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Created by Ted Johnson & Alex Tejeda Click anywhere to begin.

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2 Created by Ted Johnson & Alex Tejeda Click anywhere to begin

3 Definitions –AR Verbs What do they look like? How do you change them? Why do you change them?

4 Definitions Most Spanish words that end in AR are verbs. habl bail estudi ar = to talk = to dance = to study

5 Definitions All verbs have two parts to them: an ending habl bail estudi ar For AR verbs the ending is… ar!

6 Definitions When you remove the ending, the part that remains is called the stem. habl bail estudi ar

7 Definitions Every verb has 2 parts: a stem habl bail estudi and an ending ar

8 Definitions There are 3 types of verb categories: AR, ER & IR The AR tells us which endings to use. -o I -as you -a he, she, it, you -amos we -áis you -an they, you These are the endings for AR verbs.

9 Definitions The stem tells the action hablarhabl = talk bailarbail = dance estudiarestudi = study

10 Definitions The ending o means I hablo = I am talking bailo=I am dancing estudio = I am studying canto=I am singing

11 Definitions The ending as means you hablas = You are talking bailas=You are dancing estudias = You are studying cantas=You are singing

12 Definitions The ending a means he, she, it, and the formal you (usted) habla = he is talking she is talking you (formal) are talking it is talking baila= he is dancing she is dancing you (formal) are dancing it is dancing

13 Definitions The ending amos means we hablamos = we are talking bailamos= we are dancing estudiamos = we are studying cantamos= we are singing

14 Definitions The ending áis means you (vosotros) áis habláis= you (vosotros) are talking áis bailáis = you (vosotros) are dancing áis estudáis = you (vosotros) are studying áis cantáis= you (vosotros) are singing

15 Definitions The ending an means they and you (ustedes) hablan = they are talking you (ustedes) are talking bailan=they are dancing you (ustedes) are dancing estudian=they are studying you (ustedes) are studying

16 Now for a little practice with these verb forms! Click anywhere to continue

17 Definitions How would you say “I am talking ?” VerbEndings hablaro as a amos áis an hablo

18 Definitions How would you say “you (tú) are talking?” Verbendings hablaro as a amos áis an hablas

19 Definitions How would you say “he, she, it or you (usted) are talking?” Verbendings hablaro as a amos áis an habla

20 Definitions How would you say “we are talking?” Verbendings hablaro as a amos áis an hablamos

21 Definitions How would you say “you (vosotros) are talking?” Verbendings hablaro as a amos áis an habláis

22 Definitions How would you say “they or you (ustedes) are talking?” Verbendings hablaro as a amos áis an hablan

23 Definitions One-word verbs! you are talking = hablas Notice how multiple English words translate into one Spanish word.

24 Definitions We are talking. = hablamos I am dancing. =bailo We are studying. =estudiamos

25 Definitions To summarize… D rop the AR ending. A dd the appropriate subject ending. Y ou now have the perfect one-word Spanish conjugated verb.

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