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SUMMER ELECTIVE OPPORTUNITIES Class of 2015 Contact Information Judith Reagan 4016 Student Center 913/588-1480

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMER ELECTIVE OPPORTUNITIES Class of 2015 Contact Information Judith Reagan 4016 Student Center 913/588-1480"— Presentation transcript:

1 SUMMER ELECTIVE OPPORTUNITIES Class of 2015 Contact Information Judith Reagan 4016 Student Center 913/588-1480

2 Summer Research Training Program International Site Valencia, Spain Limit 2 students 8 weeks (June and July) Spanish is not necessary Project descriptions available in January Applications on-line (Med SOS) Personal interview! Deadline – 13 February 2012

3 The Amsterdam International Summer School - Research CANCELLED!!!!!

4 Spanish and Clinical Opportunities Ecuador: ( –Limited number –Applications through Dr. Wedemeyer via e-mail –24 June-21 July 2012 Nicaragua : ( – Limited number – Applications through Sara Pirtle at UNMC – 27 May-24 June 2012; 1-29 July 2012 –Spanish immersion; primary & community health in a developing country

5 Spanish and Clinical Opportunities continued Honduras: –2 spots available –Applications through International Programs –1 st month = longitudinal growth study –2 nd month = at children’s home with physician –Prefer Spanish –Cost: about $500-600/month, includes room, board, in-country transportation. Airfare = about $900.

6 Other Opportunities CFHI: Child and Family Health International – Your own site: need to talk with me; cannot go to countries that are on the US State Department Travel Warning List

7 Clendening Summer Fellowships Through the Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine – 10 students will be selected; $2000/scholarship. Projects can be domestic, international or a combination. 2-5 page proposal that includes a description of the project, goals and methods, detailed budget and often a bibliography. Proposals due 13 February 2012 by e-mail to Dr. Martha Montello. For questions, contact Dr. Martha Montello at Will be invited by e-mail to a special info meeting in November – please attend if interested!

8 MOST IMPORTANT!!! you must If you are going out of the country on ANY program, you must come to my office to discuss insurance, travel, and safety. You will need to make an appointment as soon as you know where and when you are traveling. This includes travel during Winter and Spring Breaks.

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