffic in IP/PMLS-over-WDM Network” Communications Magazine, IEEE, vol 41, pp 24-29, 2003  Yinghua Ye, Assi C., Dixit S., Ali M.A, “A Simple Dynamic Integrated provisioning/protection scheme in IP over WDM networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Nov 2001 – pp 174-182

7  We associate a scenario with each failure event + one for the normal state  We want to assign to each traffic request one working path and one back-up path for each possible failure scenario Protection Strategy  Failure event: single optical link failure (causing multiple logical failures)  The protection strategy can be directly extended as to deal with different types of failures (as node ports) CoRiTeL  … therefore we want to assign to each traffic request a (logical) path for each possible scenario

8 Protection Strategy 2 Recovery Base Lightpath: we reconnect the source and the destination of the failed lightpath while keeping fixed the rest of the logical path CoRiTeL Advantages:  confines signaling to the portion of the network that has failed  saves time of processing and reaction  makes easier fault management

9 Protection Strategy 3 A traffic request is diverted from its working path p only if some lightpath of p fails CoRiTeL  Advantage: in each scenario resource sharing is maximixed A traffic request might be diverted to different back-up paths when two edges e,f of a same lightpath of p fails

10 Protection Strategy 4 Two traffic requests sharing a same lightpath j on their working paths may have different back-up paths when some edge e of j fails CoRiTeL LSP 1 LSP 2  Advantage: in each scenario resource sharing is maximixed

11 More Assumptions After a failure is repaired, working paths are reinstated (revertive strategy) Lightpaths must be set-up in advance; still a lightpath may carry different traffic requests in different scenarios

12 Feasibility of a solution (logical layer) Consistency check Scenario 0Scenario 1Scenario m LSP 1 LSP 2 LSP k l 1 -l 2 -l 3 l 1 -l 5 -l 3 l 4 -l 6 l4-l1-l7l4-l1-l7 l 1 -l 2........................ Capacity check CoRiTeL 0 123 Bandwidth on lightpath l 1 Scenario LSP 2 LSP 3 LSP 4 4 Failure!!! LSP 1 Wavelenght capacity

13 Feasibility of a solution (optical layer) CoRiTeL Consistency check Capacity check Physical link 1 Lightpath 1 Lightpath 2 Lightpath p........................ Physical link 2 Physical link m yes no yes no yes Intra-ports LSR 1 Intra-ports LSR 2 Intra-ports LSR n yes no

14 The Off-line Protection Problem Given: Find: As to:  A Multilayer Network  A set of HP traffic requests (LSP-s) k = 1 … K, with source s(k) destination d(k) and bandwidth b(k)  The Logical Topology  Working Paths for each traffic request  Back-up Paths for each traffic request, for each scenario  Serve as many traffic requests as possible CoRiTeL

15 An ILP formulation 1  N el := the set of LSR-s nodes  N opt := the set of OXC-nodes  E opt := the set of (directed) optical links  E port := the set of (directed) intra-ports links  n opt (i,j): = the number of wavelengths in (i,j) E opt  n port (u,v):= the number of incoming/outgoing intra-ports in (u,v) E port  w = bandwidth available on a wavelength/intra-port  K := the set of LSP-s  s k - t k - b k := respectively LSR-source, LSR-destination and requested bandwidth of k K  S := {s 0, …, s m } the set of failure scenarios. s 0 is the working scenario, m = |E opt |/2  L := the set of candidate lightpaths to be set up  L opt (i,j):= the set of lightpaths L using (i,j) E opt  L port (u,v):= the set of lightpaths L using (u,v) E port  L + (u) := the set of lightpaths L starting from node u N el  L - (u) := the set of lightpaths L ending in node u N el L(s) := the set of lightpaths L failing in the scenario s S (with L(s 0 ) = Ø) Define: CoRiTeL

