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Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation August 21 st, 2008 We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… Phone number:

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation August 21 st, 2008 We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… Phone number:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation August 21 st, 2008 We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… Phone number: 877-322-9648 Participant code: 182500

2 Slide 2 Todays Topic Well be taking a look at… Tips and tricks for travel and expense reimbursement

3 Slide 3 Todays Presenter Bob Sicoli SAP Trainer for the Johns Hopkins Health System

4 Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation Bob will show you some tips and tricks for travel and expense reimbursement During Bobs presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, well hold a Q&A session. Well open up the phone lines, and youll be able to ask questions. Bob will answer as many of your questions as time allows.

5 Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if youre having technical difficulties, you can email us at: You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN –

6 Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.

7 Slide 7 Tips and Tricks for Travel and Expense Reimbursement

8 Slide 8 Session Introduction About this session: Todays session is a collection of solutions to problems we have collected from users. The session will also cover some of the best practices we have learned from 18+ months of using the system. This session was created to help people use the Travel and Expense Reimbursement module more efficiently.

9 Slide 9 Agenda Today we will cover … 1.Settings for displaying all trips 2.Infocenter to get per diem rates 3.Personnel number search using TRIP 4.Locating a personnel number with the trip number 5.Locating a personnel number if your hindered by an HR role restriction 6.List of all trips 7.Open trips – displaying, deleting, accessing, editing, services for object icon, and history 8.Paid trips – interpreting, accessing, adding receipts, saving

10 Slide 10 1. Settings

11 Slide 11 Settings To access the settings: WinGUI WebGUI

12 Slide 12 Settings Display All Trips – will display all trips. You can view paid trips from prior periods. Display all Subsequent Activities – Displays the Suggested Activities on the first page of the Travel Manager. Also will enable to access the expense report quickly.

13 Slide 13 Settings – Display All Trips

14 Slide 14 Settings – Display Subsequent Activities

15 Slide 15 2. The Infocenter

16 Slide 16 Infocenter Use the Infocenter to look up per diem rates by date. To access the Infocenter: WinGUI WebGUI

17 Slide 17 Information Center 1.Click the PDs/FRs tab, then click in the Region field.

18 Slide 18 Information Center 2. Click the search button next to the field.

19 Slide 19 Information Center 3. WinGUI - Click the arrow in the middle of the screen.

20 Slide 20 Information Center 3. WebGUI - Click the arrow next to Search Criteria.

21 Slide 21 Information Center 4. WinGUI- Use the Name of Trip Country to search for the city or region. Then click the green check.

22 Slide 22 Information Center 4. WebGUI - Use the Name of Trip Country to search for the city or region. Then click Start search.

23 Slide 23 Information Center 5. When you locate the region, double click it.

24 Slide 24 Information Center 6. Put in the first date of the trip, click on the green check; that will display the per diem rates.

25 Slide 25 3. Personnel Number Search Using TRIP

26 Slide 26 Personnel Number Search Using TRIP WinGUI- Access the Personnel Number search screen as you would normally. Click the category icon on the far right.

27 Slide 27 Personnel Number Search Using TRIP WinGUI - A list of search categories will open. Select TRIP from the category list.

28 Slide 28 Personnel Number Search Using TRIP WebGUI- Access the Personnel Number search screen as you would normally. Click the Category dropdown.

29 Slide 29 Personnel Number Search Using TRIP WebGUI - A list of search categories will open. Select the TRIP category.

30 Slide 30 Personnel Number Search Using TRIP After you complete the search, the results will appear. The results of the TRIP search include: name, work address, organizational unit, and position.

31 Slide 31 4. Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number

32 Slide 32 Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number The transaction is ZMAPR_MD_PERS_TRI - Query: Personnel/Trip Number. Use this transaction when you have a trip number and want to find the personnel number of the person who was reimbursed. Use that personnel number to go back into the Travel Manger to research the trip. You can use this transaction from the WinGUI and WebGUI.

33 Slide 33 WinGUI - At the main menu, scroll down and open the Enduser Role folder. Double click on Query: Personnel/Trip Number. Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number

34 Slide 34 WebGUI – Open the Travel Manager Open the command bar by selecting the arrow next to the menu button Type in /nsmen Press the enter key Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number

35 Slide 35 WebGUI – Access the Enduser Role folder at the end of the menu, then select transaction Query: Personnel/Trip Number. Double click to open the transaction. Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number

36 Slide 36 WinGUI - Enter the trip number and execute the report. Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number

37 Slide 37 WebGUI - Enter the trip number and execute the report. Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number

38 Slide 38 The report will display a trip number with a personnel number that you can use in the Travel Manager to further research the trip. Locating a Personnel Number With a Trip Number

39 Slide 39 5. Locating a Personnel Number if Youre Hindered by an HR Role Restriction

40 Slide 40 Locating a Personnel Number Use this transaction if you are a person with HR roles and cannot find personnel number through the TRIP search due to access issues. 1. Access the assistant role in the main menu. Double click on the Travel Work List role.

