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Understanding our Results
Culture Results Understanding our Results
Agenda What is culture? The Denison Model Case study Our Results Next Steps
Today’s Objectives
Deeply held beliefs and assumptions
What is Culture? Deeply held beliefs and assumptions How people in our organization think and act, every day Culture is “the way things are done around here” Simply stated, culture is “the way things are done around here.” In recent decades, research has shown that culture plays a critical part in the success and performance of an organization. Culture is the deeply held beliefs and assumptions by the people in the organization that affect how they work every day. Change is hard. Changing our underlying beliefs and assumptions is harder. We have chosen to measure our culture based on the Denison Organizational Culture Survey. This tool has been selected by more than 5,000 companies worldwide. Denison Consulting has proven capabilities in helping organizations measure, monitor and enhance their cultures -- and achieve improved business outcomes as a result.
What Counts… Mission Direction..Purpose..Blueprint
Adaptability Pattern..Trends..Market Translating the demands of the business environment into action “Are we listening to the marketplace?” Mission Direction..Purpose..Blueprint Defining a meaningful long-term direction for the Company “Do we know where we are going?” Beliefs and Assumptions: At the center of the model are “Beliefs and Assumptions.” Each of us have deeply held beliefs about our organization, our coworkers, our customers, our competitors and our industry. These beliefs and assumptions, and their associated behaviors, determine the culture of an organization. The Denison model and surveys allow us to surface the underlying belief and assumptions in recognizable and measurable ways that impact organizational performance. Traits The Denison Model answers four key questions about our organization: Mission – Do we know where we are going? Involvement – Are our people aligned and engaged? Adaptability – Are we listening to the marketplace? Consistency – Do we have the systems and processes in place to create leverage? Each Trait (Mission, Involvement, Adaptability, Consistency) is further broken down in to 3 indexes. Mission: Defining a meaningful long-term direction for the organization. Strategic Direction & Intent: Do employees understand the strategies identified by the organization and do they think the strategies will work? Goals & Objectives: Are there short-term goals that help link what employees do on a day-to-day basis to the strategy and vision of the organization? Do employees understand how their job fits in? Vision: Do employees share a common desired future state for the organization? Do they understand the vision? Does it motivate and excite them? Adaptability: Translating the demands of the external environment into action. Creating Change: Can employees read the external environment and react to trends and changes? Do employees constantly look for new and improved ways to do their work? Customer Focus: Do we understand the needs of our customers? Are employees committed to responding to their ever-changing needs? Is customer focus a primary concern throughout the organization? Organizational Learning: Is importance placed on learning in the workplace? Do we create an environment where reasonable risk taking and innovation can occur? Do we share knowledge across the organization? Involvement: Building human capability and creating a shared sense of ownership and responsibility throughout the organization. Empowerment: Do employees feel informed and involved in the work that they do? Do they feel they can have a positive impact on the organization? Team Orientation: Is teamwork encouraged AND practiced in the organization? Do employees value collaboration and feel mutually accountable for common goals? Capability Development: Do employees believe that they are being invested in and that their skills are improving? Is the organization’s bench strength improving? Does the organization have the skills it needs to be competitive today and into the future? Consistency: Defining the values and systems that are the basis of the culture. Core Values: Do employees share a set of values that create a strong sense of identity and a clear set of expectations? Do leaders model and reinforce those values? Agreement: Is the organization able to reach agreement on critical issues? Can employees reconcile differences in a constructive way when problems arise? Coordination & Integration: Do employees from different parts of the organization share a common perspective that allows them to work effectively across organizational boundaries? Do they work to eliminate ‘silos’ and promote actions that are in the best interest of the organization as a whole? Consistency Systems… Structures… Processes Defining the values and systems that are the basis of a strong culture “Does our system create leverage?” Involvement Commitment ... Ownership … Responsibility Building human capability, ownership, and responsibility “Are our people aligned and engaged?“
Flexible and Stable Flexible Adaptability + Involvement A flexible organization has the capability to change in response to the environment Stable Mission + Consistency A stable orientation contributes to an organization’s capability to remain focused and predictable over time You’ll also notice that you can cut the model into hemispheres. Flexible (Adaptability and Involvement): Organizations that are strong in these traits can change quickly in response to their environment. They tend to be successful at being innovative and satisfying their customers. Stable (Mission and Consistency): These organizations tend to be focused and have some level of predictability. They know where they are headed and have the tools and systems in place to get there. They create alignment that results in efficient, profitable performance.
