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Tempe-Feb 20001 The National Science Foundation CISE –ANIR Infrastructure programs THOMAS J. GREENE, Ph.D. Senior Program Director, Advanced Networking.

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Presentation on theme: "Tempe-Feb 20001 The National Science Foundation CISE –ANIR Infrastructure programs THOMAS J. GREENE, Ph.D. Senior Program Director, Advanced Networking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tempe-Feb 20001 The National Science Foundation CISE –ANIR Infrastructure programs THOMAS J. GREENE, Ph.D. Senior Program Director, Advanced Networking Infrastructure Division of Advanced Networking Infrastructure and Research

2 Tempe-Feb 20002 New Directions for ANIR & Network Infrastructure

3 Tempe-Feb 20003 Outline 4 100,000 ft - NSF 4 50,000 ft – CISE 4 10,000 ft – ANIR –Recent History –Staffing status 4 500 ft –ANI 4 Ground zero – the Infrastructure Programs

4 Tempe-Feb 20004 New to NSF Joined NSF-CISE-ANIR as IPA Oct 2000 Career experiences- 4 Formal Study – Physics degrees 4 Director of Admin systems -Director of Academic systems 4 Faculty member of Physics & Computer Science depts 4 MIT –LCS …14 years (mgr of special projects:Computer resources, Scout –NCHPC, W3C

5 Tempe-Feb 20005 What is NSF? 4 Is an Independent Agency of the Federal Government 4 Was established in 1950 to promote and advance scientific progress in the United States by sponsoring scientific research and by supporting selected activities in science and engineering 4 Does not conduct research itself

6 Tempe-Feb 20006 The President of the United States Office of Management and Budget AgricultureHealth & Human Services Interior National Science Foundation National Aeronautic & Space Administration Environmental Protection Agency Smithsonian Institution Nuclear Regulatory Commission Other Agencies TransportationDefenseEnergyCommerce Science Advisor Office of Science & Technology Policy Other Boards, Councils, Etc. Independent Agencies Major Departments US agencies

7 Tempe-Feb 20007 National Science Foundation

8 Tempe-Feb 20008 * * Includes 128 IPA staff (IPA=Intergovernmental Personnel Act) Science Management Agency

9 Tempe-Feb 20009 NSF Modes of Support 4 Individual projects 4 Instrumentation 4 Large-scale facilities 4 Fellowships, traineeships, research assistantships, post- doctoral funding 4 Centers –Research –Science and engineering education 4 Small Business Innovation 4 Workshops

10 Tempe-Feb 200010 NSF Key Proposal Review Criteria 4 What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? 4 What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity?

11 Tempe-Feb 200011 What is CISE? CISE DIVISIONS –(ACIR) advanced computational infrastructure & research –(ANIR) advanced networking infrastructure & research –(C-CR) computer-communications research –(EIA) experimental & integrative Activties –(IIS) information and intelligent systems

12 Tempe-Feb 200012 What is ANIR? CISE DIVISIONS –(ACIR) (ANIR) advanced networking infrastructure & research –(C-CR) –(EIA) –(IIS) ANIR -Division director – Aubrey Bush Research Programs Ty Znati +2 1/2 Infrastructure Programs Tom Greene +2 1/2

13 Tempe-Feb 200013 The ANIR process 4 Goal = Fund proposals! 4 Solicit proposals through program announcements 4 IDEAL --Fund Most? They are thoughtfully and carefully prepared and most should be funded 4 REAL –limited funds –use a peer review process – choose some ______________ MORE FUNDS => FUND MORE PROPOSALS

14 Tempe-Feb 200014 FY 2001 NSF REQUEST 4 NSF = $ 4,600M 4 CISE = $529 M 4 ANIR =$68.7 M 4 I= $45.4M – I= $45.4M – R = $23.3M (

15 Tempe-Feb 200015 Four Networking Infrastructure Communities (Clients of ANI) Network experimenters New IT, computer science Computational Scientists – (biologists, physicists, etc Schools, colleges, educators High End,Virtual Infrastructure High performance Multimedia High Performance Compute Connectivity, medium services QoS, mobilityTelepresenceGrand ChallengeDistance learning A.USA B.INTERNAT A.USA B.INTERNAT A.USA B.INTERNAT A.USA B.INTERNAT

16 Tempe-Feb 200016 THE VISION –Cyber Infrastructure Computation People & Training Instrumentation (large and/or many small) Large Databases Digital Libraries Broadband Network Connectivity Partnership

17 Tempe-Feb 200017 PLANS – Oct 15,2000 4 A. Define new programs 4 B. Find new Staff 4 C. Retire old programs– complete all outstanding proposal processing

18 Tempe-Feb 200018 Status – A, B, C 4 A. --2 new programs written, (1 in process) 4 B. --3 people signed (21/Feb, 1/Mar, 15/Mar) 4 C. -- Catch up on proposals- in process

19 Tempe-Feb 200019 ANI Programs– 4 (NSF 01-63) –MWIR - Centerpiece program for Infrastructure & Research: –Network Centric MIDDLEWARE Services (NSF 01-63) –[] 4 (NSF 01-73) - HPNC - A new connections program focus is next tier institutions [] 4 ( NSF 98-104 ) - Internet Techs - 3 yrs old -rewrite in process. (theme?= End to End ??)

20 Tempe-Feb 200020 Participate in the process 4 Proposals needed 4 Ad-hoc reviewers needed 4 Panel member reviewers needed 4 Fresh ideas –Workshops –Publications –White papers –Committees

21 Tempe-Feb 200021 Conclusions – Important activity Impossible mission 4 Listen! 4 Achieve some measurable results 4 Do not get killed while moving quickly!

22 Tempe-Feb 200022 Thank You!

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