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Chapter 12 The Media. WHO GOVERNS? WHO GOVERNS? 1.How much power do the media have? 2.Can we trust the media to be fair? TO WHAT ENDS? TO WHAT ENDS? 1.What.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 The Media. WHO GOVERNS? WHO GOVERNS? 1.How much power do the media have? 2.Can we trust the media to be fair? TO WHAT ENDS? TO WHAT ENDS? 1.What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 The Media

2 WHO GOVERNS? WHO GOVERNS? 1.How much power do the media have? 2.Can we trust the media to be fair? TO WHAT ENDS? TO WHAT ENDS? 1.What public policies will the media support? Copyright © 2011 Cengage

3 The Media and Politics Freedom of the Press=very difficult to prove libel Freedom of the Press=very difficult to prove libel The United States versus Europe=much stricter/people who leak information get punished The United States versus Europe=much stricter/people who leak information get punished Freedom of Information Act=easy for press to extract gov. information Freedom of Information Act=easy for press to extract gov. information Newspapers=no gov. permission to operate Newspapers=no gov. permission to operate Radio and Television=FCC must renew their license Radio and Television=FCC must renew their license Federal Communication Commission (FCC)=gov. agency/gives out liscences Federal Communication Commission (FCC)=gov. agency/gives out liscences Copyright © 2011 Cengage

4 Journalism in American Political History The Party Press=gov. Paid for them/expensive During early America The Popular Press= The Popular Press= Telegraph/AP provided Stories/printing papers Cheaper/grew/easy to access Magazines of Opinion=“yellow Magazines of Opinion=“yellow Journalism/wrote about politics Reform/writers gained a national following Electronic Journalism=Radio1920s-40s Electronic Journalism=Radio1920s-40s Television/political talk shows The Internet=Half of Americans get The Internet=Half of Americans get Political news /raise money/organize people/ Copyright © 2011 Cengage Before television and the Internet, news came by radio, as here in 1939. p. 292 Bettmann/Corbis

5 Blogs, both conservative and liberal, have become an important form of political advertising. p. 289 Copyright © 2011 Cengage Reprinted with permission. As appeared on Reprinted with

6 The Structure of the Media Degree of Competition=lack of newspaper competition/young people don’t read political news as much/often more local news than national The National Media=US Associated Press/United Press International The National Media=US Associated Press/United Press International Gatekeeper=influence what subjects become national political news and for how longGatekeeper=influence what subjects become national political news and for how long Scorekeeper=keeps track of and makes political reputationsScorekeeper=keeps track of and makes political reputations Watchdog=keep tabs on politicians/wrongdoingWatchdog=keep tabs on politicians/wrongdoing Copyright © 2011 Cengage

7 Rules Governing the Media Newspapers – least governmental regulation Newspapers – least governmental regulation Radio and TV – most governmental regulation Radio and TV – most governmental regulation(FCC) Campaigning Campaigning Copyright © 2011 Cengage Activists urge Congress to pass a law shielding reporters from being required to testify about their sources. p. 296 Bebeto Matthews/AP Photo

8 Confidentiality of Sources Some states allow it/passed laws Some states allow it/passed laws Most states/Federal gov. do not allow it if in best interest of gov. Most states/Federal gov. do not allow it if in best interest of gov. Could go to jail if you’re a reporter Could go to jail if you’re a reporter Agree/Disagree? Agree/Disagree? Copyright © 2011 Cengage

9 Regulating broadcasting Radio/TV needs a FCC license Radio/TV needs a FCC license Renewable every 7 years radio/5 for TV Renewable every 7 years radio/5 for TV Need to submit your programming/how you benefit your community Need to submit your programming/how you benefit your community Deregulation today=lowered most with radio/more opinions on talk radio Deregulation today=lowered most with radio/more opinions on talk radio Equal time rule=must sell equal time to both candidates Equal time rule=must sell equal time to both candidates Copyright © 2011 Cengage

10 Campaigning Equal time rule=must be charged same rates as other candidates Equal time rule=must be charged same rates as other candidates Market=buy ads campaign in specific areas/local ads vs national ads Market=buy ads campaign in specific areas/local ads vs national ads Problem=horse- race journalism=media focuses on who is ahead in polls vs position of the candidates Problem=horse- race journalism=media focuses on who is ahead in polls vs position of the candidates Copyright © 2011 Cengage


