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Social Bookmarks and RSS Web 2.0 Tools for Educators October 7, 2008 Presented by Michael Lackner Loyola Blakefield School.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Bookmarks and RSS Web 2.0 Tools for Educators October 7, 2008 Presented by Michael Lackner Loyola Blakefield School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Bookmarks and RSS Web 2.0 Tools for Educators October 7, 2008 Presented by Michael Lackner Loyola Blakefield School

2 “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

3 Presentation Resources Available Online

4 ISTE NETS-T Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress. c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

5 Model Digital-Age Work and Learning b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital- age media and formats. d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning. ISTE NETS-T

6 Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Link to PDF of the new ISTE NETS-T (Technology Standards for Teachers) S_T_Standards_Final.pdf S_T_Standards_Final.pdf ISTE NETS-T

7 How big is the Web? In 1998 …. Image courtesy of 26,000,000 web pages Information courtesy of

8 How big is the Web? In 2000… Image courtesy of 1,000,000,000 web pages Information courtesy of

9 Image courtesy of How big is the Web? In July of 2008… 1,000,000,000,000 web pages Information courtesy of

10 How big is the Web? …and growing by… Image courtesy of “ several billion ” a day! Information courtesy of

11 How much information is out there? Image courtesy of

12 So what does it all mean?

13 How do we keep up? Image courtesy of

14 How Image courtesy of do we organize the information we find ?

15 What is ?

16 What is ? Website that helps you save, organize and share your bookmarks online –Internet Explorer Favorites (Web 1.0) –Social Bookmarks (Web 2.0) Links organized by “tags” or keywords (not folders) Links can be given multiple tags

17 What is ? Links have descriptions and notes Can access from any computer with Internet Data on how many others have tagged each link

18 What is ? Current bookmarks / favorites can be easily imported bookmarks can be exported and saved Bookmark(s) can be marked as private (imported links marked private by default) It is Free

19 What is ? Access to so much more….. Discover what others are saving Many collaboration-friendly features (Web 2.0) –Easy to share links with others –Tag It Forward….add this as a tag “for:mlackner” (for:username) to send bookmark to another user –Build “network” of other users –Create subscriptions to tags of interest –Search and browse others bookmarks –Subscribe to RSS feeds of specific tags or other users

20 Anatomy

21 Listing of your “Tags.” Some customization available…

22 So what is a “tag” ? tag is a (relevant) keyword or term associated with or assigned to a piece of information (i.e. picture, article, music or video clip), thus describing the item and enabling keyword- based classification of information

23 One word descriptors Same link given multiple tags Chosen by you Flexible & Fluid Not locked into folders Find a link about Cakes –“tags” recipes, sweets, yogurt, baked_goods –Others have saved links with same “tags” So what is a “tag” ?


25 List vs. Cloud List Visual: Number represents # of links under each “tag” “tag” list can be arranged alphabetical or by # of links Cloud Visual: The darker and larger the “tag” the greater amount of links

26 Browser Buttons: “Easy Button” FIREFOX INTERNET EXPLORER

27 Tagging Adding New Bookmarks TIP: If you highlight a text passage on the page you are about to bookmark and then click the “TAG” button, the highlighted text will populate the “notes” section of the bookmark info…

28 Adding New Bookmarks Copy and Paste the URL of the link that you want to bookmark here. Click on the “Post” button. Add link description, notes, and tags Recommended tags are a combination of tags you have already used and tags that other people have used. Popular tags are what other people have tagged this page as The Wisdom of Crowds: Wikipedia ~The Free Encyclopedia

29 How Many Others?



32 What are others saving?


34 Link Info You can use the edit/delete button to easily update link “tags”, “description”, or info. Click “delete” to remove link from list. List of “tags” used to organize this particular link. Date link was first saved.

