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 Identify different options of cancer therapy.  Most cancers are treated with a combination of approaches.

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2  Identify different options of cancer therapy.  Most cancers are treated with a combination of approaches

3  1-local therapy: › -surgery › -radiation  2-systemic treatment: › chemotherapy. › Hormonal therapy.  3-supportive care.  4-non-conventional therapy.

4  Surgery was the first modality used successfully in the treatment of cancer.  It is the only curative therapy for many common solid tumors.  successful surgical therapy is often dependent on if the cancer has spread beyond the tumor

5  Surgery may be used to slow down the cancer spread in patients for whom cure is not possible.  Has significant role in cancer prevention

6  Patients with conditions that predispose them to certain cancers or with genetic traits- family history


8  Success depend in the difference in the radio sensitivity b/w the tumor and normal tissue.  It involves the administration of x-ray or gamma rays to the tumor site.

9  Planned and performed by a team of nurses, physicians and a radiation oncologist.  Delivered in small doses- 5 times a week for a total course of 5-8 weeks.  main treatment in Hodgkin’s disease, gynecologic tumors & CNS tumors

10  Radiation can be toxic to your healthy cells!  Short term symptoms- Fatigue, local skin reactions, GI toxicity  Can cause other tumors and cancers to develop


12  Chemotherapy is the main treatment available for cancers which have spread beyond main tumor site.  Chemotherapy advances have resulted in cures for several tumors.  Chemotherapy usually require multiple cycles.


14  Alkylating agents:  Antimetabolites:  Antitumor antibiotic:  Plant alkaloids:  Hormonal agent:  Immunotherapy:

15  These CHEMICALS have side effects on normal, healthy tissue.  E.G;, nausea & vomiting and the loss of red blood cells are the most frequently observed side effects.

16  Complete response (complete remission) the disappearance of all detectable malignant disease.  Partial response: decrease by more than 50%  Stable disease: no increase in size of any lesion nor the appearance of any new lesions.  Progressive disease: means an increase by at least 25% or the appearance of new lesions.

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