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CGS AGM March 2013 Secretary’s Report. Members 437 (March ‘12 was 443)

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Presentation on theme: "CGS AGM March 2013 Secretary’s Report. Members 437 (March ‘12 was 443)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CGS AGM March 2013 Secretary’s Report

2 Members 437 (March ‘12 was 443)

3 Changes in Council … Daniela Pilz, Geoff Woods, Sahar Mansour demitting office Jill Clayton-Smith beginning two year term as President Peter Turnpenny demitting office as President, will serve as Vice-President for a year Alison Male and Lynn Greenhalgh elected as members of Council Emily Craft elected as trainee rep

4 Thinking ahead … Next year will be elections for new President, Treasurer, Secretary and 2 Council members

5 Thanks … Thanks to all who have contributed to Council this year, particularly the Council members who are leaving office and especially to Peter Thanks also to Dina Kotecha and Natalie Sharif for all their seen and unseen work on behalf of the Society during the year


7 President’s Report 2012 – 2013

8 Constitution Wording brought up to date Junior membership – Medical Students / F1 / F2 To accommodate change BSHG ---> BSGM Further Amendments to come (2014): Honorary Members – include Carter Lecturers; anyone can nominate Changes reflect the way we do things now

9 Honorary Members Prof Tim Bishop Prof Dame Kay Davies Prof Di Donnai Prof Mark Ferguson Prof Mel Greaves Prof Nicholas Hastie Prof Douglas Higgs Prof Pat Jacobs Prof Alec Jeffreys Prof Bryan Sykes Prof John Todd Prof Veronica van Heyningen Prof David Weatherall + Prof Malcolm Ferguson-Smith All living, contactable past Carter Lecturers, 1984 - 2012 N = 22

10 “Thank you very much for this honour. I have very fond memories of delivering the Carter Lecture. I have also been helped enormously by my interactions with Clinical Geneticists throughout the UK. Our work simply would not be possible without these interactions. I find the Clinical Genetics community to be extremely open, generous and collaborative and it is a great pleasure to be acknowledged as set out your very kind invitation.”

11 “What a delightful surprise to receive your very kind invitation to become an Honorary Member of the Society, which I have no hesitation in accepting. I have always held the Society in very high regard and especially the way in which, in the very early days of applied molecular genetics, it fostered the close connection between clinician and scientist that created such a strong foundation for service delivery as well, of course, for first rate research. It is many years since I did anything useful in medical genetics, so this honour comes both as a privilege and as a reminder of a very happy and productive period in my professional life.”

12 Junior Membership Includes BSHG / BSGM automatically Medical Students: Free subscription F1 / F2:£20 subscription to BSHG Free CGS membership


14 JMG - CPD Panel established: Prof Diana Eccles + 7 Selected articles Multiple choice questions

15 Communication President’s E-Bulletin: x2 / year Welcome letter to new members New BSHG / BSGM website Electronic BSHG Newsletter Facebook Twitter @clingensoc

16 Trainees Money ! Reduced CGS Conference Fee Travel awards Short electives, developing countries Awaiting word from GMC KBA Exam / SCE Well done! … two successful candidates, Sept 2012 Next exam 26.03.13 In future … 3 rd Tuesday of March … 18.03.14

17 The BIG Issues

18 Commissioning NHSCB … 01.04.13 Clinical Genetics … Specialised Commissioning Clinical Reference Group Prof Frances Flinter Recruitment Round 2: East Midlands, East of England, North East, (South Coast) representation Professional Standards Groups: BSHG, CGS, ACGS, AGNC Stakeholder Groups: Genetic Alliance, Unique, UKGTN, PHGF, NEGDC Dashboard National Audit

19 100,000 Genomes NHSCB to commission; pump-prime funding of £100m Rare Diseases Cancer Infectious Diseases CMO – 3 Implementation task groups Science Data Ethics Laboratory Review Genomic Centres Diagnostic Hubs

20 President’s Report 2011 – 2012 3 ‘R’s R outine stuff R eactive (Responsive) stuff Where R we heading? stuff

21 President’s Report 2012 – 2013 3 ‘R’s R ead the R unes and be R elevant

22 Thanks Prof Geoff Woods, Dr Sahar Mansour, Dr Meena Balasubramanian CGS Council Prof Daniela Pilz, Scientific Programme Committee, and BSHG Office – Dina & Natalie CGS Conference 2013 Drs Elisabeth Rosser & Amanda Collins CGS Secretary & Treasurer Peninsula Clinical Genetics Service Others …

23 LE2JOG May 18-23





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