41 Slide 41 Locating a Personnel Number 2. Search for the person by last name and/or first name.

42 Slide 42 Locating a Personnel Number 3. You will be given a list of personnel numbers for use in the Travel Manager.

43 Slide 43 6. List of All Trips

44 Slide 44 List of All Trips Use list of all trips to: Locate open and paid trips Display open and paid trips Access open and paid trips Delete open trips

45 Slide 45 List of All Trips Click on the List of All Trips link.

46 Slide 46 List of All Trips The List of All Trips screen will open with the Open Trips folder expanded and the Paid Trips folder closed.

47 Slide 47 List of All Trips Notes about the List of All Trips screen: 1. You may need to expand and collapse columns to see the data. 2. Statuses – Trip Completed/to be Settled - Could be anywhere from just saved, up to in the approvers inbox in Workflow. Check Workflow for the details. Trip On Hold – Has been approved by a department approver(s) and awaiting review in Accounts Payable Shared Services.

48 Slide 48 List of All Trips 1. To expand columns, click next to them and drag. 2. Status will help you see where the expense report is in the process.

49 Slide 49 7. The Open Trips Folder

50 Slide 50 The Open Trips Folder To change an open trip, highlight Travel Expenses of the trip; click the Change button.

51 Slide 51 The Open Trips Folder You can now change the trip data. Make sure you save after making your updates. You can also use the Services for Objects icon to store business documents (aka Attaching), view workflow, and view attachments.

52 Slide 52 The Open Trips Folder You can also use the Account Assignment button to quickly view the budget assignments.

53 Slide 53 The Open Trips Folder The budget assignments will display.

54 Slide 54 The Open Trips Folder You can also view the history of the changes or updates saved to a document by clicking the History button.

55 Slide 55 The Open Trips Folder This window will show the JHED ID, date, and time of persons who have saved changes to an expense report.

56 Slide 56 The Open Trips Folder To display the results of an open trip, highlight the Travel Expenses of a trip, click the Display button.

57 Slide 57 The Open Trips Folder You can now view the trip data without saving again. Use the back button to go back to List of All Trips.

58 Slide 58 The Open Trips Folder To delete an open trip, highlight the date of the trip, click the Delete button. NEVER DELETE A PAID TRIP!

59 Slide 59 The Open Trips Folder Answer Yes to delete the trip. The trip will be gone from the Travel Manager.

60 Slide 60 8. The Paid Trips Folder

61 Slide 61 The Paid Trips Folder To view paid trips, expand the Paid Trips folder by clicking the arrow to the left.

62 Slide 62 The Paid Trips Folder

63 Slide 63 The Paid Trips Folder To view a paid trip, expand the folder by clicking the arrow to the left.

64 Slide 64 The Paid Trips Folder This will show data about the trip. To see the date the funds were released use the scroll at the bottom of the page.

65 Slide 65 The Paid Trips Folder This will show when the funds were released in the Travel Expense Statement Is … column (You may have to expand this column). Be advised that this is NOT an actual payment date. The person being reimbursed must check with their bank for actual dates.

66 Slide 66 The Paid Trips Folder To display the results of a paid trip, highlight the Travel Expenses of a trip, click the Display button.

67 Slide 67 The Paid Trips Folder

68 Slide 68 The Paid Trips Folder To access a paid trip to add receipts, highlight Travel Expenses of a trip, click the Change button.

69 Slide 69 The Paid Trips Folder You will be asked if you want to change the trip data – Click Yes. You are NOT obligated to change the data. You will be given access to the expense report.

70 Slide 70 The Paid Trips Folder Notes on adding receipts to paid expense reports: Do NOT change any data on a paid expense report. You can also use the Services for Objects icon to store business documents (aka Attaching), view workflow and view attachments. You can also use the History button to view saving history. You can use the Back button or arrow to leave the report without making changes. If you add receipts, save and click Yes. The report will need to be approved again. Accounts Payable Shared Services will only pay the added expenses.

71 Slide 71 The Paid Trips Folder You can now add receipts to the trip data.

72 Slide 72 Conclusion Today we covered … 1.Settings for displaying all trips 2.Infocenter to get per diem rates 3.Personnel number search using TRIP 4.Locating a personnel number with the trip number 5.Locating a personnel number if your hindered by an HR role restriction 6.List of all trips 7.Open trips – displaying, deleting, accessing, editing, services for object icon, and history 8.Paid trips – interpreting, accessing, adding receipts, saving

73 Slide 73 Additional Resources Training: Health System – OD&T – Anna – 410-735-7065 University – Learning Solutions – Kathy - 443-997-6453 Support: Shared Services – Accounts Payable Shared Services - 443-997-6688 SAP Support –

74 Slide 74 Q&A Were going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. Well be answering questions in the order that we receive them. Well also be answering the questions that were emailed to us during the presentation. If theres a question that we cant answer, well do some research after this session, and then email the answer to all participants.

75 Slide 75 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please email us at:

76 Slide 76 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again!

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