External Focus and Internal Focus
External Focus: Adaptability + Mission The organization’s focus is on adapting and changing in response to the external environment Internal Focus: Involvement + Consistency The organization’s focus is on the dynamics of the internal integration of systems, structures, and processes The Model also splits by top and bottom. External Focus (Adaptability and Mission): These organizations have an eye towards the market and are able to adapt and change in response to what they see. The result is the ability to grow as they meet the current and future needs of the marketplace. Internal Focus (Involvement and Consistency): These organizations’ focus is on the alignment of internal systems, processes and people of the organization. High scores in Internal Focus typically predict efficient operating performance, higher levels of quality and increased employee satisfaction.
Top Down Bottom Up Dynamic Tension:
High performance organizations learn how to link the purpose, direction, and goals of the organization (top - down) to a shared sense of responsibility, ownership and commitment with all employees (bottom - up). Employees understand the relationship between their individual goals and the organization’s goals and are highly motivated to contribute. The Denison model also presents another dynamic tension. Top-down Bottom-up Alignment (Mission and Involvement): Organizations must have a balance between the Mission (top-down) and employee Involvement (bottom-up). They need to learn how to link the purpose and strategies of the organization to the shared sense of responsibility, ownership and commitment of the employees. When there is balance between these traits, we see effective two-way communication and an engaged, focused workforce. Bottom Up
Stimulate Progress! Preserve the Core!
Dynamic Tension: Successful organizations learn how to cope with the dual problems of external adaptation (stimulate progress) and internal integration (preserve the core). It is not an either/or proposition - high performance organizations must be able to do both at the same time. Adaptability and Consistency also present a dynamic tension. Customer Value Chain (Adaptability and Consistency): This is represented by the tension created between Adaptability, which is largely concerned with the market, and Consistency, which looks at the internal values, systems and processes. High performing organizations must be able to adapt and respond to the market and develop systems and processes that allow them to execute in a way that produces quality products and services. Preserve the Core!
Culture Links to Performance
Growth Stable Performance Over Time Profitability ROI, ROE Innovation & Customer Satisfaction Denison’s research has found notable links between organizational culture scores and important performance measures. High scores in the stable side of the model tend to be the best predictors of profitability, return on investment (ROI), ROE while the flexible side is a better predictor of measures such as innovation and customer satisfaction. The external focus area tends to be a better predictor of growth while internal focus predicts things like operating performance, quality and employee satisfaction. Operating Performance Quality Employee Satisfaction
Understanding Your Report
Beliefs and assumptions are at the heart of culture, but are too hard to measure; Survey focuses on measuring visible managerial behaviors & practices. This is a percentile score and ranges from It is the organization’s score benchmarked against the average of all other organizations in the database. (This average is called a norm or benchmark.) This organization, for example, scored better than 68 percent of all of the companies in the database in the area of Goals and Objectives. This is one of the four primary components that impact business performance. Beliefs and assumptions are at the heart of culture, but are too hard to measure; Survey focuses on measuring visible managerial behaviors & practices. This is one of the four primary components that impact business performance. This is one of the three dimensions that measure behaviors for the “Empowerment” bucket. Each index consists of five survey items. This is a percentile score and ranges from It is the organization’s score benchmarked against the average of all other organizations in the database. (This average is called a norm or benchmark.) This organization, for example, scored better than 79 percent of all of the companies in the database in the area of Goals and Objectives. The profile is colored to show the quartile in which the percentile falls. This score in Coordination and Integration, for example, falls in the third quartile. The profile is colored to show the quartile in which the percentile falls. This score, for example, falls in the third quartile. This is one of the three dimensions that measure behaviors for the “Empowerment” bucket. Each of the index. Each index consists of five survey items.
Case Study: 100 Year Old Manufacturing Company
What patterns do you see in this organization? What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? What might this mean for their business? Beliefs and assumptions are at the heart of culture, but are too hard to measure; Survey focuses on measuring visible managerial behaviors & practices. This is one of the four primary components that impact business performance. This is one of the three dimensions that measure behaviors for the “Empowerment” bucket. Each index consists of five survey items. This is a percentile score and ranges from It is the organization’s score benchmarked against the average of all other organizations in the database. (This average is called a norm or benchmark.) This organization, for example, scored better than 79 percent of all of the companies in the database in the area of Goals and Objectives. The profile is colored to show the quartile in which the percentile falls. This score in Coordination and Integration, for example, falls in the third quartile.