35 Adding a Subscription

36 Educational Implications Students gather resource bookmarks on assigned topic, or ongoing research –Create a common tag (i.e. “ LBcompsci ” ) –Add your own subscription to it –Track what students are saving study topics in more depth collaborate on a project connect with others who have saved sites under similar tags or keywords Allows students & teachers greater access to important links (when they need them)

37 Educational Implications One way to start ( or support) your own “personal learning network” Easily add link(s) to teacher website or school Intranet link to all of my bookmarks all of my bookmarks on WebDesign Great way to find valued websites that others have already marked (“wisdom of crowds” phenomenon ) Find more with less work Gives students valuable experience working with “tags” & “keywords” (building critical information literacy skills) Audience Ideas…

38 Highlight Text -added to notes Sample Bookmark

39 What is RSS ?

40 How much information is out there? Image courtesy of

41 The following 3 slides courtesy of Sukhdev Singh, Web Master & Information Technologist from Delhi, India

42 Two Ways This slide courtesy of Sukhdev Singh, Web Master & Information Technologist from Delhi, India keeping-in-touch-with-rss?type=powerpoint

43 Blogs News Journals Databases Old Way: You go and find it. This slide courtesy of Sukhdev Singh, Web Master & Information Technologist from Delhi, India keeping-in-touch-with-rss?type=powerpoint

44 Blogs News Journals Databases New Way: Let them come to you. This slide courtesy of Sukhdev Singh, Web Master & Information Technologist from Delhi, India keeping-in-touch-with-rss?type=powerpoint

45 What is RSS ? RSS = Feeds + Aggregator new content feed collector i.e. NewsGator & Google Reader

46 Benefits of RSS One stop shopping, for your most visited web content Reduces unnecessary searching and surfing Everything in aggregator is something you want ~Because you subscribed to it ~No Spam, No Ads

47 Benefits of RSS No waiting for annoying Flash Animation Ads to load RSS helps reduce email “inbox” clutter Save a few trees Privacy is maintained unlike subscribing to each site’s email newsletter It is Free

48 RSS: “Outside the Box” Specific News Headlines –i.e. local, world, financial, political, etc. News Search Results Web Searches Weather Alerts Traffic Alerts Track Packages Pictures, Videos, & Music Sports News, Schedules, and Scores Podcasts, Weblogs, & Wiki’s Travel & Shopping Deals TV Listings Much More…… Use RSS feeds to track the following……..

49 Google Reader Anatomy My Feeds List # of new articles since last reading Feed Title Article Title Article Summary Tool Buttons: ~Mark Post as Read ~Add to Clippings ~Email Post

50 Adding New Feeds Click “Add Subscription” Paste URL in the blank field or type in search term Click the “Add Feed” button Google News CNN News

51 Adding New Feeds





56 Adding Feeds: a.i. If you are searching for a Feed: 1.Click “Discover” 2.You can view the feeds recommended based upon your interests and other users like you

57 Adding Feeds: Bundles and… Yet another way to search for feeds using GoogleReader 1.Click on “Browse” 2.Next you can choose from the following list: ~Bundles ~Stay Close to Family ~Search and Browse

58 Adding News Search Feeds After finalizing search terms, click the “RSS” link.

59 Adding News Search Feeds Copy and Paste this into the “Subscription Bar” in Google Reader

60 Shared Items

61 RSS: Educational Implications Track the authors, experts, journalists, news related to your curriculum / content Assign students to stay abreast of content related “Current Events” to help stimulate greater depth in class discussions Build students’ Information Literacy Skills

62 RSS: Educational Implications Way to help students study topics in more depth Collect, annotate, and share research for collaborative project Ongoing collection of information gathering (research) Preparing them to be more efficient in how they sift through this information driven world

63 RSS: Educational Implications Teachers can use to easily keep track of student blogs (comments and posts) Administrators can save and share articles for teachers (Dept. Chairs >> Teachers, Teachers >> Students, Admin >>Faculty, Admin>>Parents) For the advanced techies…access your feeds on the go from mobile devices Audience Ideas…

64 “The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult.” ~Madame Marie du Deffand

65 Michael Lackner Technology Coordinator Loyola Blakefield Email: Phone: 443-841-3320 Presentation Resources: School Website: http://www.loyolablakefield.org Social Bookmarks and RSS: Web 2.0 Tools for Educators

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