16 An ILP formulation 2 Decision Variables: CoRiTeL

17 An ILP formulation 3 The objective is to maximize the number of served LSP-s (1) The total number of lightpaths using the optical link (i,j) does not exceed the number of available wavelengths (2) The total number of lightpaths using an intra-port between LSR u and OXC v does not exceed the number of available intra-ports (3) Flow-constraints for LSP k in scenario s (4) The total amount of traffic passing through each lightpath in each scenario does not exceed the capacity of the lightpath itself (5) If k is routed on a lightpath l in the working scenario, it must be routed on l in each scenario l is active (6) k cannot be routed on a lightpath l that is not active in a scenario s (7) For sake of shortness we assume that a set L of candidate lightpaths is given CoRiTeL

18 Heuristic Approach Sequential procedure based on successive shortest paths computations: - simple and easy to implement - can be extended to on-line HP traffic Provisioning Step Recovery Step Local Search Step Working paths research Local search to improve the solution Back-up paths research Lightpaths are set-up dynamically while searching for the routing of an LSP CoRiTeL

19 Provisioning Step  LSP-s are sorted according to non decreasing values of the minimum bandwidth they need, i.e. MinHop(k)*b(k)  For each LSP k the Routing Engine searches a working path, taking into account the working paths and the set of lightpaths set-up so far  If such a path is not found, then LSP k is temporary discarded CoRiTeL

20 Recovery Step  Failure scenarios are sorted according to the loads on each optical link induced by the working paths  For each failure scenario, LSP-s affected by the failure are sorted according to non decreasing values of the minimum bandwidth they need  For each LSP k the Routing Engine searches an alternative path for the failed lightpath, taking into account: the working paths, the back-up paths and the set of lightpaths estblished so far  If such a path is not found, then the LSP is temporary discarded CoRiTeL

21 Local Search Step  We try to accommodate LSP-s that have been discarded so far  This is done by simple swapping rules and by means of the Routing Engine CoRiTeL

22 Routing Engine It uses Dijkstra’s algorithm on an auxiliary network composed by:  Two types of nodes 1. OXC-s 2. LSR-s  Three types of links 1. optical links 2. intra-ports 3. lightpaths set up so far and it may establish new lightpaths CoRiTeL

23 1)W lightpath = # optical hops lightpaths links Link weights 2) optical links if λ a ij > 1 if λ a ij = 1 3) intra-ports links if λ a ij >1 if λ a ij =1 CoRiTeL

24 Alternative Strategies for Simulation Objective : comparing our strategy wrt to other possible strategies Up to now: comparing our strategy wrt to 2 less refined strategies defined by: 1) forcing an LSP to use the same backup path for the failure of edges in a same lightpath CoRiTeL

25 Objective: comparing our strategy wrt to other possible strategies Up to now: comparing our strategy wrt to 2 less refined strategies defined by: 2) forcing two LSP-s sharing a lightpath j to share also the back-up path when an edge e of j fails CoRiTeL LSP 1 LSP 2 Alternative Strategies for simulation

26 Simulation Network: 19 nodes 36 links Hypothesis  Each OXC connected with an LSR  Each optical link is bi- directional  Number of intra-ports = 70% number of λ crossing the OXC  w λ =2,5 Gb/s CoRiTeL k C tot b(k)b(k) min_hop(k)   Network load

27 Results Network Load ρ 10%100%0 20%100%0 30%96%0 40%87%44% 50%60%51% 60%41%39% 70%30%29% 80%25%26%  π = percentage of lost traffic by the main strategy Percentage Lost Traffic vs ρ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 0102030405060708090 Network load ρ Lost Traffic π π1π1 π2π2  π 1 = percentage of lost traffic by the alternative strategy (1)  π 2 = percentage of lost traffic by the alternative strategy (2) CoRiTeL

28 Conclusions  Fine Routing / Protection strategy for MPLS over WDM network via a simple shortest path algorithm  Main elements of the protection strategy: scenario dependency, LSP granularity, ligthpath recovery base, high resource sharing  First computational tests show the advantages of our strategy Future Work  Exact comparison with End to End protection strategies via ILP techniques CoRiTeL

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