Case Study: 100 Year Old Manufacturing Company
“You have a sense of your short term goals and objectives, but they are not being informed by your long term vision. This tells me that your good at execution, but with no real sense of direction.” “With your low Adaptability scores, I can respond to the market more quickly with innovative products and beat this company in market share.” Strengths Effective at producing the same products and services Team work is encouraged Short term goals are clear Vulnerabilities Not listening to the marketplace: they will be overtaken by their competitors quickly No innovation to keep them going in the future Not listening to their customers Beliefs and assumptions are at the heart of culture, but are too hard to measure; Survey focuses on measuring visible managerial behaviors & practices. This is one of the four primary components that impact business performance. This is one of the three dimensions that measure behaviors for the “Empowerment” bucket. Each index consists of five survey items. This is a percentile score and ranges from It is the organization’s score benchmarked against the average of all other organizations in the database. (This average is called a norm or benchmark.) This organization, for example, scored better than 79 percent of all of the companies in the database in the area of Goals and Objectives. The profile is colored to show the quartile in which the percentile falls. This score in Coordination and Integration, for example, falls in the third quartile. “With your low Empowerment and Capability Development scores, your top talent is probably hard to attract and harder to keep. As a competitor, I’ll try to steal your best talent away from you.”
Interpretation Guidelines
A suggested process for interpreting results Big Picture High Scores Low Scores Overall Patterns Strengths & Challenges What are main areas? Strong = more color Weak = less color Are these clustered? Flexible? Stable? Externally Focused? Internally Focused? Involvement? Consistency? Adaptability? Mission? Summarize Strengths Review the 12 Indexes Which are strongest? Clustered in one trait? Summarize Challenges Which are lowest? Most important to your organization’s effectiveness? Key Patterns Foundation Skills: What are the key capabilities that are the foundation of your organization’s strengths? Areas to Improve: What capabilities are important to improve? Short-term? Long-term? Impact of strengths and weaknesses on performance measures : Customer experience? Innovation? Quality? Sales? Financial performance? When reviewing the survey results, it is helpful to keep a few guidelines in mind to interpret Merck’s scores. First, look at the big picture. When looking at the “circle” graph, more color is better. Where are the main areas of strength and weakness? Are these focused in any particular area? Then focus on the high scores to understand Merck’s strengths – which indexes are the strongest? Are they clustered in a particular trait? Next, look to summarize challenges: which of the 12 indexes are the lowest? Which are most important to the Company’s effectiveness? Finally, look for the key patterns. Which of its strengths can Merck build on? What capabilities are important to improve in the short term? Which are important for the long term? What’s the impact on Merck’s key performance measures?
Our Results
Add Your Results
Step 1: Big Picture Strengths and Challenges
What are the areas of strength (more color)? Which reflect possible challenge (less color)? Are there basic patterns or clusters? Flexible vs. Stable, External Focus vs. Internal Focus? Are there strengths across all four traits (Involvement, Consistency, Adaptability or Mission) or are there obvious areas of weakness (gaps)?
Step 2: High Scores – Summarize your Strengths
Review the 12 Indexes (i.e. Creating Change, Empowerment, Vision, etc) Which indexes are the strongest? Which are the most important to achieving your current business objectives? Is there a pattern (relationship) among the areas of strength? Review the line items Are there additional insights about your strengths that can be gained from the line items? What are the top five line items? (summarized in your High/Low report) What do they tell you about your focus as an organization/team? Is there a pattern among your line item strengths?
Step 3: Low Scores – Summarize Your Challenges
Review the Indexes Which indexes are the lowest? Which of these have the greatest implications for your business objectives? Is there a pattern (relationship) among the areas of weakness? Review the Line Items Are there additional insights that can be gathered from reviewing your lower line items? What are the five lowest line items (summarized in your High/Low report)? What do they tell you about your focus as an organization/team? Is there a pattern among your lower line items?
Step 4: Summarize the Insights and Possible Impact on Performance
Strengths: What does the data tell you about the organization’s (or group’s) strengths? Challenges: What does the data tell you about the organization’s (or group’s) challenge areas? What areas are important to develop in order for your organization (or group) to achieve your strategies and objectives? What might be the impact of your key strengths and weaknesses on your key performance measures: Efficiency? Growth? Customer Satisfaction? Innovation? Quality? Employee Satisfaction?
Next Steps
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