12 Are the National Media Biased? Do members of the media have a distinctive political attitude? Do members of the media have a distinctive political attitude? Does that attitude affect what they write or say? Does that attitude affect what they write or say? Does what they write or say affect what citizens believe? Does what they write or say affect what citizens believe? Copyright © 2011 Cengage

13 When President Theodore Roosevelt cultivated the media, reporters usually were unknown and poorly paid. p. 304 Copyright © 2011 Cengage Brown Brothers

14 Are the National Media Biased? A liberal majority A liberal majority Neutral and objective? Neutral and objective? Routine stories=media stories regularly coveredRoutine stories=media stories regularly covered Feature stories=reporters seek these out and publish themFeature stories=reporters seek these out and publish them Insider stories=cover things often a secretInsider stories=cover things often a secret Media’s influence Media’s influence Selective attention=people remember/believe only what they want toSelective attention=people remember/believe only what they want to Copyright © 2011 engage Spanish-speaking voters have become so important that candidates, such as Hillary Clinton, run Spanish web sites. p. 299

15 Figure 12.2 Public Perception of Accuracy in the Media Copyright © 2011 Cengage Source: Pew Research Center, “The People and the Press” (August 2007).

16 Government and the News Prominence of the president=press secretary/goal to control the image of Pres. Prominence of the president=press secretary/goal to control the image of Pres. Coverage of Congress=senators use the press to get recognized Coverage of Congress=senators use the press to get recognized Why do we have so many news leaks?=only if favorable/branches compete for power Why do we have so many news leaks?=only if favorable/branches compete for power Copyright © 2011 Cengage

17 p. 306 ©1991 Dana Fradon/The New Yorker Collection from All Rights Reserved.

18 Sensationalism in the Media 1980s sex and politics were govered (Gary Hart, Bill Clinton) 1980s sex and politics were govered (Gary Hart, Bill Clinton) Since Watergate/Vietnam press has been adversaries of Government/competition in media Since Watergate/Vietnam press has been adversaries of Government/competition in media Copyright © 2011 Cengage

19 Government constraints on Journalists 15,000-20,000 congressional staffers (Congressmen gets mad move on to another) 15,000-20,000 congressional staffers (Congressmen gets mad move on to another) 4 ways Gov/press communicate 4 ways Gov/press communicate 1. on the record (quote official by name) 1. on the record (quote official by name) 2. off the record (what official says can’t be used) 2. off the record (what official says can’t be used) 3. on background (what official says can be used but can’t attribute to him by name 3. on background (what official says can be used but can’t attribute to him by name 4. on deep background (what the official says can be used but not attributed to anyone) 4. on deep background (what the official says can be used but not attributed to anyone) Copyright © 2011 Cengage

20 p. 303

21 Copyright © 2011 Cengage Today, there are huge gatherings held in a special conference room, as on the right. p. 305 In 1933, White House press conferences were informal affairs, as when reporters gathered around Franklin Roosevelt’s desk in the Oval Office. Bettmann/Corbis JASON REED/Reuters/Landov

22 Activity Pg. 176 #1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 #1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 Copyright © 2011 Cengage

23 Page 176 1. A 1. A 4. E 4. E 6. B 6. B 7. A 7. A 8. A 8. A 9. B 9. B 11. C 11. C 13. C 13. C 14. E 14. E Copyright © 2011 Cengage

24 WHAT WOULD YOU DO? M E M O R A N D U M To: Matthew Wilson, senator From: Margaret Drinker, legislative assistant Subject: Protecting Journalists The Supreme Court has held that forcing a reporter to testify does not violate the First Amendment to the Constitution. But Congress could pass a law, similar to that in many states, banning such testimony if it reveals a confidential source. Copyright © 2011 Cengage

25 WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Arguments for: 1. Thirty-four states now have shield laws similar to the one proposed by Congress. 2. Effective journalism requires protecting sources from being identified; without protection, a lot of important stories would not be written. Copyright © 2011 Cengage

26 WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Arguments against: 1. Every person accused in a criminal trial has a right to know all of the evidence against him or her and to confront witnesses. A shield law would deprive people of this right. 2. A shield law would allow any government official to leak secret information with no fear of being detected. Copyright © 2011 Cengage

27 WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Your decision: Support Bill? Oppose Bill? Copyright © 2011 Cengage

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