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Hansen – Managing Safely 1 The Construction (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1996 Mark Mallen Health And Safety Manager Fenlock Hansen Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Hansen – Managing Safely 1 The Construction (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1996 Mark Mallen Health And Safety Manager Fenlock Hansen Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hansen – Managing Safely 1 The Construction (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1996 Mark Mallen Health And Safety Manager Fenlock Hansen Ltd

2 Hansen – Managing Safely 2 Introduction The construction (health, safety and welfare) regulations 1996 Modern Simplified Replace Consolidate

3 Hansen – Managing Safely 3 Introduction Implement EC construction directive Started in `94 - CDM Provide a framework Goal setting Update well-known requirements Lifting operations not included – LOLER `98

4 Hansen – Managing Safely 4 Introduction Protect the health, safety, and welfare Everyone doing construction work Others who may be affected Guidance document –Health and safety in construction

5 Hansen – Managing Safely 5 Contents Duties under the regulations The regulations Examples

6 Hansen – Managing Safely 6 Duties Under The Regulations Main duty-holders –Employers –The self-employed –Those in control of the works Employees –Carry out their own work in a safe way All –Co-operate with others –Report any defects to those in control

7 Hansen – Managing Safely 7 Duties Under The Regulations Health and safety in construction –Practical guidance –How the regulations affect our industry –Details how to comply –States where to get more guidance and further information

8 Hansen – Managing Safely 8 Safe Places Of Work - Regulation 5 A general duty –Ensure a safe place of work –A safe means of access and egress Applies to all construction work –Below –At –Above ground level Requires that 'reasonably practicable' steps should be taken

9 Hansen – Managing Safely 9 Safe Places Of Work - Regulation 5 This means –Action proportionate to risk For example –Work at height –High risk –Therefore –More effort, resource, and time

10 Hansen – Managing Safely 10 Precautions Against Falls - Regulations 6 And 7 Prevent falls from height by physical precautions –If not possible –Provide fall arrest equipment Ensure there are physical precautions –Prevent falls through fragile materials

11 Hansen – Managing Safely 11 Precautions Against Falls - Regulations 6 And 7 Competent person to supervise –Erection of scaffolding –Installation of access equipment –Use of harnesses –Erection of nets Ensure there are criteria for the use of ladders and step ladders –Last resort

12 Hansen – Managing Safely 12 Precautions Against Falls - Regulations 6 And 7 Hierarchy of control - over 2m Do at ground level Provide physical safeguards Personnel equipment –Rope access or boatswain's chairs –Steps or ladders Fall arrest equipment –Harnesses –Nets

13 Hansen – Managing Safely 13 Falling Objects - Regulation 8 Take steps to prevent materials or objects from falling If not, take precautions to prevent people from being struck –Covered walkways Not to throw down materials –If they could strike someone Store materials and equipment safely

14 Hansen – Managing Safely 14 Work On Structures - Regulations 9, 10, and 11 Prevent accidental collapse of new or existing structures or those under construction Ensure any dismantling or demolition –Planned and carried out in a safe manner –Supervised by a competent person Only fire explosive charges –After steps have been taken to ensure no one is exposed to risk or injury from the explosion

15 Hansen – Managing Safely 15 Excavations, Cofferdams And Caissons – Regs 12 and 13 Prevent collapse of ground in and into excavations Identify and prevent risk from underground cables and services Ensure cofferdams and caissons are properly designed, constructed, and maintained

16 Hansen – Managing Safely 16 Prevention Or Avoidance Of Drowning - Regulation 14 Take steps to prevent people falling into water or other liquid Ensure that personnel protective and rescue equipment is –Immediately available for use –Maintained Ensure safe transport by water is under the control of a competent person

17 Hansen – Managing Safely 17 Traffic Routes, Vehicles, Doors, and Gates - Regs 15 -17 Ensure construction sites are organised so –Pedestrians and vehicles can move safely Ensure routes are suitable and sufficient –For the people or vehicles using them Prevent or control the unintended movement of any vehicle

