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Nanovation Technology Program NanoPowerEngineering& Hot Superconductors &NanoElectronics.

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Presentation on theme: "Nanovation Technology Program NanoPowerEngineering& Hot Superconductors &NanoElectronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nanovation Technology Program NanoPowerEngineering& Hot Superconductors &NanoElectronics

2 Aims and goals of the Nanovation Technology Program Nanovation Technology is to become the top priority in assimilation, mastering, popularization and dissemination of newly acquired knowledge and know-how. With it, we shall get a clearer vision of the vast horizons in technology-based reconstruction of the industrial sector, to finally see the bright prospects provided by nanotechnologies. The Nanovation Technology Program is mainly focused on attacking the world’s power-, information- and environment-related problems that are insoluble with any “conventional” approach. This provides the basis for further planned expansion of the existing markets and creation of new ones. The Program studies are principally oriented towards developing patentable key materials and elements capable of changing certain modern power-saving and information technologies.

3 Nanovation Technology Program is focused on the following domains of priority: Conversion of heat energy into electricity by using direct thermoelectric energy converters of up to 70% performance rates, so-called “energy chips”. With the chips applied, there can be created space-saving heat power plants of 1kW to 1MW capacity for household and industrial purposes., Conversion of electric power into cold by creating the opposite type, electricity-to-cold converters. Their application would allow making solid-state cooling plants to meet the household needs and industry requirements., Conversion of luminous energy into electricity by making photoelectric converters for household and industrial use., Development of highly efficient electric accumulators of up to 1.6 Mj – “quantum supercapacitors”. Production of electric vehicles, combined- motor vehicles and mobile electronics are the application fields for such devices.,

4 Nanovation Technology Program is focused on the following domains of priority: Development of superconductive devices making "hot superconductors" used in high temperature conditions up to 93.5○C. Hot superconductors would help solving the problems in production and commercial use in information technologies – production of super-big integrated-circuit components, neurocomputers, broadband cable communication links, power lines and compact-size highly efficient electric motors and power generators; with magnetic wheel suspensions the friction problems would be solved., Creation of basic construction blocks for the “21st Century Solar House” Making unique glazed window panes for thermal insulation of windows containing inorganic nanoconstructed films with a varying transmittance. When exposed to electric fields, these films would change their transparence in a visual and infrared gamut of radiation, i.e. the films would become electrically controllable “louvers” or electrically controllable “stained-glass” windows Making unique glazed window panes to be set in walls with self-adjusting filters to let in up to 90% of the optical share of radiation and reflect about 95% of the total IR radiation. Both direct and dispersed solar light energy would be efficient, if used to heat houses with such panes; no additional or alternative heating sources would be needed. Development of great (wide-screen flat panel) displays for computers and TV sets. Development of superlarge displays to be used in architecture. Development of Giga and Terabyte memory.

5 The Initiators of the Nanovation Technology Program The Nanovation Technology Program has been initiated by the Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Engineering together with the Private Joint-Stock Company “Consulting Center “Nanobiology” which develop methods and technological means in the field of nanotechnology – one of the breakthrough trends in science. Contact: Dr. Alexander M. Ilyanok, Director AMEL E-mail: Phone: 375(29)6-55-83-27 Dr. Tatyana N. Timoshchenko, Director CCN E-mail: Phone: 375(17)206-66-44, 375(29)7-51-93-46

6 Project NanoPowerEngineering» The new knowledge of the mechanism of movement electrons in the condensed matter will allow making qualitative jump in nanoindustrial revolution. It will create an opportunity of transition to solid-state energy-efficient and environmentally acceptable power engineering – NanoPowerEngineering. thermoelectric converters of direct action - transformation of a thermal energy in electrical with the coefficient of efficiency up to 70 % - “energy chip” thermo-electric converters of return action - transformation of electrical energy to a cold with the coefficient of efficiency 50-70 % - “freezing chip” photoelectric converters with the coefficient of efficiency 50-70 % - “solar chip” accumulators of electrical energy with permittivity 1.6 МJ/kg – “quantum super capacitor”

7 Energy Chip & Quantum Supercapacitor

8 Project “HOT SUPERCONDUCTORS” We patent superconductive devices working up to temperatures up to 93.50С – «HOT SUPERCONDUCTORS». Use of hot superconductors provides to solve a problem of creation and commercial application for information and power technologies of: Economic super large integrated circuits Neurocomputers Broadband cable communications Power lines of transfer of the electric power Compact economic electric motors and electro generators Elimination of a problem of friction due to a magnetic suspension bracket

9 Project “The Solar house XXI centuries” Nanotechnolodgy for energysaving in construction Forecast parameters of the glasspacks : Specific convective heat exchange of a building completely constructed from such a glasspacks will make up 10-30 W/m2 Specific productivity of heat at the peak illumination intensity 900 W/m2 will make up to 800 W/m2 Specific productivity of the electric power at the peak illumination intensity 900 W/m2 will make up 300-600 W/m2 Specific prime cost of the glasspack will make from $100 up to $200 for 1m2.

10 Project “The N Display” Nanotechnology for information technologies Display parameters: thickness – 0.5 -1.0 cm; diagonal size: 0.5-1.0m; resolution range: 640х480 - 1280х1024 PGB pixels in the external light source reflection mode; image frequency 75-120Hz; RGB color resolution - 24 bits; cost price: $100-300 depending on the display size and resolution. featuring power-free long-life frame storage memory.

11 "QUANTUM SUPERMEMORY" PCT/EA02/0007, WO03/003467 A1

12 Portfolio of the Nanovation Technology Program ILYANOK A.M. - APPLICANT AND INVENTOR Basing on the patent application РСТ BY 98/00012 "QUANTUM-SIZE ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND METHODS OF OPERATING THEREOF" (80 claims) we have filed the enhanced patent application РСТ BY 99/00012 "QUANTUM-SIZE ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND OPERATING CONDITIONS THEREOF" (102 claims) (International Publication Number: WO 00/41247, 13.07.2000). In 2001 the application entered its Eurasian Regional Phase (EA patent №003164 is taken out), European Regional Phase (EP) in all European states and its National Phases in the USA patent is taken out US 6,570,224,B1, 27.05.2003), South Korea (KR), China (CN). The following Eurasian patent applications were filed for the developing of РСТ BY 99/00012, which were further transferred into the PCT phase: Patent Application: PCT/EA02/0009 "QUANTUM SUPERTRANSISTOR" (15 claims), WO03/003468 A1. PCT/EA02/0008 "SELF SCANNING FLAT DISPLAY" (20 claims), WO03/003335 A1. The EA patent №003573, 26.06.2003, is taken out. PCT/EA02/0007 "QUANTUM SUPERMEMORY" (19claims), WO03/003467 A1. PCT/EA02/0006 "QUANTUM SUPERCAPACITOR" (13 claims), WO03/003466 A1. The EA patent № 003852 is taken out.

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