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Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation April 9, 2012 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: 888-651-5908 Participant code:

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation April 9, 2012 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: 888-651-5908 Participant code:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation April 9, 2012 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: 888-651-5908 Participant code: 182500 To participate via VoIP… You must have a sound card You must have headphones or computer speakers © 2012 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.

2 Slide 2 Todays Topic Well be taking a look at… Changes to Sponsored BW Security

3 Slide 3 Todays Presenter Art Kennedy Financial Quality Control

4 Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation Art Kennedy will address changes to BW Sponsored Security. During Arts presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, well hold a Q&A session. Well open up the phone lines, and youll be able to ask questions. Art will answer as many of your questions as time allows.

5 Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if youre having technical difficulties, you can email us at: You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN –

6 Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.

7 Slide 7 How To View Full Screen Click Here

8 Slide 8 BW Sponsored Security Changes

9 Slide 9 Agenda Whats new BW Sponsored Data Criteria BW Reports Saved Favorites Optimizing Queries Administrators Security and ZSR

10 Slide 10 Whats new Effective 4/16/2012, Sponsored Security in BW will be opened to allow users to view revenue and expense information for all grants. This modification ensures that users have access to all allocations on their grants. With this security change, users will have to change their approach to executing BW reports to: Minimize run time Provide more useful results View data relevant to their job responsibilities

11 Slide 11 Whats new The security was changed by removing a filter that enables your ZSR security. Sponsored Program Auth Group was added as both a variable and a free characteristic to the following reports: GM Actuals List of Billings Due Sponsored Invoice Detail Sponsored Open Commitment Report

12 Slide 12 BW Sponsored Data Criteria The data in the GM table was recently cleaned, which will be transparent to the user because it removed data that did not meet the criteria for being sponsored. BW Sponsored data must contain at least one of the following criteria: Fund that begins with a 9 Grant Not Relevant Grant Sponsored program that begins with a 9

13 Slide 13 BW Reports The reports listed below, all found in the BW Sponsored Projects folder, will have open security effective 4/16/2012: Award Folder Deficit/Cash Balance Report for Grants Sponsored Program Auth Group Transaction Folder GM Actuals List of Billings Due Sponsored Open Commitments Sponsored Rev-Expense Detail – Multiple Periods Sponsored Rev-Expense Detail – Single Period Sponsored Rev-Expense Summary Subrecipient Reporting Grants

14 Slide 14 BW Reports cont Closeout Folder Form 272 Final Cash (For Shared Services Only) Number of Closeout Completions There will be no change to the reports in the Finance, Supply Chain or Human Resources folders.

15 Slide 15 Saved Favorites Depending on how your saved favorites are setup, these may need to be updated. We will look at 4 examples: 1.Saved favorite executed by your current security with no filters or conditions 2.Saved favorite executed by your current security with a filter set on a specific GL 3.Saved favorite with sponsored program conditions set and no filters or conditions 4.View a grant with allocations to different departments

16 Slide 16 Saved Favorite, 1 st Example This saved favorite executes based on users security without any filters or conditions to exclude data. The below example may time out because it is attempting to return data for all grants having activity from inception to March 2012.

17 Slide 17 Saved Favorite, 1 st Example cont Executing the report with conditions set on the variable screen will produce better results with a faster run time. Below is an example of how to set your variable screen for a range of sponsored programs while excluding the sponsored program not relevant to your job.

18 Slide 18 Saved Favorite, 2 nd Example Similar to the first example, the saved favorite executes based on the users security and only the required fields are filled in on the variable screen. This favorite has two filters set inside the report to show only travel expense for the current period.

19 Slide 19 Saved Favorite, 2 nd Example cont The report now returns all JH domestic travel expense, previously it was filtered by the users security settings. In this case, the saved favorite should be recreated to limit the report to data that is relevant to the users job.

20 Slide 20 Saved Favorite, 3 rd Example In this saved favorite, the report has filters applied on the variable screen to limit the data to a specific range of sponsored programs.

21 Slide 21 Saved Favorite, 3 rd Example cont The saved favorite will execute as it previously had. It will only display the results for the selected Sponsored Programs. No change is required for this saved favorite.

22 Slide 22 Saved Favorite, 4 th Example To view a grant with allocations to multiple departments, enter by Grant number on the variable screen.

23 Slide 23 Saved Favorite, 4 th Example Grants allocated to different departments are displayed

24 Slide 24 Optimizing Queries Searching a wide amount of data for narrow results. Setup your report using a single grant, format the report then run the report for the department. For example, to find all domestic travel commitments for the Department of Medicine. 1.First run the report for a single grant 2.Then, apply a filter for sponsored class 652000 3.Also, apply a filter to Key Figures to display commitments only 4.Remember to remove any Free Characteristics that should not be included

25 Slide 25 Optimizing Queries 5.Click the variable screen button, remove the grant and insert 17046* in the Sponsored Program Auth Group field.

26 Slide 26 Security/ZSR How to get access to Sponsored Reports: Use ZSR - SAP Roles Action Type

27 Slide 27 Security/ZSR What changed? Action Type, BW Roles with CC/IO Security Assignments no longer has "Grants Management" listed as an option under Report Area Correctly assigning the role will give the user BW Sponsored access.

28 Slide 28 Conclusion Sponsored Security in BW will be opened April 16, 2012 to allow users to view revenue and expense information for all grants. This modification ensures that users always have access to all allocations on their grants. Users may need to enter additional data on query screens to avoid runaway queries. Users may need to recreate their saved favorites. Administrators will not have to make any changes to current SAP access. Users have the responsibility to limit their activities to viewing grants and sponsored programs relevant to their job.

29 Slide 29 Were going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. Well be answering questions in the order that we receive them. Well also be answering the questions that were emailed to us during the presentation. If theres a question that we cant answer, well do some research after this session, and then email the answer to all participants. Q&A

30 Slide 30 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please email us at:

31 Slide 31 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again!

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