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Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation May 1, 2012 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: 888-651-5908 Participant code:

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation May 1, 2012 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: 888-651-5908 Participant code:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation May 1, 2012 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: 888-651-5908 Participant code: 182500 To participate via VoIP… You must have a sound card You must have headphones or computer speakers © 2012 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.

2 Slide 2 Todays Topic Well be taking a look at… New Travel Certification

3 Slide 3 Todays Presenter Debbie Hawkes, Accounting Supervisor at Accounts Payable Shared Services

4 Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation Debbie Hawkes will address the new certification for travel. Debbie will be assisted by Dee Church from the Tax Office During Debbies presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, well hold a Q&A session. Well open up the phone lines, and youll be able to ask questions. Debbie and Dee will answer as many of your questions as time allows.

5 Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if youre having technical difficulties, you can email us at: You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN –

6 Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.

7 Slide 7 How To View Full Screen Click Here

8 Slide 8 New Travel Certification

9 Slide 9 Agenda Creating a travel expense report – choosing the correct schema Choosing the correct country for international travel Discuss new certification requirement for all trips

10 Slide 10 Creating an Expense Report Step 1 – Login to the trip manager in SAP. You will have the option of creating a travel expense report for yourself or another traveler. If the travel expense reimbursement is for another traveler you must enter that persons personnel number by selecting the icon which displays two people. Step 2 - Enter the correct personnel number Step 3 - Click Create Travel Expense Report. Click to change and enter the correct personnel number for the traveler.

11 Slide 11 Creating an Expense Report After choosing to create a business expense report or a travel expense report, you now select the correct schema labeled trip schema in SAP Schema is a design of SAP features created for different types of expense reports Choices are: –Domestic Travel – for trips within the US, including local travel –International Travel – for trips outside the US –Non-Travel Related Exp – for business expenses not related to a trip

12 Slide 12 SAP View of Trip Schema

13 Slide 13 International Travel It is important to select the correct country as the destination for the trip because the IRS requires reporting on foreign travel expenses. The screen view for the next few slides are displayed in the WIN GUI view. If login to SAP and then select ECC, you are entering in WIN GUI. Click the Trip Country field and the drop down box indicator will appear at the end of the field.

14 Slide 14 Trip Country After you click on the drop down list, the list of trip countries will appear. Do not select ALL from the drop-down list. If the country does not appear search for it. If it still does not appear contact Hopkins One help desk at 410-735-4500. Approvers should reject a trip document where ALL has been selected. Accounts Payable cannot process the payment if ALL has been selected.

15 Slide 15 International Travel – Selecting the Country To search for a country, click the arrow head to open the search box. Enter the country in the Name of Trip Country field and click the green check mark to begin the search.

16 Slide 16 Results from the Trip Country Search The search result for the country requested Uganda are now listed. By double clicking the relevant country and city, the trip field will automatically populate the information into the trip country field.

17 Slide 17 International Travel – Selecting the Trip Country Web GUI View Web GUI view for selecting the trip country.

18 Slide 18 International Travel – Selecting the Country WEB Gui View Using Travel Reimbursement Requester or Travel Request Assistant – click Search Criteria. Then, enter the name of the country and click Start Search. Make sure you click on the search button and not the green check mark to begin the search for the trip country.

19 Slide 19 New Certification Feature To meet IRS requirements regarding travel, a new certification has been added for travel starting May 4, 2012 and it applies to: Domestic trips International trips The certification should be checked if it is applicable to the trip. The approver can reject a travel expense report if the certification should have been checked. If travel costs are submitted using the Non-Travel Related Exp schema, the payment will not be processed. The department will be contacted to delete the request. The request would be recreated using the correct schema.

20 Slide 20 About the Certification Vacation time is sometimes taken before or after a business trip such that the person stays at the destination longer than the business activities. In almost all cases, business activities will determine the need for the trip such that travel will be taken for business purposes and any vacation taken is not considered in deciding to take the business trip. All personal costs for any vacation time would not be included in the travel expense report. If vacation is the major consideration for the trip, certain costs such as airfare may have to be prorated. The full amount is not a qualified business expense. Only the business portion of prorated costs can be included in the travel expense report.

21 Slide 21 New Feature After the travel expense report entry is complete and the initiator clicks the save icon to save the trip, the IRS Compliance Check box will appear.

22 Slide 22 New Feature If the statement is applicable to the trip, check the box, then click Ok Once the box is checked for a trip document, it will not appear again when additional expenses are added to the report.

23 Slide 23 Departmental Approvers Notification If a travel expense report is submitted for approval and the IRS Compliance Check box has not been checked, the approver will get this warning. If the box should have been checked, the approver must reject the document so that it can be corrected. If the box is not checked but the trip is approved, the approver will be asked for an explanation when the travel expense report is reviewed or audited.

24 Slide 24 Conclusion Make sure the Trip Country field is entered and ALL was not entered for the trip country. Choose the appropriate schema when creating a business or travel expense report. Check the box if the certification is applicable to the travel expense report. If the certification does not apply to the travel, the approver will be asked for an explanation and some of the expenses may need to be prorated between business and personal. The personal expenses cannot be included in the travel expense report.

25 Slide 25 Were going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. Well be answering questions in the order that we receive them. Well also be answering the questions that were emailed to us during the presentation. If theres a question that we cant answer, well do some research after this session, and then email the answer to all participants. Q&A

26 Slide 26 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please email us at:

27 Slide 27 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again!

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