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Needs of individuals in society. What is meant by an individual’s ‘basic needs?’ Everyone has basic needs! If our basic needs are not met we become hungry,

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Presentation on theme: "Needs of individuals in society. What is meant by an individual’s ‘basic needs?’ Everyone has basic needs! If our basic needs are not met we become hungry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Needs of individuals in society

2 What is meant by an individual’s ‘basic needs?’ Everyone has basic needs! If our basic needs are not met we become hungry, tired, cold, bored, or even lonely. As a physically healthy person, if you are hungry you are able to eat. You have a warm home and a bed, so that when you are tired you are able to sleep. You are able to breath healthily, and you have access to clean drinking water. As a group of individuals, we can say that your basic needs are all met fully.


4 What does the term Hierarchy mean? What is a Psychologist? What needs do you think should be met first? What other needs do you think need to be met? Abraham Maslow was a psychologist. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs “A person’s needs can be put in to order of importance” He believed that once our basic needs are met, we can then progress to meet and consider other needs. He believed that our needs had a natural progression and an order of importance.

5 Basic Physical needs Food, drink, oxygen, sleep, warmth MOST IMPORTANT Safety and Security Needs Freedom from anxiety and chaos. Stability Love and emotional needs Supportive family, friends and loved ones Self-esteem needs Respect and self-respect Aesthetic needs Your surroundings Self- fulfilment Achieving full potential Copy this table!

6 Check your knowledge! Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, fill in the missing words. Abraham Maslow developed a theory based on a …..……………. of needs. He felt it was possible to group needs in order of ………………… He felt that if our ………. needs are met we would be able to progress. He realised that not everybody would be able to reach the top of the table self-fulfilment (or self- Actualisation) which means achieving……………… Our physical needs are the most important and include needs such as …….........and ………….... To be free from anxiety we would want ….…………… and ……….………. We all have …………………… needs, which we can gain through contact with loved ones. We also have a need to be respected and have ………………… Once all of the needs are met, we are able to progress to the next stage. The top of the table contains the most ……………………….needs and we may take a lifetime to achieve. basic, emotional, sleep, security, complicated, hierarchy, importance, food, safety, full potential, self- respect basic hierarchy importance full potential sleepfood safety self- respect emotional security complicated

7 Extension Task: Try to list all of the needs that you have in a day. Now place them in an order that you feel is important to you. Which is the most important need? Which is the least? Do you agree with Maslow’s hierarcy? Would you change the order?

8 Glossary Self-esteem: How we feel about ourselves Hierarchy: A way of putting things in order of importance Psychologist: A person who studies human behaviour

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