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ICT INTERVENTIONS (STATE AID INITIATIVES) IN GREECE Zappeion Megaron, 13 February 2014 Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence In the framework of.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT INTERVENTIONS (STATE AID INITIATIVES) IN GREECE Zappeion Megaron, 13 February 2014 Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence In the framework of."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT INTERVENTIONS (STATE AID INITIATIVES) IN GREECE Zappeion Megaron, 13 February 2014 Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence In the framework of the “Speeding up New Generation Networks (NGN) ubiquity: A pillar for digital growth” Conference

2 Factors affecting Broadband Penetration ICT Status in Greece 2009 – 2014 Broadband Penetration in Greece and EU 27 Broadband Growth Rate in Greece and EU 27 (2005 – 2009) Broadband Growth Rate in Greece and EU 27 (2009 – 2013) Major ICT Policy Interventions (2005 - 2009) Major ICT State Aid Interventions (2005-2009) Major ICT Policy Interventions (2009 - 2013) Major ICT Policy interventions: Rural Broadband – a PPP project Major ICT State Aid Interventions So Far… (2009-2014) Future plans Overview

3 Factors affecting Broadband Penetration Broadband Penetration (High Speed Internet Usage) is related to: – Availability and Quality of Broadband infrastructure – Services’ portfolio – Demand of services from the citizens and the businesses – Costs related to Services and Broadband Connection – Disposable Income of the citizens – Fund availability for the business sector Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

4 ICT Status in Greece 2009 - 2014 The deep and long recession in Greece over the last 5 years has deeply affected also the ICT sector – Citizens: Sharp decline of the disposable income Focus to the basic needs – Businesses: They struggle to stay in the market Decrease of ICT investments – Government: Fewer public investment in ICT Delays in the implementation of ICT projects Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

5 Broadband Penetration in Greece and EU 27 % Penetration (EL) EU 27 January 20040,10%5,10% July 20040,23%6,53% January 20050,46%8,50% July 20050,84%10,50% January 20061,40%12,80% July 20062,68%14,04% January 20074,40%16,20% July 20076,90%18,20% January 20089,10%20,00% July 200811,20%21,70% January 200913,40%22,90% July 200915,60%23,90% % Penetration (EL) EU 27 January 201017,00%24,80% July 201018,60%25,60% January 201119,90%26,60% July 201120,80%27,20% January 201221,80%27,70% July 201222,70%28,20% January 201323,80%28,80% Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence *Digital Agenda Scoreboard

6 Broadband Growth Rate in Greece and EU 27 2005 - 2009 Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

7 Broadband Growth Rate in Greece and EU 27 2009 - 2013 Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence EL EU27

8 MAJOR ICT POLICY INTERVENTIONS 2005-2009 BROADBAND PROJECT (except Athens and Salonica) – Geographical coverage 60% (initial status 2005: 13%) – Population coverage 90% (initial status 2005: 65%) – Special Broadband Prices for Targeted Special Groups (citizens over 65, students…) e-goneis (e-parents) Initiative – Internet Training of 39.836 Parents – Reduces Broadband Prices for these Families Wi-Fi hotspots – 606 Public Hotspots – 290 Free Hotspots on selected business ICT Training of Public Servants (including teachers and professors) ICT equipment (laptops) and Broadband Connection to Selected Groups: like Students, Farmers Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

9 MAJOR ICT STATE AID INTERVENTIONS 2005-2009 E-business – State Aid projects aiming to support very small SMEs adopt ICT (equipment and training) – In total 1.563 businesses were funded (completed) E-services – State Aid projects aiming to support SMEs create their own e- marketplace – In total 737 businesses were funded (completed) ICT adoption by very small SMEs – State Aid projects aiming to very small SMEs adopt ICT HW / SW and added value ICT services – In total 4.353 businesses were funded (completed) Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

10 MAJOR ICT POLICY INTERVENTIONS RURAL BROADBAND – A PPP PROJECT Scope: To close the ‘broadband gap’ between remote / most disadvantageous traditional “white” rural areas of Greece – White rural areas consist of 5.491 remote and dispersed residential departments all over Greece with a population of 612.643 residents – Project will be implemented in two phases: Phase A which will be concluded in less than 3 years Phase B - the period after services launching (may overlap with phase A). Total duration of phase B is 15 years Population coverage 7% of Greek Population (612.643 citizens) Two categories of Connection speed: 8 or 30 Mbps (current status 0) Proposal Submission Deadline: 19/02/2014 Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

11 MAJOR ICT STATE AID INTERVENTIONS SO FAR…(2009-2014) E-security – State Aid projects aiming to support enterprises adopt security software and security policies – In total 782 Businesses have been funded (completed) Digi-Lodge – State aid projects aiming to support enterprises operating in the tourism sector in adopting e-booking services and promote their business – In total, 2.835 hotels and accommodation businesses were funded (completion of projects is underway) Digi-Retail – State aid projects aiming to support retail enterprises for ICT uptake – Up to now 2.522 Retail Businesses have already been funded (project ideas are still being evaluated) Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

12 MAJOR ICT STATE AID INTERVENTIONS SO FAR… (2009-2014) Digi-Content – State aid projects aiming to support businesses such as newspapers and publishers create and promote Greek digital content through multiple communication channels – Up to now 241 businesses have already been funded (project ideas are still being evaluated) ICT4Growth – State aid projects aiming to support businesses to develop and provide innovative products and value adding services – Business Plans of 39.991.270,41€ have been approved for funding Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

13 FUTURE PLANS ICT Policy Interventions – SYZEYFXIS II – Wi – Fi Greece – FTTH Next Generation Networks ICT State Aid Projects – Businesses (e.g. Vouchers for CRM, ERP, e- commerce, etc.) – Citizens (e.g. Assisting Disabled People, Smart Metering, ICT Equipment for Special Population Groups, etc.) Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

14 Thank you! Thodoris Karoumbalis Head of Unit B’ – Management & Monitoring of Projects Managing Authority of O.P. Digital Convergence Managing Authority O.P. Digital Convergence

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