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Waste Water Handle System Design Based on PIC-Microcontroller This paper appears in: Computer Science and Service System (CSSS), 2011 International Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Waste Water Handle System Design Based on PIC-Microcontroller This paper appears in: Computer Science and Service System (CSSS), 2011 International Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste Water Handle System Design Based on PIC-Microcontroller This paper appears in: Computer Science and Service System (CSSS), 2011 International Conference on Issue Date : 27-29 June 2011 On page(s): 2831 - 2833 Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-9762-1 References Cited: 7 INSPEC Accession Number: 12178450 Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/CSSS.2011.5973941 Date of Current Version : 04 八月 2011Computer Science and Service System (CSSS), 2011 International Conference on10.1109/CSSS.2011.5973941 Professor : Yih - Ran Sheu Student : Yao - Wei Tseng Student Id : MA020203 PTT Production Rate : 100 % 1

2 Outline Abstract Introduction Pic(Programmable Integrated Circuits) a. What is PIC-microcontroller? b. PIC Instruction Structure THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM CONCLUSION REFERENCES 2

3 Abstract(1/2) A waste water handle system was designed and constructed. The sampler operation was controlled with a low cost and efficient PIC- microcontroller. 3

4 Abstract(2/2) It could operate under the industrial environment. The human intervention factor was reduced to minimum so that the human health was protected against the chimecally waste water. 4

5 Introduction(1/2) Rivers are the main sources of the water. Detection is implemented by inspecting lots of samples that are collected from these sources at different times. Our device has been designed to automatically collect the required amount of sample in the predefined time intervals. 5

6 Introduction(2/2) The thing the user should do is to define the beginning and the end of the collection process and the interval duration each sample will be collected in. The system is running according to these values. 6

7 Pic(Programmable Integrated Circuits) a. What is PIC-microcontroller? 7

8 Pic(Programmable Integrated Circuits) b. PIC Instruction Structure Each of the instructions written in our programs occupy 14 bits on PIC (pic16c84). First 6 bits of these 14 bits recognize the instruction and the remaining 8 bits carry the related data. 8

9 THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM The system includes the parts named as mainboard, display card and feed card. 9

10 THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM Mainboard is the part where the microcontroller component is built in and all the controls and adjustments take place. The value and the quality of the entered clock can be inspected by means of display card. Feed card is the part that provides the ±5V DC voltage all the ICs need and the ±30V DC voltage that is needed to feed the step motor and the 220V AC voltage for the pump. 10


12 THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM The PIC is programmed to provide collecting the required amount of the water sample in predefined intervals according to the information that are entered by the keys. Step motor control card is made of two circuits which are called as stator trigger sequence generator and stator driver circuit. 12

13 THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM Stator trigger sequence generator 13


15 THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM When the shift register is initialized the load data inputs (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pins) are set to 1001 and mode control inputs are programmed for parallel load. Passing from one sequence to another of the sequence generator is provided by microcontroller component. The ABCD outputs of the sequence generator can’t drive the stator bandages of the step motor directly. A drive circuit has been placed between the sequence generator and the motor. 15

16 THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM The pump control card is made of an opto triac that provides physical insulation and a triac that implements current control. When the PB7 pin of the PIC is on, the optotriac triggers the gate pin of the triac to make it active. When the gate pin of the triac is active it passes the current and the pump begins to operate. 16


18 THE STRUCTURES AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM Display choosing and loading level and key control level are also controlled by the PIC and implemented with suitable integrated circuits. Display level is made of a 4 digit clock component by means of which the entered values are inspected and a menu part that determines the quality of the entered value. 18

19 CONCLUSION Collecting samples from water resources such as barrage and rivers and testing these samples to determine the damages they give to the environment. The system is designed to automatically implement all the functions that are required to be included in garbage water sample collection devices. 19

20 CONCLUSION It is possible visually inspect the drink water by means of a simulation program that will be implemented for the device designed in this study. This study will obtain a very useful interface and be ready to be used in the life. 20

21 REFERENCES [1] SUN Zeng-Qi. Intelligent Control Theory and Technology [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2004. [2] Lou Shun-Tian. Analysis and Design Based on MATLAB– Fuzzy Systems [M]. Xi'an: Xidian University Press, 2001. [3] Gardner, Nigel, Translated by:Cevdet Yalçn, “PIC Programming Manual for the Beginners” Biliim Yaynlar, stanbul 1997. [4] Microchip Technology Inc. 2355, “8-Bit CMOS Microkontrollers With A/D Converter”, West Chandler Bird. 21

22 REFERENCES [5] Lin, S.C.; Luo, C.H.; Yeh, T.F. Fuzzy oxygen control system for the indirect calorimeter of premature infants. J. Med. Eng. Technol. 2001, 25, pp.149–155. [6] Doebelin, E.O. Measurement Systems Application and Design; McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York, USA, 2002, p.876. [7] Culshaw, B. Optical system and sensors for measurement and control. J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 2005, 16,pp. 978–986. 2833 22

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