18 Hansen – Managing Safely 18 Traffic Routes, Vehicles, Doors, and Gates - Regs 15 - 17 Make arrangements for giving warning of any dangerous movement Ensure safe operation of vehicles Prohibition of riding or remaining in unsafe positions

19 Hansen – Managing Safely 19 Traffic Routes, Vehicles, Doors, and Gates - Regs 15 -17 Ensure doors and gates are provided with safeguards –Trapping risk of powered doors and gates General guidance is contained in, the safe use of vehicles on construction sites

20 Hansen – Managing Safely 20 Prevention and Control Of Emergencies - Regs 18 - 21 Prevent risk from fire, explosion, flooding and asphyxiation Provide emergency routes and exits Make arrangement for dealing with emergencies, including procedures for evacuating the site

21 Hansen – Managing Safely 21 Prevention and Control Of Emergencies - Regs 18 - 21 Where necessary –Provide fire-fighting equipment –fire detectors –alarm systems Regulations aimed at prevention However, emergency planning needed –Emergency routes –Evacuation procedures

22 Hansen – Managing Safely 22 Welfare Facilities - Regulation 22 Provide sanitary and washing facilities Provide an adequate supply of drinking water Provide rest facilities Provide facilities to change and store clothing An important additional duty

23 Hansen – Managing Safely 23 Welfare Facilities - Regulation 22 Anybody in control of a site has to ensure –Reasonable welfare facilities available –At readily accessible places This does not necessarily mean –Main contractor –Should check that others have

24 Hansen – Managing Safely 24 Site-wide Issues - Regs 23 - 27 Ensure sufficient fresh or purified air is available at every workplace, –Associated plant is capable of giving visible or audible warning of failure Ensure a reasonable working temperature is maintained –Indoor –During working hours Provide facilities for protection against adverse weather conditions

25 Hansen – Managing Safely 25 Site-wide Issues - Regs 23 - 27 Ensure suitable and sufficient emergency lighting is available –Including secondary lighting –If primal or artificial lighting fails Keep construction sites –In good order –In a reasonable state of cleanliness

26 Hansen – Managing Safely 26 Site-wide Issues - Regs 23 - 27 Ensure the perimeter of a construction site is marked by suitable signs Ensure all plant and equipment –Safe –Of sound construction –Used safely –Maintained in safe condition

27 Hansen – Managing Safely 27 Training, Inspection and Reports - Regs 28 - 30 Ensure construction activities –Where training, technical knowledge or experience is necessary –To reduce risk of injury Only conducted by competent people If not –Supervised by those with appropriate training, knowledge or experience

28 Hansen – Managing Safely 28 Training, Inspection and Reports - Regs 28 - 30 Before starting work –Height –Excavations –Cofferdams or caissons Ensure the place of work is inspected And at subsequent specified periods

29 Hansen – Managing Safely 29 Training, Inspection and Reports - Regs 28 - 30 By a competent person –Satisfied work can be done safely –Written reports Frequency depends on type and place –Over two meters weekly inspections –Work in excavations start of every shift

30 Hansen – Managing Safely 30 Training, Inspection and Reports - Regs 28 - 30 Inspections help to –Ensure that safety is monitored –During changing site conditions Reports are generally required every time an inspection is carried out

31 Hansen – Managing Safely 31 Accident – Glasgow University Man fell 2.8m Double arm fracture Sprained wrist How? Why? What? Potential consequences?

32 Hansen – Managing Safely 32 Site Visit Trained? Supervised? Inspected? Risk Assessed? Safe Working Practice?

33 Hansen – Managing Safely 33 Site Visit Safe access and egress? Inspected? Managed?

34 Hansen – Managing Safely 34 Site Visit Safe Access and Egress? Emergency escape route? Inspected?

35 Hansen – Managing Safely 35 Site Visit Adequate protection from falling objects? Risk Assessment?

36 Hansen – Managing Safely 36 The Construction Regs `96 Thanks for listening – Any questions Don’t forget – Be Safe!

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